Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pasapasi thakar karona hoyto kisu maya hoya jay balobasha r maya kokhono e 1e paoya noy Must watch wwwyoutubecom watch more on wwwzemtvcom Use this chart to make something

Mh Raju
Mh Raju Pasapasi thakar karona hoyto kisu maya hoya jay balobasha r maya kokhono e 1e paoya noy........
Sanjiv Jain
Sanjiv Jain Must watch,,,,,,,
watch more on www.zemtv.com
Savannah Aaliyah
Savannah Aaliyah Use this chart to make something funny out of the Month you were born, the Day you were born and the first letter of Your Name. Post your answers bellow and have fun !!! January - I swallowed February - I had sex with March - I gave oral sex to April - I killed May - I bitch slapped June - I farted on July - I shit on August - I punched September - I showered with October - I kissed November - I danced naked with December - I spied on 1 - A Lama 2 - A Gorilla 3 - A Chicken 4 - A watermelon 5 - Justin Beiber 6 - A donkey 7 - An anus 8 - A grasshopper 9 - Borat 10 - Jean Charest 11 - Myself 12 - Your mom 13 - Your dog 14 - My neighbor's 15 - A cucumber 16 - A humpback whale 17 - A pair of double D boobies 18 - Big foot 19 - Nudist 20 - Santa Claus 21 - Prostitute 22 - Darth Vader 23 - Sasquatch 24 - Your Grand-mother 25 - Paris Hilton 26 - A porn star 27 - A Klondike bar 28 - Teddy Bear 29 - A Turkey 30 - Kiwi 31 - A pack of cigarettes A - And I enjoyed it. B - To pay the rent. C - For a pop-tart. D - And I had an orgasm. E - because I was lonely. F - because I am suicidal. G - to get out of debt. H - because I like the way it feels. I - because i'm sexy and I know it. J - to learn japanese! K - to invade your country! L - To pay my taxes. M - Because I was horny. N - To rule the world. O - Because I am a transexual. P - because I have no life. Q - Because it feels soft. R - and I am jumping for joy. S - because I cannot wear pants. T - because I lost my job. U - because the voices in my head told me to! V - to stop world hunger! W - to feel better about myself. X - because I like gummy bears. Y - For you to like me. Z - cause I am fat.
Gustavo Zicatti Raimundo
Gustavo Zicatti Raimundo Se alguém trombar com meu sono por aí avise-o que está tarde e ele precisa voltar para casa logo.
Sherperd Mupanduki
Sherperd Mupanduki E very gud morning gud pple
Tiisetso Lempe
Tiisetso Lempe ya itshepelang h0 m0dim0 0 jwal0 ka thaba ya si0ne e ke keng ya sisinyeha
Creados Para Restaurar
Evangelist Banqoe
Evangelist Banqoe may e l ord open doz of victory for u may he coz hs face to shine on u may he bles u as u go out and as u come in may u c no evil today be protected and delivered may he coz hs face to shine on u again until ur day of manifestation dawns for today in e name of jesus i release u to go forth an prosper in that ur hands wil touch
Túlio Araújo
Túlio Araújo É Lacerda... e agora? Vai alegar o que? Que São Pedro é injusto? #ForaLacerda
Tiago Melgaço Bezerra de Almeida
Tiago Melgaço Bezerra de Almeida Esse jornal é tenso !!!
Meia Hora, capa, terça, 13/12/2011
Gustavo Vilela
Gustavo Vilela Ferias e eu aqui fazendo programa até essas horas ^^
Alexandre Porto
Alexandre Porto Balaio do Kotscho: Trata-se do exemplo mais descarado de manipulação da informação e do tratamento seletivo das denúncias do "jornalismo investigativo" da velha imprensa. Para quê e para quem, afinal, serve esta liberdade de imprensa pela qual todos nós lutamos durante os tempos da ditadura, que eles apoiaram, e hoje é propriedade privada de meia dúzia de barões da mídia que decidem o que devemos ou não saber?
Lançado faz apenas quatro dias, com 15 mil cópias, o livro A Privataria Tucana, do meu colega Amaury Ribeiro Jr., já é o mais vendido do
Christine Thomson Wilusz
Christine Thomson Wilusz Mike thinks it is so funny that I received an e:mail from the AARP regarding a membership....
Lee Ku Lin
Omar Chaney
a wonderful song for the ladies by eazy e RIP EAZY E
Rv Thats New
Rv Thats New Roj Jevi Ek Sawaar Hati Bus Aawva Ne Haji Waar Hati, Etla Ma Maro Fone Ranakyo.. Vaat Vaat Ma Ek Vichar Jabukyo… Mane Mari Jaat Par Ketlo Prem Che? Mane Mari Patibha Par Ketlo Neh Chee? E Kshan Jane
Mary Belew
But a kick kiss for her niece before she leaves. :) Copyright: Photography by Meyer
When he first pulled up in his yellow car, her dad wondered if this boy was right for his daughter, but he would soon learn that D was the one that would win E's heart.They've been together 8 years so lots of people said it was about time they tied the knot. Justin and I were pleased to join them and capture their big day - thanks E+D! :)
Allan Moreira
Allan Moreira 2 homens e meio =D
Chai Chee Hoong
~ [《NFC国家牛只圈养中心》公司,莎丽扎一家月薪大揭密!!!] 我们一起share出去!!! 这位国阵巫统的“养牛”女部长,莎丽扎。 她先利用2亿5千万令吉来自政府借贷给国家牛只圈养中心公司的款额, 拿去外国旅游,买豪华公寓, 然后再狂买值53万4622令吉的马赛地(Mercedes CLS 350 CGI), 她,再用2亿5千万,购买两块价值336万3507令吉的土地! 她,再用借贷,从CIMB ISLAMIC 账户多次缴付款额给 IGNS 公司! 她们一家人,太多钱了! 你们大家知道这位莎丽扎和他的家人在《国家牛只圈养中心》公司里, 他一家人的月薪是多少吗??? 养牛部长的家族在养牛中心的月薪: 她的丈夫 Datuk Dr. Mohamad Salleh Ismail=RM100,000(NFC董事長) 她的31岁的儿子 Wan Shahinur Izmir =RM45,000(NFC 執行主席) 她的27岁的儿子 Wan Shahinur Izran=RM35,000(NFC 行政總裁) 她的25岁的女儿 Wan Izzana Fatimah =RM35,000(NFC 主席) 相关新闻证据:http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/guest-columnists/45500-national-feedlot-centre 她们,当马来西亚人民是“笨蛋”! 她们,有了那么多钱还要狂吞人民的血汗钱——2亿5千万令吉!!! *请大家share出去!!! 我们做了华国文版! share出去给你们友族同胞,帮助他们醒觉!!! 《THE-COW-FAMILY-SALARY》 nothing to do with you, but have something to do with "the cows"! GAJI ANAK BERANAK SHAHRIZAT NFC : Pengerusi NFC = Datuk Dr. Mohamad Salleh Ismail (suami Shahrizat) = Gaji bulanan RM100,000 Pengarah Eksekutif NFC =Wan Shahinur Izmir (anaknya, 31 tahun) = RM45,000 Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif NFC = Wan Shahinur Izran (anaknya juga, 27 tahun) = RM35,000 Pengarah NFC = Wan Izzana Fatimah (anak perempuannya, 25 tahun) = RM35,000
这是重要信息,share出去! 我们要让更多人知道真相! 醒觉吧!!! 别再被国阵骗了!
Taís Vieira
Taís Vieira Lindos filhotes para adoção em SM !!!
Pessoal, Meu marido estava andando com nosso cachorrinho e ouviu choro, olhou dentro de uma caixa e estavam esses dois cachorrinhos abandonados, sem água e sem comida!! Trouxemos pra casa, mas não temos como ficar com eles, Se alguém quiser favor me ligar 8112-7827, O escurinho é macho e a clarinha é fêmea. Me ajudem a divulgar por favor,
Felipe Yung
Felipe Yung Quando se vê o rosto dela gravado na lua, não se sabe se é normal. Sabe-se que ainda é bom ver que não se perdeu a imagem da luz dos olhos . Sentir o vício na busca por estar junto dela, mesmo que distante. Sobreviver das migalhas que ela deixa cair ao passar. Sempre sorrir mesmo que não seja verdade, esconder a dor para que aquela que faz seus olhos brilharem permaneça feliz, protege-la da dor guardada, nunca fazer com que ela perca o foco, aceitar em bom tom o desejado por ela, mesmo que isso faça doer.
Bianca Andrews
Bianca Andrews "What e night,,,,,
Hilario Vinicios
Hilario Vinicios Silvestre esta longe...o rombo...kkkkk e paulao vc me mata...kkkk
Rhuan Ferreira Martins
Rhuan Ferreira Martins hauhauhau nenem e eu!! LOL
Velho, que nojo! Lol

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