Tuesday, December 13, 2011

''' 'o' Hmm ' 'o' Where are you ''' where '''' 'o Ah There u r just want to say Merry Christmas GIVE EARO MY PEOPLETO MY LAW: INCLINE YOUR EARS TO THE WORDS OF MY MOUTHI

Karen Linao
Karen Linao () '''*() (....'o'.) Hmm..... () "'* () (.'o'....) Where are you? ()*''' () (........) where? () ''''*() (.'o-...).") Ah..! There u r... just want to say Merry Christmas
Kimberly Shine ON Delph
Fayez Ullah
Fayez Ullah O-vai ara chatgaia nojuan, doirgar hulot bash gori ara nodidi jargoi jor tuan.
Tushar Solanki
Tushar Solanki God ne achha dil bnaya jo maine paya, Fir God ne achha dimag bnaya jo maine paya, Fir God ne ek achha dost bnaya O hello.. Is bar aapne paya. muskaan
Umar Saad
Haidar-e-Karrar k dushman zalil-o-khuaar hay Akhirat main bhe azaab-e-naar ka huqdaar hay Sordid and wretched is ‘Ušmān Al-Ghanī’s enemy Of the torment on the Day of Judgment, he is worth
Hirondina Lucas
Hirondina Lucas VAMOS ORAR IRMÃOS EDEL nossa que estais no S. Paulo, santificado seja o vosso serviço, que venha à luz aos nossos bairros, seja feita a vossa distribuição, assim nas casas, como nas ruas. A energia nossa de cada dia nos dai hoje, perdoai-nos as nossas dívidas assim, como nós vos perdoamos quando não nos dão luz, e não nos deixeis cair em geradores (fofandó) mas livrai-nos da escuridão. Amén!
Sarai Sharif
Sarai Sharif for some reason my phones outta service O.O that made me sadd:O
Samuel Olubukola Kevin
Samuel Olubukola Kevin Dis harmattan av carry m go finish oº°˚˚°º
Shawna Ballou
Shawna Ballou I so need a nap : O *yawn*
Adetutu Aduragbemi
Adetutu Aduragbemi ☀ ˚°º ƍöôϑ m☺Яηīηģº°˚ !!! Refresh ur body with little sport.. . . <))\. 1,.. _/ ╲_ . /:) . <((>. 2,.... _╱ \_ . .8-|/ . <)). 3,.. _/ \_ . . \(=|/ 4,.... . ._/ \_ . .. <((>,......5 _ _/ |_ , .. /∪\. 6,... _ / |_ . :$> . /. 7,.... _/ \_ , .. /∪\. 8... _ / |_ . :). Came on . <((>. Move ur body. _╱ \_ .. Dont forget to shower............................... || Shower,.. || . Shower,.. || \ /. Shower,.. || <=))> || . (.) || ._/'\_. Yup always spirit ~o) \ <=-P_~o) )) ,>\_ . ♧°˚˚˚°♧♧°˚˚˚°♧Good *¤(*) *(*) **  ¤ ¤ mrorning   (*) . * ¤    * (*)    (*) ¤ * (*)and (*)   *   ¤   ¤      *¤ <3 ¤ <3 ¤ <3 ¤ <3 ¤ <3 ¤ <3 ¤ <3 <3<3 <3 ~o)~||> <3. ._/ \_. nand always stay fit.
Edgar Kopano Mashego
Edgar Kopano Mashego I luv da new mini cooper well its big cnt wait 2 drive one o those sumdy
Yerkin Karimov
Yerkin Karimov http://youtu.be/6punDAIZ_9k
По информации ГУ МВД на митинге Единой России в честь Дня конституции собралось 25 тыс. человек. Во что с трудом веришь, так как речь идет о "пятачке" между ...
Racheal Ugiagbe
Racheal Ugiagbe FOOTBALL NEWS: Former Golden Eaglets Coach,Godwin Izilien has disagreed with the Senate Committee on Sports which blamed Coaches and Footballers for the recent free fall of the Country's football as he attributed it instead to poor administration. Godwin Izilien,a former Super Falcons Coach said that the poor results were as a result of lack of proper organisation by the NFF especially in monitoring the activities of Coaches in major events......IRE O.
Mai Almuhiri
Mai Almuhiri گلَ ﻣ̉آ ﺂ̲ريَدھِ ﺂ̲لـﺂ̲نْ !! رآسِْ عرقوب + شـاهي ع ﺂ̲لضوْ ~o) +قرص+ سمن+لمة الحبايب ۆ صوۆت ميحد يقۆۆۆل : بغيت ﺂيـإﺂم ﻣحسۆبہ ﺣ̃ســآيب ﺂلۆف ﺩ̲يـــآر ﻓ̲يہـآ ﺂلقلب ذآيــب ..
Ana Maria Alvarado
Ana Maria Alvarado BENDICIONES:)
Ali Raza
Elise Nguyen
Elise Nguyen cuoi cung cung da ve toi tpe, chuyen bay ve do hon chuyen di rat nhieu tuy bay toi 14h nhung vi bay 77s AP nay phai lam o EE chi la phu Pl on ground va luc descend thoi, con tat ca time la thuoc EE het gio moi biet lam o EE va EY la dieu suong biet bao. nen moi ng cu bay Lax di chi can lam dang sau la dc roi, se ko bi te tua nhu minh dau.hichichic.
Raji Bolatito Waheed
Raji Bolatito Waheed O you Children of Adam! let not Shaytan seduce u in d same manner as he got ur parents out of d Garden (Q7VS27). Seek 4 Allah's protection against Shaytan. Gud mornin
Mihaela Viorica
Mihaela Viorica Doar stai acolo si ma privesti arzand, Dar e in regula, pentru ca imi place modul in care doare. Doar stai acolo si ma auzi plangand, Dar e in regula pentru ca iubesc modul in care minti. … iubesc modul in care minti… Nu pot spune exact ce e, pot spune doar ce simt Si acum, e ca si cum as avea un cutit de otel in trahee Nu pot respira, dar inca lupt, cat inca pot Atata timp cat cat ceea ce e rau pare sa fie bine E ca si cum as zbura Drogat de dragoste, imbatat de ura Devin narcoman Si iubesc modul in care sufar Ma sufoc Si chiar cand sunt pe punctul de a ma ineca Ma resusciteaza La dracu, ma uraste si iubesc asta Stai. Unde te duci? Te parasesc. Ba nu, nu o faci. Vino inapoi. Ne intoarcem de unde am plecat Si o luam iar de la capat. E o nebunie, pentru ca atunci cand e bine, e fantastic Eu sunt Superman, avand vantul in spate, iar ea e Lois Lane Dar cand e rau, e groaznic, imi e rusine Am cedat, cine e tipul ala? Nici macar nu ii stiu numele Am pus mainile pe ea,niciodata nu m-am injosit atat de rau Presupun ca nu imi cunosc propria forta. Doar stai acolo si ma privesti arzand, Dar e in regula, pentru ca imi place modul in care doare. Doar stai acolo si ma auzi plangand, Dar e in regula pentru ca iubesc modul in care minti. Ai iubit vreodata o persoana atat de mult Incat abia poti respira cand sunteti impreuna? Va intalniti si nici unul nu stie ce s-a intamplat Ai sentimentul acela .. cald, pufos.. Acei fluturi, obisnuiai sa ii ai Acum nu mai suporti sa o ai in fata ochilor. Ai jurat ca nu o vei lovi niciodata, ca nu vei face nimic sa o ranesti Acum sunteti fata in fata si aruncati venin prin cuvinte O impingi, va trageti de par, zgarieturi, ciupituri, muscaturi, O arunci la pamant si o tii acolo, pierdut in moment. Furia a pus stapanire pe voi, va controleaza. Toti spun ca e mai bine sa porniti pe drumuri separate, ei nu stiu.. Pentru ca azi, Asta era ieri, ziua de ieri s-a terminat, E o zi diferita, si suna precum cantecul unor discuri frante. Dar i-ai promis, data viitoare te vei abtine, Nu mai primesti alta sansa, viata nu e un joc Nintendo Dar ai mintit din nou, si acum stai la fereastra si o privesti plecand Presupun ca de asta i se spune “window pane” * Doar stai acolo si ma privesti arzand, Dar e in regula, pentru ca imi place modul in care doare. Doar stai acolo si ma auzi plangand, Dar e in regula pentru ca iubesc modul in care minti. Stiu ca am spus lucruri, am facut lucruri, fara sa vrem Si am revenit in aceleasi tipare, aceeasi rutina Dar temperamental tau e la fel de rau ca al meu Esti la fel ca mine, cand vine vorba de dragoste esti la fel de oarba Pui, te rog vino inapoi, nu ai fost tu de vina, pui, eu am fost Poate ca relatia noastra nu e atat de nebuneasca precum pare Poate ca asta se rezulta cand o tornada intalneste un vulcan Tot ce stiu e ca te iubesc prea mult ca sa plec. Vino inauntru, ia-ti bagajele din drum Nu auzi sinceritate in vocea mea cand vorbesc? Ti-am spus ca e vina mea, uita-te in ochii mei Data viitoare o sa tintesc peretele cu pumnul Data viitoare? Nu va fi nici o “data viitoare” Imi cer iertare desi stiu ca sunt doar minciuni M-am plictisit de atatea jocuri, tot ce vreau e sa vina inapoi Stiu ca sunt un mincinos si daca da dracu’ sa mai incerce vreodata sa plece O sa o leg de pat si o sa dau foc la casa. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Matthew Thompson
Matthew Thompson nobody informed you of me did they weird someonemust be saying nice things again haha i guess what i mean is i attempt to sleep with almost every girl i can or meet and i'm a jaded bitter jerk who hates the holidays has a kid he never sees and basically drinks until he forgets his name on a regular basis so like everyday possible i'm shocked people talk to me sometimes i guess i'm charming or something.............Yea so if this bothers you delete me why not who cares i do kinda but probably will get over it it's not like after three years of isolation loneliness and madness i haven't become jaded bitter and better of dead even my ex-faincee/baby momma agrees i should kill myself so what are you waiting for hit the door everyone else does.Addendum-I don't care about your app requests,how you and your bf are doing,your relationship problems,your problems in general,unless your fucking me i probably won't pretend your important enought o listen to you bitch about your ex or anything,in fact i just don't have the energy to to pretend anything anymor so there we go my blunt honest prevails. time to make lunch and watch always sunny while i lament on why i bothered getting out of bed. And lastly i know of three innocent people who deserve to be alive and 2 of them deserve to have lived much longer.I'd die painfully in their place if i could have so don't come at me with some i'm a selfish person i'd rather i be dead then they be dead at least they meant something to someone.I am god damn fucking sure to shit more fucked up things happen to better people then i on a daily basis i am sure every motherfucking day someones child somewhere dies in their arms so whats your life worth if you can't offer yours up in place of that child's it's nothing end of story.So what if i am some rabid jack-ass who most likely isn't as successful as you or measure up to your standards of excellence who cares other then you right so be awesome and insult me and be even awesomer and attempt to degrade whats already eroding further for the fucking fun of it but just know this outright so that later on you can't say you were not informed that warming my heart is a longer process then defrosting a steak and i'm not dishonorable enough to stand here and say that my life is somehow worth more then yours it sure means enough to me but i think anyone who has lost a loved one to soon or randomly knows that your life is nothing without your loved ones.
Kyle Michael Broyard
Kyle Michael Broyard "Girl you know i got X's and O's, I'm sincerely yours" -Jeremih
Corey K. Kendrick
Corey K. Kendrick http://ping.fm/RADVK
The Schumacher Portable Outdoor Power Unit features a massive 22Ah battery and a 400W power inverter, both of which are extremely useful when tailgating at the game, camping with the family, or whenever the need arises to power your gear. This ...
Tauseef Iqbal
Tauseef Iqbal jo bhi main,kehna chahu,barbad kru alfaaz mere, Oo ya ya,o ya ya ya..
Manoo Sabety-Javid
Manoo Sabety-Javid I didn't know O-Sang had bathrooms.
Helen Sosing Remandaban Ballecer
Helen Sosing Remandaban Ballecer naku.... ang mga may hang over o hindi nakainom ng kape dyan matulog nalang mainit kc ang ulo hehheeh

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