Friday, December 9, 2011

merry christmas everyone http:yearbookcoma20cgpdrefnf good afternoon wishing you all a TERRIFIC day Filled with family friends and time http:yearbookcoma20cgp8refnf CLICK THIS LINK TO SHARE ON YOUR OWN FRIEND'S WALL

Douglas Chaney
Douglas Chaney merry christmas everyone
Shirley Smith
Shirley Smith good afternoon, wishing you all a TERRIFIC day. Filled with family, friends, and time...
Lacinda Mann
Carlos Gonzalez-jimenez
Carlos Gonzalez-jimenez god bless this family and beautiful baby girl<3
Kelsey was born with no heartbeat and pronounced basically dead. But 20 minutes later, a miracle happened and this video shows it all from start to finish. What an amazing story!
Jonny Thissen
Jonny Thissen Repost If you love your mom ♥. If not She'll Die At 10:00 Not Even Taking A Chance . . . . ♥


Sal Pierro
Julien Bordage
Julien Bordage I'd rather have an honest enemy, than a deceitful friend...


Amanda FurlongMeghan DaigleAlaura Gallagher
Raph Stanley
Raph Stanley watch thiss
Re-posted from


MatthewBlancyz CostelloLarrySirplankalot StanleyStan WallaceJake Richie George
MajorGeneral Tonnah Quejo Michael
MajorGeneral Tonnah Quejo Michael I love those that hates me, and give thanks to JAH for those that loves me. For this ...
Willie June Harrington
Found this on Twitter (@Istatefb). It looks like Lady Liberty is a Cyclone fan!
Chris Kline
Chris Kline You should never regret the past, everything happens for a reason. Instead learn from the past, learn from your mistakes, and learn from every experience in life. Your mistakes have made you who you are. And always remember that life is meant to be tough, to challenge you, and to make you stronger.


Vania Parry-Schmidt
Bonnie Waters
Bonnie Waters mmmmm - we like our brownies loaded! nuts, chocolate &/or white chips, leftover candy (when there is any) . . . guess you'd call them garbage can brownies! warm, iced and with a glass of skim milk, so we can have twice as many! bahaha B >:0)
Did you know today is National Brownie Day? Mmmm! Get 15% off all Brownie Gifts from Dancing Deer Baking Co. when you click and enter Survey15 at checkout.
Steve Russell
Steve Russell And, I might add, there is a process in having a 'Past President' barred, removed etc. that, surely, wasn't followed. It seems to me that you can't do this solely because there is a disagreement (or heated argument) between 2 or more people on procedures or the direction the club is taking. There must be more formal guidelines the club has overlooked and are probably in default!!


Paul TrittlerLisa Deakin
Stefan Jacob
Tout a débuté vers 10h quand la police de Mascouche a reçu un appel mentionnant que quatre hommes étaient en train d’en battre un autre. Quand ils sont arrivés sur les lieux, ils ont vu le quatuor prenant la fuite à bord d’une camionnette, leur victime à bord.
Harold Stewart-Powell
Harold Stewart-Powell This pretty much sums it all up. Take a look in the mirror before you judge.
What's the reason for opposing this again?
Ashley Renee Adams
Ashley Renee Adams bread+ham+turkey+roast beef+mustard+onions= a damn good sandwitch hahaha add some chips haha then u got a freakin awesome lunch hehehe
Mthobisi Braveman Khumalo
Mthobisi Braveman Khumalo dts it a nutshell*xx
Deborah Morelli
nel cuore di suo figlio!
Lucinda Harrison
Lucinda Harrison need a cuddle :(


Josh Waters
Karen Louie Boquil
Karen Louie Boquil Good morning...a wonderful and cold morning to all...thank you PAPA JESUS...


J-lou JangDana Eduave
Stéffani Von
Stéffani Von Eu quero um leão
Simon Levesley
Simon Levesley My phone is due for renewal, want a smart phone, any recommendations?
Lf Cooper
Lf Cooper A love that never fails. Those who should have loved you didn't. Those who could have loved you didn't. You were left at the hospital. Left at the altar. Left with an empty bed. Left with a broken heart. Left with your question "Does anybody love me?" God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed, but God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love and HIS love can fill you and leave you with a love worth giving! <3<3<3 So come. Come thirsty and drink deeply.


Barbara Sutton BradleyJacqualine RippyJanie WarrenKeyana Gardner
Kevin Bryson
Kevin Bryson Today's a great day to be an Angels fan! Go Halos!!


Mitchell BrysonJason Loeffelholz
Universo Canario Noticias
Universo Canario Noticias Putin acusa a EEUU de fomentar las protestas postelectorales
Realist Jennings
Realist Jennings eat ya girl up 4 breakfast won't save u no extras, she fuck wit me cause a real nigga her preference

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