Anaid Medrano Theres times when i just feel like giving up on u bt its hard to let u go....
Raine Javier "Real lve s a 2 way street s not... Willfully & selfishly hurt d 1 u lve just 2 mke dem prove they lve u 2..."
Anil Gauchaan Thank u to all my fren for wising me birthday.
Molly Dominguez Olvera If u ain't a cowboy fan it's cause cowboys r men u can't call a fag a fuck all them cowboy haters.
Anallely Avilez In another life i would make u stay, so i dont have to say u were the one that got away!!! <3
Sometimes you promise someone forever but it doesn't work out that way. Watch Katy Perry and Diego Luna star in the sixth chapter of the "Teenage Dream" stor...
Bobbie Thacker lets face the fact ohio is better than michigan :) lms if u aggree
Yeboi T Hunt Lol mmm ain't dat sum Sht, it ain't chewing if I'm jus telling u like it is, dnt ask me ask sumbdy else.. dnt wanna hear bout how u feel bout da next person exspecially wen Dey ain't Herr to listen to dat Sht Cum out to mouf, I have no input for u shawdy.
Evelyn Anoran Nagaya Thank u Heart "Yoshiaki Nagaya" For Ironing the Cloths,Laundry and Delicious Dinner yesterday...Buti na lang Sunday ko inatake ng Dysmenorrhea nandito si Heart.(Itsumo Arigatou...Aishiteruyo!!!!)
Bossman Riche Riche if u on oovoo hit mii up
David Lowe Whats up do u know who i am
Jerry Thomas Ppl kills me... U actin hard on da outside bt on da inside of dat skin u sofe ass fuck...#done
Veronica Vallejo Reynoso Why guys like to play mind games and lies. Oh well it doesnt bother me I keep my head up and movinf foward. There many of u in this world I am done with this game I am leaving u behing:)
Ray Vizcaino So funny story lol this couple I helped at BBB walked into the Godiva store in la jolla and were like "u work here to?" I was like yup haha small world
Keith Davy Like if your singel and comment with a <3 if u wanna change that
Pooja Chettri moon said 2 me if ur frn is not messaging u why don't u leave ur frn.i looked at moon n said does ur sky even leave u when u don't shine.
Hazeleyez Lee Rose red tbh:I feel bad for not giving u a chance wen we were in school because u were so sweet nd kindhearted my focus was somewhere else
Confession:I wish we could have been a little closer
Joe Jimenez ~~LOVE~~ <---- thiz word sux i hate sayn i love u cuz i know u dont and no matter how much i tell u..... I know when u say it u dont mean it u can come back too me ill take u back bu i have too really see tha u love me like u used too im not runnin too u at all like they say "if it wu true love then she will come back" so if you dnt come back then i guessit wasnt ment too be!!!!
Jamie Register God please help me!!! I need u... Please...
Leon Canada Wat do u think about me? :) plz comment or post on my wall :)
Johnny Campuzano Thx to all the people who wished me a happy bday ... and for those who didn't u should be ashamed lol.. jk
Jennifer PrettyPrincess Brown As a girlfriend u gotta accept the fact that bitches r gonna be in his face. But as a boyfriend yu gotta let them hoes know!! stole it n loveit!
Ryder Ben I have a 110 friend's see how much like's i get if u don't like then u a bitch lol \ like
Victor Li hi all if i sent u something wierd in the past 24 hours....its a virus...dunno how but dun click on it >_<
Adan Sanchez yegando al rancho (yuma) a descansar un ratillo antes de ir a trabajar!! miss u hermosa!
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