Rose Ann Esmilla I came because the song that i kept through the years is waiting to be sung. I cannot sing it without you. The song when sung alone will lose the essence of its tune..
Joe Hren Thank you everyone for hanging last night for me and old l-trains bday. The cakes where awesome! Good times. Anyone who could not come for any reason i still love u and dont need to teach you a lesson or anything cause we are all getting older and sometimes its hard to make it to things. i dont take it personal sometimes there is just alot on are plates. P.s. We are not in middle school anymore!
Meshiaa Rip'Peewee Valentine I Swear Dese Bxtches In Dha Way , Fall Dha F'k B'k &' Lemme Have My Relationship ! #11/29 <3
Shanon Christine Hand I am thankful to have such an amazing man in my life. I am thankful he accepts me the way I am, and appreciates and loves me. He makes me feel beautiful inside and out. I couldn`t imagine my life without him in it. <3
Justin King Yay I got a job interview =)
Bronwyn Cook Roll Tide and lets go get them. I am so excited right now.
Jeanne DeBello WHAT A CROCK OF Shit..... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't ike OUR "Customs" and it offends you so much then GO HOME. I will help you pack. You aren't worried about offending ME, are you? They are called customs and we have our traditions. If you agree with this please post this as your status! I AM A PROUD AMERICAN CITIZEN... MERRY CHRISTMAS. Do you have what it takes to repost this? God IS Christmas and a part of my daily life. "In God We Trust." Ame
Marti Pattinson Hello all you people in the good ole USA...Ellen and I having a great adveture as she would say other than her cold :( Going on another adventure tomorrow to Punta Gorda to ... by the way Ellen hacked and wrote this one :)
Moneymakin E TeammSplash If I Was Yah Boyfriend . ? ♥
Tommy Carmack DAMN. I was ready for Texas A&M to play Iowa in the bowl. But it wasn't meant to be. Aggies will play Northwestern. Iowa plays against Oklahoma. SO now all I can say is GIG'EM AGGIES. AND GO HAWKEYES!!!
Tre'Melle FlockaFlame Mixon I dnt have a child anymore I give up I quit. Sry I failed u tremelle
Salvador Rodriguez i heard a cool dicho today ^^ : el que madruga , Dios le ayuda
Patty Miranda-Ramirez Getting ready to party hardy.. Going to turn that place up. Heard we have open bar and everything... Oh yeah!!!
Chuck E Cheese's here we come!!!
Haven't been to chuck e cheese in years.. I mean years...Hubby nd kids have but not me. HA!!!!
Angel Gloria Chavez F%$K with a mothers child(ren) and u will answer to that angry mother. I am no exception, DONT mess with my children. >:[ I dont give a shit, leave my childrens name out of F%$King mouth..... gerrr
Steffani Schwierking Debbie Lackey
One day I want to copy someone's status word for word and see if they notice.
Like · · about a minute ago ·
Brandin Jensen How was that ride in? I guess that's y they call it sin city
Martin Staunton Thanks to all my FB family for your messages, prayers for my healing, and recovery. I'm sorry it's taken so long to bring you all up-to-date on what's going on with me. I'm on medical leave. I've been hospitalized 10 times since my last day at work in mid Oct. I've got a complication with my diabetes that's short-circuiting my digestive system. I'm waiting for an appt. @ Cleveland Clinic. I may need a pacemaker on my stomach. I am humbled by the outpouring of prayers and support. If I had a thousand tongues, I couldn't express my sincere appreciation. You all mean so much to me. I hope to return to work in the near future.
MzMarie Mulloy back home tonight. had such an amazing weekend alone with my Billy Boo..It was a much needed weekend alone together. Already have our 1 year anniversary getaway planned..Love ya Billy..I look in his eyes and know it's love..He's my one and only
Jeff Wilson Three hillbillies were sitting on the porch. The first hillbilly said "My wife is so dumb, yesterday she drug home a brand new washer and dryer, and we ain't even got electricity!" The second hillbilly said "My wife is stupider than yers, yesterday she brings home a new dishwasher, and we ain't even got runnin water!"
The third hillbilly said "My wife is even stupider! Yesterday I was in the kitchen and I saw her purse on the table. Everything was spilled out of it and there was a bunch of rubbers layin there... and she ain't even got a dick!"
Charity Conway 2 likess for each question (:
A - Available :
B - Birthday :
C - Crushing On :
... ... D - Drink you last had :
E - Easiest person to talk too :
F - Favorite song :
G - Grossest memory :
H - Hometown :
I - In love with:
J - Jealous of :
K - Kissed Who Last :
L - Longest friendship :
M - Milkshake flavor :
N - Number of siblings :
O - One wish :
P - Person who called you last :
Q - Question you're always asked :
R - Reason to smile :
S - Song you last sang :
T - Time you woke up :
U - Underwear color :
V - Valuable possession :
W - Worst habit :
X - Boyfriend you miss :
Y - Your last time you cried :
Z - Zodiac sign :
Nubia Lopez Amelia Aguilar I miss you!!!!!
Susan M. Phipps-Harris I wish I had the support system I need.
Monica Fletcher Gamby Haven't been on FB in a little bit..but when I tried to log in tonight, I was locked out....apparently someone from MALAYSIA tried to hack into my FB...seriously ???? now I just hope I remember my new
Jacqueline Baker Why does everybody keep tellin me to put a coat on i dnt wanna put a coat on damn leave me tf alone!! Gettin on my damn nerves
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