Leyla Perez Lms for all I want for christmas is . . .
[] A date with you
[] You ♥
[] To Hang Out With You
[] A Christmas card ^.^
... [] A Huge Hug :D
[] A Kiss
[] A Chance
[] A Present xD
[] Rudolph
[] You and me under the mistle toe
[] Some milk and cookies ;)
You Are...
[] All i Want ' ♥
[] Cute (;
[] Pretty
[] Mean
[] Alright
[] Funny!
[] My Friend
[] Not My Type
[] You're Sexy ^.^
[] Nice (:
[] Fine (;
[] Eww ...
[] Beautiful ♥
[] 1-5
[] 6-7
[] 8-9
[] 10
[] Broke My Scale :O
[] past the point of needing a scale
You should
[] Stop liking my status
[] Make this your status so I can like it
[] Text me
[] Be mine ♥
[] Leave me alone
Brett Torres This ain't loud, this a noise complaint
Smoke like I got a point to make
That's why everytime you see me got a joint to bake
Tell me dog bring his own in case you need a reminder, mister blow it by the
yeah bitch
Hunter Mack Mack This is for tha people that dnt no how to spell my name its Dooby.. Not Doobie who tf is that.. But that how u spell my name.-D....O..O..B...Y...
Gustavo Lima Se o jogo foi comprado, o gol estava na promoção?
Darlene Simon o lord that was awful. i just had the most broken english to spanish written conversation w/ my cousin. :(
Kevin Dinkins Lms and inbox me for answers. a-e... A-love you. B- like u. C- date u. D-dispise u. Never forget u. f-j: rete. f: 1-2 g: 3-4 h: 5-6. I: 7-8. J: 9-10. K-O- you should: K: call me L: text me M: be mine N: leave me alone O: quit prawlin my status. P-T wat i think of u. P-Funny Q-beautiful. R-Ridiculous S-obnoxious. T-Amasing/awesome. U-Y Is a tbh. Z. Choose one letter from each set of five letters for me!
Hesan Creamboi B Jay Am usin dis medium,oportunity,nd tym to say a very big thank u 2 al of u out dia dt made my day,dos dt text,call,wal me,ping me and dos dt msg me,i rili apreciate u all...may God reward u of ur gud deeds and wish u all wat u wish me.frm d depth and innermost of my hrt i say A̶̲̥̅ very bg thank u.a rire bara wa se Oº°˚˚°º

Corol Antonia Celestina Atenção eleitores de Papagaios: vejam quem está nessa lista: Duílio de Castro, Inácio Franco e Jayro Lessa... prestemos atenção!
Estes deputados estaduais votaram pela retirada de direitos da categoria [dos professores estaduais] e aprovaram o projeto de lei do subsídio:
Alencar da Silveira Junior,
Ana Maria Resende,
Anselmo José Domingos,
Antônio Carlos Arantes,
Antônio Genaro,
Antônio Lenin,
Arlen Santiago,
Bonifácio Mourão, Bosco,
Célio Moreira,
Dalmo Ribeiro,
Deiró Marra,
Délio Malheiros,
Doutor Viana,
Doutor Wilson Batista,
Duilio de Castro,
Carlos Henrique,
Carlos Mosconi,
Cássio Soares,
Fabiano Tolentino,
Fábio Cherem,
Fred Costa,
Gilberto Abramo,
Gustavo Corrêa,
Gustavo Valadares,
Gustavo Perrella,
Hélio Gomes,
Henry Tarquinio,
Inácio Franco,
Jayro Lessa,
João Leite,
João Vitor Xavier,
José Henrique,
Juninho Araújo,
Leonardo Moreira,
Luiz Carlos Miranda,
Luiz Henrique,
Luiz Humberto Carneiro,
Luzia Ferreira,
Marques Abreu,
Neider Moreira,
Neilando Pimenta,
Pinduca Ferreira,
Romel Anízio,
Rômulo Veneroso,
Rômulo Viegas,
Sebastião Costa,
Tenente Lúcio,
Tiago Ulisses,
Zé Maia,
Duarte Bechir

Sleepy Reyes One thing nd ive seen ppl lyke dis nd I know. if ur bi or gay or les dont b affraid or ashamed to be lyk dat dpnt deny it cz one way or another ppl r gonna know nd besides dont try to deny wen dey ask cz ur jst bein a weido nd if dey sometin den say do u got a mother fckn problem o que putos. Nd if ur friend tries to avoid u den der fake so b ur self dont b fake to ur self or anyone :)
Jovelyn Padilla Ooopssssssssssssss.......
WaG mO Q sUsUbOkAn, Dmo aLaM pAnU LuMaBan aNg tGa
GENSAN!!!!!! (~_ö)
Christy Lane Johnson Got my lil buddy q-tip a couple of sweaters. i so wish he was a female, uh jus to o cute!
Courtney Nelson -Comment the first letter of your name & ill do what it says.
A : tbh .
B : first impression .
C : rate .
D : How Old Do Yooh Look
... ... E : Would i go out with you ?
F : Swag rate
G : comment one of your pictures .
H : Would i marry you on fb ?
I : i think . . .:
K : would i chill with you ?
L : do i love you ?
M : do i like your name ?
N : would i hug you ?
O : should we talk ?
P : have i ever like you ?
Q : do i want your number ?
R : first thing i would do if i see you
S : i always wanted to ask you . .
T : A Biggg Hug!
U : i love you , on your wall .
V : smash or pass .
W : we shouuld . . .
X : ill inbox yu .
Y : first impression .
Z : get my number
Moises Silva Amanhã dia de trampo aff mas agora é so espera pra compra a camisa do TIMÃO com o escudo da CBF a final meu time é campeão esse ano né, azar no AMOR sorte no JOGO agora eu sei o que isso quer dizer kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Shyra Rene'e LMS ♥Boyyfriend Application ♥
1. How attractive are you ? [] A [] B [] C [] D [] F
2. Are you my type ? [] Yes [] No [] Sort of [] I don't know
... ...
3. Would i give you my number ? [] Yes [] No [] Maybe [] Already Got it
4. Our chances of dating ? [] O% [] 5% [] 10% [] 20-40% [] 50% [] 60% [] 70-80% [] 90% [] 100% [] Idk
5. Do you look like a player ? [] Yes [] No [] Somewhat
6. Your best feature ? [] Eyes [] Lips [] Body [] Personality [] Other [] Everything
7. Rate : [] 1-5 [] 6 [] 7 [] 8 [] 9 [] 10 [] Broke the scale ♥
8. [] Approved ♥ [] Denied 3
Completo, travava o bom combate

Victor Bahiense 1. Qual seu último nome ? Souza
2. Sua idade ? 16
3. O que você está ouvindo agora? Rihanna
4. Quais são os últimos dígitos do número de seu celular? 63
5. Qual foi a ultima coisa que você comeu? Pizza
6. Última pessoa que você abraçou? Não Lembro
7. Quem foi a última pessoa que você falou no telefone: Guilherme
8. Qual sua comida favorita? Difícil
9. Você quer ter filhos? Sim.
10. Você já ficou super bêbado? Não.
11. Cor de seus olhos? Castanhos.
12. Você usa óculos? Sim.
13. Estação do ano favorito? Inverno.
14. Já chorou por um amor? Não.
15. Último filme que assistiu ? It's all 'bout us.
21. Time de futebol? Vasco.
22. Tem animais de estimação? Sim.
23. Você pretende se casar? Talvez.
24. Tem tatuagens? Não.
25. Praia é: Relaxante.
26. Qual é seu sonho? Being Famous.
27. Seu doce preferido?Difícil².
28. O que vai fazer antes de dormir? Canto.
29. Qual o tamanho da sua cama? Solteiro

December 4, 1964 – The Yardbirds: Five Live Yardbirds is released.
# Allmusic 4.5/5
Five Live Yardbirds is the live debut album by The Yardbirds, released in the United Kingdom on this date in December 1964.
In October 1963, the Yardbirds took over The Rolling Stones position at the Crawdaddy Club and had signed a management contract with Crawdaddy owner Giorgio Gomelsky. After going on tour with Sonny Boy Williamson the band got a contract with Columbia Records and released the singles "I Wish You Would" and "Good Morning Little Schoolgirl".
Many of the songs on the album including "I'm a Man" and "Here Tis" feature a "Rave Up", which was an instrumental interlude which starts low and builds to a climax. Guitarist Eric Clapton credits the rave up to bassist Paul Samwell-Smith. The use of the "rave up" is evident in the fact that the songs "Smokestack Lighting", "Respectable", "I'm a Man", and "Here 'Tis" appear on the US release Having a Rave Up".
by Bruce Eder, allmusic
Five Live Yardbirds was the first important -- indeed, essential -- live album to come out of the 1960s British rock & roll boom. In terms of the performance captured and the recording quality, it was also the best such live record of the entire middle of the decade. Cut at a Marquee Club show in 1964 , Five Live Yardbirds was a popular album, especially once Eric Clapton's fame began to spread after leaving the band. Although the album didn't appear officially in the United States until its CD release by Rhino in the late 1980s, four of its tracks -- "Smokestack Lightning," "Respectable," "I'm a Man," and "Here 'Tis" -- made up one side of their classic U.S. album Having a Rave Up, and the British EMI LP became a very popular import during the early 1970s as a showcase for both the band and the playing of Eric Clapton. That album had astonishingly good sound, which was not the case with any of the reissues that followed, on vinyl or CD -- even Rhino's compact disc suffered from blurry textures and noise, though it was an improvement over any release since the original EMI LP. The 1999 Repertoire Records reissue is the first CD that matches the clarity and sharpness of the original LP, and along with that improvement, their original concert has been very sensibly expanded with a half-dozen live cuts from roughly the same period, recorded at the Crawdaddy Club. Among them is a killer live version of the Billy Boy Arnold classic "I Wish You Would."There's also a pair of live tracks from German television in 1967 -- "I'm a Man" and "Shapes of Things"; the two, in a flash, make up for what they lack in perfect fidelity.
Side one
"Too Much Monkey Business" (Chuck Berry) – 3:51
"Got Love If You Want It" (Slim Harpo) – 2:40
"Smokestack Lightning" (Howlin' Wolf) – 5:35
"Good Morning Little Schoolgirl" (H. G. Demarais) – 2:42
"Respectable" (O'Kelly Isley, Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley) – 5:35
Side two
"Five Long Years" (Eddie Boyd) – 5:18
"Pretty Girl" (Ellas McDaniel) – 3:04
"Louise" (John Lee Hooker) – 3:43
"I'm a Man" (McDaniel) – 4:33
"Here 'Tis" (McDaniel) – 5:10
2003 bonus tracks
"You Can't Judge a Book by Looking at the Cover" (Willie Dixon) – 2:56
"Let It Rock" (Berry) – 2:16
"I Wish You Would" (Billy Boy Arnold) – 5:53
"Who Do You Love?" (McDaniel) – 4:07
"Honey in Your Hips" (Keith Relf) – 2:27
"A Certain Girl" (Naomi Neville) – 2:17
"Got to Hurry" (O. Rasputin) – 2:47
"Boom Boom" (Hooker) – 2:24
"I Ain't Got You" (Calvin Carter) – 1:59
"Good Morning Little Schoolgirl" (Studio Version) – 2:44
*Tracks 1 to 10 recorded at the Marquee Club, in London, England on 13 March 1964.
*Tracks 11 to 15 recorded at the Crawdaddy Club in Richmond, Surrey, England on 8 December 1963.
*Tracks 16, 19-20, released in 1964, are singles.
*Tracks 17-18, released in 1965, are singles.

Sean Bowman 49ers had a lil set back last week but we won our division today. o and them steelers coming to the bay area next monday and i aint talking bout frasyer. get ready steelernation
Ngo Van Thai 07h34" kế hoạch cho hôm nay là ... ?
ờ ...gỡ gạc nào...!
Thái ơi cố lênnn
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