Rikki Colen 4 likes
I'll Do My ABC'S (:
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
... D- Drink you last had:
E- Easiest person to talk to:
F- Favorite song:
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone:
L- Longest relationship:
M- Milkshake flavor:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who you last called:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- X-rays you had:
Y- Your last time you cried:
Z- Zodiac sign
Danielle Almeida "O futuro não é um lugar onde estamos indo, mas um lugar que estamos criando. O caminho para ele não é encontrado, mas construído e o ato de fazê-lo muda tanto o realizador quando o destino."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Zach Lee 10 likes and I'll do my ABC's♥ (:
A - Available:
B - Birthday:
C - Crushing on:
D - Drink you last had:
E - Easiest person to talk too:
F - Favorite song:
G - Grossest memory:
H - Hometown:
I - In love with:
J - Jealous of:
K - Killed someone:
L - Longest relationship:
M - Milkshake flavor:
N - Number of siblings:
O - One wish:
P - Person who called you last:
Q - Question you're always asked:
R -Reason to smile:
S - Song you last sang:
T - Time you woke up:
U - Underwear color:
V - Violent memory:
W - Worst habit:
X - X-rays you had:
Y - Your last time you cried:
Z - Zodiac Sign:
Tyler Lee Barnhart A&E might have Storage Wars, but I have poking wars. >:3
Jae Millz 720 Waves : ) I Dont Use Wave Grease H*E
Cássia Kiss Além do meu Timão ganhar hoje, o que me deixou bem feliz. O MELHOR DO MELHOR DO MELHOR do meu dia foi a tarde e noite que passei com o amor da minha vida!
Tudo bem que você assumiu que pretende me enrolar mais 8 anos, mas ainda assim te amo. :D
Bruno Palmieri Vrech Rigo que nossas "férias" cheguem logo!
Sravanthi Reddy Hi friends good morning..malli e roju clg ki vellala..
Sukhraj Singh Bal ♥ ਕੋਈ
ਸੋਹਣਾ ਬੇਹਿਸਾਬ, ਕਿਸੇ ਦੇ ਨੈਣਾਂ ਚ
ਸ਼ਰਾਬ, ਤੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਦੀ ਕਾਤਿਲ ਤੋਰ
ਹੁੰਦੀ ਏ,,♥
ਉਂਝ ਭਾਂਵੇ ਜੱਗ ਤੇ ਨਾ ਸੋਹਣਿਆ
ਦੀ ਘਾਟ, ਪਰ ♥ਦਿਲ♥ ਮਿਲਿਆਂ
ਦੀ ਗੱਲ ਕੁਝ ਹੋਰ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਏ....♥..
Dua E Qunoot (21 Ramadan) By Imam O Khateeb Of Masjid Al Haram Dr.Shaykh Sudais
Gurjit Singh Me aksar dekhda ha ud-di
raakh jisam-e-khwab
jihre khaak kr gyi
tain kora jawab de-ke
Yay! im still alive :D finally decided to make another Lyric Video.. :P on mih favorite song :]] i Dunno what song to do next... x.x comment, rate, and subsc...
Samantha Lee Harper type the word Bestfriend and see who pop's up
B-Brittnee Wilson
E-Talia Charm Edmondson
S-Samantha Rae Gibson
T-Tonya R. Cooke
F-Fallon Jones
R-Richard Javon Karim
I-Josh Idga F Harper
E-Brittany Harper
N-Noah Osborne
D-Brittany Drake Lovezyou
Audrey Hepburnn Fuck you for leaving me here to fend for myself. "I'll always come back to you." After you fucked all of my friends, and yours. You're right, you always came back. :) and then you went off with your best friend and became something you always fucking hated about her, a w-h-o-r-e. And I'm not one to judge but I can't help but think that you're better than what you've become.
Brenda Paladino "Rsrs" é risada de tarado de chat da UOL. E tenho dito.
João Gustavo Pronto, agora vou dormir, e o choro é livre :* até SEGUNDA moçada HAHAHHAHA
Juliana Guastella Meu aniversário está chegando e eu aceito/quero o Jake Gyllenhaal de presente. Obrigada.
Jake Gyllenhaal: Saturday Stroll with a Friend
James Dewhirst I have started playing City Story FREE on iPhone and I think you will like it too! Click http://fs.teamlava.com/t.php?redirect=r:11&is=e to start playing and be my neighbor!
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Mil Ey 5 likes(:
A- available : YES<3
B- Birthday : November 23rd 1992
C- crushing on : Nick :/
D- drink you last had : Water
E- easiest person to talk to : Nøah Lindsey Cyrus
F- favorite song : I'm sexy and I know it
G- gummy bears or gummy worms ? : Bears
H- hometown : Nashville
K- killed someone ? : Nope
L- longest car ride : Idk..
M- milkshake flavor : Chocolate
N- number of siblings: 5 (Noah, Brandi, Trace, Christopher, Braison)
O- one wish ? : To have someone love me
P- person you texted last : HerSessy ßooThang
Q- question you are always asked : Are you a virgin
R- reason to smile ? My sister
S- song you last listened to : Jojo too little too late
T- time you woke up: 9:30
U- underwear color : Pink(;
V- violent moment you had : Paparazzi
W- worst habit : Biting nails
X- x-rays ? Lots
Y- yoyos are : Sexy(;
Z- zodiac sign: Sagittarius<3
Carla Ohrana Esse fixador da Charming é muiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiito cheiroso cara *-*
Márcia Fernandes Pipoca, guaraná, amor e Timão campeão.
Nicolas Richardy Não entendo a raiva dos vascaínos, como eles não se acostumam com o vice?
É algo normal já na vida de vocês... Sei que vocês não disputam muita coisa, e quando disputam perdem, e se iludiram achando que seriam campeões... Mas fiquem tranquilos, um dia vocês serão, ou não...
Gleydson Santos Assim se foi mais um final de semana Massa curti bastante cansado? Nada esperando o próximo.Chegando o final do ano.Vou fazer o meu 2012 ser melhor que e esse ano ...
Samantha Kirk I had such a good time at Chuck E Cheese today!
Christopher Lester FORSALE
hey facebook i have 2-12" ALPINE type Rs with
1-14"x16"x32" sealed box and
1-Rockford Fasgate POWER T500 series 1db amplifier...
1-IXOS 750watt 1farad capacitor and
... 1-12ft stinger 6000 series RCA cable
1-stinger 6000 series 1/0gauge 17ft power cable
with a inline 300amp fuse and a 3ft 1/0 gauge ground cable
listing price on the E-net for all these items is a little over $1750.00
im asking $1250.00 O.B.O i must sell it soon so please message me ASAP THANK YOU
Viiq Canute E esse povo aqui do face , que não são Corinthianos em ? ficam falando , que ganhamos porque foi fácil , que vamos passar vergonha ano que vem ? Ah para né ? só tenho uma coisa a dizer para vocês '' falam muuuuito , seus invejosos '' {:
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