Mik Gates I have made some business decisions regarding my Upscale Girls Night Out. If you are effected by the decisions, you will receive a call from me this week. Please do not take my BUSINESS decisions PERSONAL.
Jaysen Quintana Uhhhhh. I'm... Soooo ... Carsick..... Uhhhhhhhhh (little tip. Never EVER go to mcdonalds and have a big Mac a little bit before taking a long car drive, or else you will be like me.)
John Harrison Palacio Giants vs packers it was a great game! If we play da way we played tonight Dallas cowboys r in serious trouble!
Joseph Noland Sunday night football! Hope to see a high scoring game!
Nicole Danielle Its been a really chill day. Just watching chris clean up. Sunday night slow jams<3
Arman Andican Say this slowly: God I need you and love you. Now repost this a miracle will happen, if you don't something bad will happen to you.
April Wood Gordon Had a great day with my church family!!! Now ready for bed!! Good night all!!
Linnea Johansson A few years back, I did an event in Wilmington, MA and there was woman guest with an Irish accent...and we all laughed when I said "You're from Ireland!!" But then, I told her that her husband was from England, the same area that Madeline McCann was from...and that her husband had gone to school with Jerry McCann, the child's father...
Amy Reynolds-stillwell praying for DJ.Please pass it on that she will be ok!!!!.She passed out at her moms house in the bathroom.She is at the hospital now and being taken care of.We dont know whats wrong but we know that god will take care of her and bless the people who are working on her that they can help her.please take a minuet to pray.
Kaylyn King I Hate When You Dont Like Someone But They Send You A Friend Request & You Know They Tha Fakest Person & Cant Stand Them. Smh. Females These Days.
Jamron MadeMan Williams If we don't hurry up and get a playoff system for NCAAF I'm going to boycott. It won't mean shit to NCAA cause they still will rake in billions.....but to me it will be everything cause I STOOD UP 4 WHAT I BELIEVED!!!!!!
Troy Dillinger On the next commercial break head over to AustinVarietyShow.com and get super-discounted tickets you can use anytime for a year!
The Austin Variety Show | A television show about a television show about Austin, Texas. Local world class comedy, music, performers, dancers, burlesque and a game show!
Paul Quevedo "you sure you guys cool?"
"two balls in a sack bro!"
Laquanda Monroe Sittin here wit sum slow music playin thinkin how better shit will be if a hoe just stay the fuck ont me n his business
Manuel Hernandez Done with weekend work now getting some SONIC!! :) BIG HUNGRY! and praying a lot for the losses my family and my friend Julius Perez have suffered.
Daniela Moreno Once aqain my day was ruined by a guy...girls dnt let anyone bring u down especially boys!!!
Porsha Lewis Feeling a lil bad smh i wish i would have seen u today =(
Shanna Everitte Oh yea baby ROLL TIDE !!!! Party in New Orleans getting a suite on burbon street and parting with all the "BAMA FANS"

Dave Ellis Time well spent in Dallas last three days at MLB Winter Meetings with Strength and Sports Medicine folks. Lots of great Anti-Doping meetings. CPSDA is a partner organization with PBSCCS. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Professional-Baseball-Strength-Conditioning-Coaches-Society/222072364496010
The PBSCCS is a society of Strength and Conditioning Coaches composed from both Major League and Minor League baseball teams. It is committed to raising awareness about its role in professional baseball. Moreover, it is focused on the implementation of proven Strength and Conditioning principles & philosophies, community youth awareness programs, and long term skills promoting performance and health. Through these programs, the PBSCCS will empower its coaches with the knowledge, skills, ethics, and competency to continue to increase the credibility and recognition of its coaches.

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