Kiandra Morgan I knt believe in 25 days youll be one des boy how time flys..mommy luvs u so much lil tits
Og Meme Kertified Prox Rotf smh u gurls play to muxh
Carlos SickFlowz Nivar some niggas got no game at all...haha ijs step ya shit up if u trying to get with a wifey type girl...that u "sexy" or "beautiful" line only works on hoes.
Sya Zawanah Bz Morning .. What a beautiful morning '
just like this if u want me to like ur status back ... #nothing to do#
Mimi Marie Love I Hatee "Mondays Lms If U Hate Mondays Too
Luis Brown Nigga I can get u touched for a small fee
Azalea Love Lms
If u wont a christmas present
Jasmine Roberts im like na na na laughin at u bitches like ha ha ha ; )
Adewale DonTrump Adams If u clicked anything that my squad and I have posted, we would like to thank u! But, we need y’all to like our page to let the world know u feelin us. Remember, we do this 4 those who want real hip-hop music back and we do this for the Commonwealth of Virginia. We The Ones… Ain’t hard 2 find us, everything is COUPTAKEOVER!!!
Twitter: @TheCoupCrew
YouTube: Couptakeover
Facebook: Couptakeover
Mel-Michelle, Jae Aye, Saliano Black, GR, Cash Clay, C.E.O., Don Trump
Michele Bby'Face Lawson If u in a relationship wit a boy nd eat a girl pussy is that cheatin ?? #COMMENT
Chelsea Meza not gonna lie i know im datin ur frend but i honestly really like u...u know who u r
Skittlez Barbietoyoken Ferrell At wrk bored missn da don and my grown ass daughter. Wish i was at hme n da bed wit dem. She'd mst likely b doin da peoples elbow n my stomach. My family. Lov u bill.xoxo
Joshua Aaron Geissel f is for friends who do stuff together
u is for you and me
n is anywhere and everywhere down in the deep blue seaaaa
Melissa McCarter Yeah packers! They are awesome! Went to sams and got dog food and then went to wal-mart and bought toilet paper and a christmas gift for maegan. Ran into grim at wal-mart. He looks good. Talked to scott, he is okay. Worried about his dog and kid, but otherwise okay. It is cold today. I just can't seem to warm up for some reason. And I have two layers on! Brooke is sick, hope u feel better soon. Dogs are all in the house. Had to buy a new collar for bri, cacayo chewed bri's collar up today. They were playing and cacayo tugged on bri's collar and it fell apart. Maegan picked out a pink camoflauge collar for her. Looks good on her. Will just have to see how she does with a regular collar. Suppose to get really cold tomorrow with possible snow. Yeah winter is here. Going to go to the farm and try to find my christmas stuff tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great night. Peace and love me.
Tiera Edge idk why ppl gotta hate its rediculous i mean wat for ur happy rite sheesh its lik u cnt live ur life anymore these days without somebody puttin their two cents in ugh..
Jody Artis "put somethin in it open up da package u kno wats in it u somethin to see i perform free whn i see yo ocean ima drop in my potion from a hard days work massage u wit lotion" its mr jody baby get it or wait for it
JaJuan TheArtist Gordy Michigan is going 2 a BCS bowl game, the Sugar bowl & Michigan State is going 2 the Outback bowl. Well that's what happens when u don't take care of business they could've been in the Rose bowl right now smh...It's almost gametime Go Lions!!!
Marcia Loyd Amazing! That little boy had an angel on his shoulder!
A baby falls from a 7th floor condo balcony to the pavement below. This segment was taken from Episode 622, "Miracle Rescues" themed episode, which aired on ...
Jeff Zimmerman Sucks growing up got 2 do things u dont want 2 do
Thayeng Lor LMS if u want to play bball with me
Jonathan Cervantes I just want this fun night with her the only time im feeling right is when shes by my side im always guna love u not trying 2 fuck u cuz u my bestfriend
Antonio Easterling Cowboys (cowboys) cowboys...... #pitiful... To be a cowboy fan u hve to hve a good heart (because) dem niggas will giv someone a heart attack.. Wtbs: abt to find somthn to do #styll lovn dem cowboys BLEED DAT
Lanea Bridges - what would you do if somebody said "We not cool no more because you dont like me" #Weakk. and they still trynna talk to you sayin they miss u and all. (WTFudge). Havin #Mixed Emotions , #BiPolar
Mario Daniel Santos Can u seriously over think something?
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