Golden Key Thanh Hoa For fun :D
Boy:I Bet I Can Make U Say "I LOVE U"
Boy:Ok, Lets Try!Say Blue...
Boy:Say Pink
Boy:Say Love
Girl:LoveBoy:What 1+1
Boy:How Old Are You??
Boy:Haha!! I Told U I Could Make You Say 19!!
Girl:No, You Said You Say You Could Make Me Say
Girl:Ohh :-O:p
Jhosam Dayao hanggang
sapat na
bang ipaglaban
mo ito
dapat nalang
hindi ko
pero dapat
tandaan mo
wag kang tatakbo
pag may
Mona Angelescu se zice ca atunci cand moare un om, se aprinde o stea..
Tangchadakorn Thanalak ....(^O^).....LONG LIVE OUR KING.....(*O*)....ขออำนาจคุณพระศรีรัตนตรัย พระพุทธ พระธรรม พระสงฆ์ องค์พระโพธิสัตว์ทุกพระองค์...... องค์พระอิน พระพรหมทุกพระองค์.....เหล่าฤๅษี... เทพยดา.... เทวดา.... นางฟ้า.... ทุกๆ.....พระองค์ในสากลโลกช่วยดลบันดาลให้พระองค์ทรงพระเกษมสำราญ ทรงพระเจริญยิ่งยืนนาน เป็นมิ่งขวัญชาวไทยชั่วกาลนาน..ด้วยเกล้าด้วยกระหม่อม ข้าพระพุทธเจ้า Thanalak Tangchadakorn ขอเดชะ
วันนี้ ... เป็นวันเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษาครบรอบพระชนมายุ 7 รอบ...ขอให้ทรงพระเกษมสำราญ ทรงพระเจริญยิ่งยืนนาน เป็นมิ่งขวัญชาวไทยชั่วกาลนาน..ด้วยเกล้าด้วยกระหม่อม ขอเดชะ
Shyne L K Thomas-Bill hello ppl what up eh? was good 2 see my auntie bern today! & my cousin & cousin on tha way n uncle cuzzin wayn-o lol
Alyx Finnell i give up on shopping. o:
i think ima go to bed.. cause i feel like crap..
Samantha Sobba Had a colossal sized spider on me earlier! #freakedmeout :O
George Lujan Jr. Woo yea packers baby yea green n yellow ima cheese head ya'll niggas is cheese wizz lol but yea packers 12-0. O yea udefeatd team yea woo baby go pack go
Erick El Enamorado Sosa LMS ;d
[] Jordans’ – Damm ! ;D
[] Vans’ – I’♥ Youuu !
[]Nikes '- Can iii Have Your Number .? (;
[] Addidas '- Text Me.
[] Polo ' – Your Sexy [
... [] Aero '- Your Beautiful' ♥
[] Hollister' – Youu Look Good ^.^
[] Taylor' Gang – $wagg [:
[] Bukl'e – Youur Worth My Life ♥
[] U.S.P.A '- Stranger ;o
[] American 'Eagle – Your Alrighttt <
[] Forever21' – We Need To Chill. [:
[] Abercrombie' & 'Fitch – Your Cute ♥
[] Goodwill '- Old friend
[] Post This On Your Wall So i Can Like it ' (:

Kay Nichole Comment Your First, Middle, &Last Initials!
A : TBH .
B : First Impression .
C : Rate .
D : Smash Or Pass .
E : Would iGo Out With You .?
F : Kiss Or Diss
G : Comment One Of Your Pictures .
H : Would iMarry You On Facebook .?
I : iThink . . .
J : Swag Rate
K : Would iChill With You .?
L : Do iLove You .?
M : Do iLike Your Name .?
N : Would iHug You .?
O : Should We Talk .?
P : Have iEver Like You .?
Q : Would We Have Fun 2Gether .?
R : First Thing iWould Do If iSee You . . .
S : iAlways Wanted To Ask You
T : How Old Do You Look .?
U : iLove You , On Your Wall .
V : Would iFuck Around With You .?
W : We Should . . .
X : I'll Inbox You .
Y : First Impression .
Z : Kiss On The Cheek , Or Mouth .?
A'lantay Vs Akeem Not one to walk out on a situation w/o proper dismissal .. But I refuse to sit around n wait to c when u wanna deal w me. So I'll put it like dis, 12 o clock hit w no contact, I'll b closing another chapter of my life.
Dillon Ovalle All dne with drill lng drive home time to tune out and get hme o YES can wait
Flavia Ramos para o atleticanos..... Vem 6 ,vem 6, me derrubar, vem....
Adeyemi Alaba Adediran Iseya!iseya,...omo ogun iseya,eledunmare isemaya o,he.iseya.good moring let's go to our work.bec omo ogun ko ki nse oleeeeeeeeeeeee
Takumi Ito ネイティブに言われた5箇条
You know
文頭の副詞 Actually, Basically など
確かにネイティブにとっては、ノンネイティブが使ってるタイミングが気持ち悪くて耳につくと 不快なんやろな
Thiago Cezar Fujita Parabéns ao Corinthians e aos Corithianos pelo título. Com certeza foi o time mais regular do campeonato.
obs: Meu pesar pelo grande craque Sócrates!
Yohana Ramos Um jovem que trabalhava no exército era humilhado por ser Cristão. Um dia seu superior querendo humilhá-lo na frente do pelotão chamou o soldado e disse: Pegue esta chave, vá até aquele Jipe e estacione ali na frente. O jovem disse: Não sei dirigir. Então disse o superior, peça ajuda a seu Deus. Mostre que ele existe. O soldado pegou a chave e começou a orar, depois ligou o veículo, manobrou e estacionou perfeitamente. Ao sair do Jipe o soldado viu todos de joelhos, chorando e dizendo: Nós queremos teu Deus. O jovem soldado espantado, perguntou o que estava acontecendo. O superior chorando abriu o capô do Jipe e mostrou para o jovem que o carro estava sem motor. Salmos 55:22 Confia os teus cuidados ao Senhor, e ele te susterá; jamais permitirá que o justo seja abalado.

Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord
Praise and exalt Him above all forever
Angels of the Lord bless the Lord.
You heavens, bles the Lord
All you waters above the heavens, bless the Lord
All you hosts of the Lord, Bless the Lord
Sun and Moon, Bless the Lord
Stars of heaven, bless the Lord.
Every shower and dew, bless the Lord.
All you winds, bless the Lord
Fire and Heat, bless the Lord
Cold and chill, bless the Lord
Dew and rain, bless the Lord
Frost and chill, bless the Lord
Ice and Snow, bless the Lord
Nights and days, bless the Lord
Light and darkness, bless the Lord
Lightings and clouds, bless the Lord
Let the earth bless the Lord
Praise and exalt Him above all forever.
Mountains and hills, bless the Lord
Everything growing from the earth, bless the Lord
You sprints, bless the Lord
Seas and rivers, bless the Lord
You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the Lord
All you birds of the air, bless the Lord.
All you beasts, wild and tame, bless the Lord
You sons of men, bless the Lord.
O Israel, bless the Lord
Praise and exalt Him above all forever.
Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord
Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord
Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord.
Holy men of humble heart, bless the Lord.
Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord.
Praise and exalt Him above all forever.
Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Let us praise and exalt Hom above all forever
Blessed are you Lord, in the firmament of heaven. Praiseworthy and glorious and exalted above all forever.
Photography by Paweł Woźniak Fotografia

Amanda Stone really never asked for nothinn more than unconditonal love...compassion....understanding and patience....and when i was wanting someone to tlk to no one one cared enough to give me the time o day
Javis Tp Aprenderé a no sufrir cuando un amigo te nombre aprenderé a aceptar que junto ami no te tengo aprenderé a negar a mismo que te quiero como no he querido yo aprenderé a sacar este dolor de mis venas aprende a sacar todo este amor de mis venas... Tkm aunque no lo creas eres un ángel en mi vida pero no se que piense de mi o que si te importo como un amigo o como algo mas aprenderé a intentar no quererte mas de lo que ya te quiero tu sabes para quien es tkm
Franklin Chao pra quem tava falando q o galo entregou o jogo
Presidente do Atlético-MG afirma que prêmio de R$ 1 milhão prometido aos jogadores por fuga do rebaixamento não será pago
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