Brandan Binkley-Johnson FYI-preview w/o kids!Too funny!!!
Matheus Bahia Acabou.
Torci, gritei, xinguei, enfrentei sol, chuva, fila, estádio cheio, gastei dinheiro, convoquei a galera, convenci gente a ir ao jogo, fui de trem, fui de carro, fui como dava pra ir, cornetei, cobrei, fiz tudo ao meu alcance...mas principalmente ACREDITEI ATÉ O FINAL. Mais um ano que não deu...mais um ano sem libertadores. Mas ano que vem a gente volta com tudo outra vez porque TEM QUE TER PAIXÃO!
Vamos, Fogão, 2012 é tudo nosso!
Troy Sidebottom Hope everyone who has A bike got out sat..Hope the season is not over yet.Had good at (two lane) (5 O clock charlies) (hoggies) nice ride'' good people''
Deejay Jay Steel My GOD na ur hand I dey o help my life
Yuvia Iroga Girl: hi Syg..:*
boy: hii honey...(sending failed)
girl: Nape u tak jwb?? :(
boy: I jwb ni syg...(sending failed)
girl: Oo U dh abaikan i ye skang?? :s
boy: Takde lah syg, I selalu ingatkan u :(..(sending failed)
girl: Ok takpe, Jangan cakap dgn I pas ni, It' over.. !! :@
boy: Damn ! go to hell la you.. :@ (message sent) :O :O
line syarikat telekomunikasi skrg ni ntah apa2.. sbb diorang, pasangan couple gaduh.. ahaks..
Karla Alvarez Eww Myy Bangs Greww >;O
Gonna Cut Themm Again ;D
Bethany Marianne Mcleroy LMS
For Christmas I want:
[] a new friend :D
[] You ♥
[] To hangout with you(:
... [] A Christmas card ^.^
[] A huge hug :D
[] A chance >.<
[] A present (:
[] Nothingg >.>
You are:
[] All I want ♥
[] Cute ^.^
[] Pretty (:
[] Mean >:/
[] Alright
[] My friend (:
[] Stranger, HMU
[] Not my type >.^
[] Sexy (;
[] Nice (:
[] Eww o.0
You Should:
[] Txt Meee ( BACK) !
[] Give Me Your # (;
[] Message Mee [:
[] Post This as your status :P
[] go away and leave me alone
Kaity Steele -LMS (:
[] ;D – Breath Taker!
[] =) – Beautifull!
[] ;) – Attractivee.
[] :) – Cute
[] 8) – Normal..
[] :P – Something slight!
[] :/ – No comment.
Would I date you?
[] Yea ♥
[] Maybe (:
[] I really dont know :O
[] No /:
[] Your not my type. ;o
[]Ask me and see (;
[]Already mine ♥
Best Feature;
[] Eyes.
[] Smile.
[] Personality.
[] Body.
[] Idk..
[] Everything!
[]Off The Scale ♥
Jonet L. Thomas U know what time it is ? Lets go get em who dat nation Who Dat sn:s/o to texans again for WINNING against dem stank ass birds
Franco Sampaio O dia q a lei da Ficha Limpa for aprovada, O CUUUrintia vai ser banido do futebol ! bando de corruptos, so ganham campeonato comprando juizes...agora tao tomando conta da CBF..futebol brasileiro daq uns dias num vai valer nada
اسلام الطرابلسي -------------------o|-|------/-/o
Kassie Enea Haven't been home very long and already got half of my stuff done for tomorrow. Hooding and praying that everything works out this time. O know the man above know what we r trying to do for our family. Just hope he gives us strength to move on to Niger and better thangs. Please send prayers our way we need them please.
Clayton S de Oliveira Não gosto de coletâneas mas ' Blues Giants Trilogy" de 2008 é uma muito gostosa de se ouvir, em especial o CD 3, recomendo.
Payynhow Oo O que eu num daria pra ta na hora kell, sei não mais acho que teria morido gente
Riah Velazquez add me o oovoo faithfullyrisen
Marilou Guinoo I lift up to You, O God Most High my sick & tired body for the better praise & glory of Your Name.... [via Globe SMS]
Christiel Santos O culto foi maravilhoso, e palavra de Deus foi tremenda nessa noite.
Andrew Maynard So the Pats almost gave the game away to the worst team in the NFL today.. Why won't B.B. just put games away when he can.. O YEA CAUSE IT'S WRONG WHEN THE PATS RUN THE SCORE.. BUT IT'S NOT FOR OTHERS.. JERKOFFS..
Raquel Sandoval Guys With Flip Flops , Gross :o
Gleicianne Oliveira Já que não tenho o dom de modificar uma pessoa,
vou modificar aquilo que eu posso:
O meu jeito de olhar para ela...
Steven Kane Beginning to think it was a bad idea laughing at ma wee maw instead a listening to her when she said, "Ur not having a cup of coffee at half 10 are u?" Lol. WIDE AWAKE :O
Aninha Rocha O natal chegou mas cedo para presenteas mais de 40 miloes de loucos.
Manna Dqaf Rivera LIKE:D
Mirror; mirror on the wall you're the ______ of them all
[] Smartest o;
[] Sexiest ;D
[] Freshest (B
... [] Meanest >.<
[] Funniest :D
[] Craziest ♥
You should be my____
[] Best Friend ♥
[] Texting Buddy :3
[] Friend With Benefits.(;
[] Friend (:
[] Boyfriend^.^
[] Maid :P
I Love Your____
[] Body :3
[] Personality ♥
[] Everything (:
[] Don't Know You :(
[] Other...
When I first saw you I was like____
[] Ugly! o;
[] Yuck!-.- JK I'ma Start Being Nice To You :3
[] Cute (:
[] Adorable ♥
[] Woahhh Wassup (;
[] Alright :P
[] Cool :D
Your rate is___
[] 0-5.
[] 6-8 (:
[] 9-10 c;
[] Broke My Scale♥
Would I date you
[] In A Heart Beat ♥
[] Yes (;
[] Maybe (:
[] Nahhh.
Best feature.
[] Eyes ^.^
[] Lips (;
[] Personality (:
[] Body :3
[] Smile :D
[] Everything .
You should____
[] inbox me.♥
[] text me ^.^
[] marry me ♥
[] make this your status (:
Cameron Clemmons S/O to @RossBjorkAD and #wku fans for doing everything they can for bowl game. It'll only make us stronger, God has a plan ! Go tops
Apollo S. Lim Alin ang mas masakit?.....sinaktan ka taong mahal na mahal mo...... O yong taong sinaktan mo sya pala nagmamahal syo ng totoo
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