Monday, January 9, 2012

♥ ♥♥♥Nửa ♥A ♥kia ♥L ♥giờ ♥O ♥đang ♥N

Nguyen Thao
Nguyen Thao ___ ♥ ♥♥♥______Nửa __ ♥__A__ ♥______kia ___♥___L___ ♥_____giờ ____♥___O__ ♥_____đang _____ ♥___N _ ♥______ở ________ ♥__E_ ♥_____đâu _____________ ♥______??? @@ F.I.N.D L.O.V.E*(¨`•.•´¨)(¨`•.•´¨)* **`•.(¨`•.•´¨)..•´** ***`•.¸.•´***
Kaaroolziinhaa Caaiixaa Baxaa
Kaaroolziinhaa Caaiixaa Baxaa Tenha fé e acredite que confiar em Deus, pode mudar sua vida.
Ericka Raiane
Ericka Raiane É preciso amar as pessoas como se não houvesse o amanhã.
Zee Azty PRasetyo
Zee Azty PRasetyo teman2...BI buka lowongan niih,,,untuk staff....minimal S1 dan S2..yuuukkk di coba keberuntungan qmu disinii....
Bank Indonesia mengundang putra/putri terbaik bangsa untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan karir di Lembaga Bank Sentral yang memiliki peran dan tanggung jawab sebagai pengawal stabilitas moneter dan sistem keuangan Republik Indonesia.
Akintokun Jide
Akintokun Jide Emi subsidy, omo to wun mi ni month le gbe agaga eyi to ba nidi.....mio like oruko e sidi month prefer bisi..... Emi ni.
Brenda Williams
Brenda Williams DAVID WESLEY JR. OR SOMEONE WHO IS USING DAVID WESLEY JR'S NAME IS SCAMMING PEOPLE OR TRYING TO SCAM PEOPLE USING THIS BOGUS LOTTERY SCAM. HE'S HACKING INTO PEOPLES FACEBOOK ACCOUNT SOMEONE WHO YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH AND PRETEND THAT HE'S THAT PERSON CHATTING WITH YOU ABOUT THE MONEY THAT HE OR SHE ONE. IF DAVID WESLEY JR IS A REAL PERSON AND IS A VICTIM OF IDENTITY THEFT I'M SORRY. THIS THIEF NEED ...TO BE KNOWN ABOUT. HE ALSO HAS A TWITTER AND LINKDLN ACCOUNT SUPPOSEDLY AND THIS E-MAIL ADDRESS Hello, This is an empowerment program set up by the federal government to help the American communities and other countries around the world. Your name was picked randomly as one of the winners of the week. The money giving by the federal government it's not a loan; it's free money giving by the Federal government to help the American communities.You are one of the lucky winners who won from the lottery. You won $150, 000.00 as the star prize of the week.Your name and e-mail was drawn electronically and you are being picked randomly as one of the star winners of the week.We will need to confirm some information before we can deliver your winnings to you in your home, the winnings will be delivered in cash to you as soon as the information required are duly filled:
Ali Ticky
Ali Ticky Ye Bekhudi Deewangi Tumhi Se Hai Meri Jaan e Jaana ..!!!
Arvind Rawat
2032 के मिडिया की सुर्खियाँ :- १- अन्ना हजारे का मुहबोला पोता मुन्ना हजारे लोकपाल की मांग को लेकर रामलीला मैदान मे पप्पू केजरीवाल , अशांत चूषण , के साथ अनशन पर बैठेंगे .. २- सरकार ने आसाम और केरल को इस्लामिक राष्ट्र घोषित करने की मांग स्वीकार की ३- दीपक चरसी का पोता ढेबरी चरसी हिस्टीरियाई अंदाज मे बाबू सिंह कुशवाहा को बीजेपी मे शामिल करने पर सवाल उठा रहा है ४- प्रधनमंत्री श्री चिरकुट वढेरा ने राबर्ट वढेरा को देश का राष्ट्रपिता घोषित किया ५- कसाब न्यूयॉर्क के अस्पताल मे हाई कोलेस्ट्रॉल से मरा . डाक्टरों ने ज्यदा बिरयानी खाने से उसके हार्ट पर बुरा असर होने की बात कही प्रधानमंत्री ने शोक जताया , सभी स्कूलो मे दो मिनट का मौन ६- राहुल गाँधी वृद्धाश्रम मे ही रहना चाहते है :- प्रधानमंत्री श्री चिरकुट वढेरा ७- गोलमाल पार्ट २५ रिलीज ८- कश्मीर के प्रधानमंत्री ने हिमाचल को बताया अपना अंग, सरकार ने वार्ता के लिया आमंत्रित किया ८- वैघनिको ने "ब्लुत्रुथ " से बच्चा पैदा करने की तकनीक खोज ली .. हजारो प्रवासी लोगो ने इस तकनीक पर खुशी जाहिर किया .. ९- फेसबुक के राष्ट्रपति जितेन्द्र प्रताप सिंह कल से अमेरिका के आधिकारिक दौरे पर जायेंगे १०- दिग्विजय के पोते ठगविजय ने सिमी के नए कार्यालय का उदघाटन किया १०- ए राजा का पोता २० जी घोटाले मे गिरफ्तार. ११- अल्संख्यक आरक्षण बढकर सिर्फ ५७% किया गया .. मुलायम सिंह का पोता कठोर सिंह ने इसे बढकर १०० % करने की मांग की . १२- दिल्ली मे एक लड़की पचास मीटर तक सुरक्षित पैदल चली और उसका बलात्कार नहीं हुआ .. सरकार ने इसे एक एतिहासिक उपलब्धि बताया १४- "लाछ्द्विप डोग्स" आईपीएल मे ६५ टीम के रूप मे शामिल . १५- सुचना और प्रसारण मंत्री लम्बिका सोनी ने कांग्रेस महासचिव श्री चाटू चरण दास की लिखी किताब " भारत की स्वतंत्रता मे वढेरा खानदान का बलिदान " का विमोचन किया १६- आजमगड़, हुब्ली, भिवंडी, मालेगांव को स्वतंत्र इस्लामिक क्षेत्र बनाने की मांग १७- सचिन और अर्जुन के शानदार शतक -जितेन्द्र प्रताप सिंह === अगर ऐसे दिन नहीं देखना चाहते तो उखाड़ फेंको खान ग्रेस को I am against congress -
Veerabhadrarao Kanchusthambham
Veerabhadrarao Kanchusthambham A for Apple, B for Big Apple, C for Chinna Apple, D for Double Apple, E for Endipoyina Apple, F for First Cheppane..aa Apple By LKG Students of this Generation
Zoya Malik
Mahit Mohidul
Mahit Mohidul Our real Hero Nasir......
বাংলার রবিন হুড !! বদিউল আলম ওরফে নাছির। বয়স ৩৮। কাজ চুরি করা। তবে সেই চুরির টাকা দিয়ে সে এলাকায় গরিবদের দান-খয়রাত করে দেয়। এছাড়া টাকা দিয়ে তিনি একটি মাছের প্রজেক্ট গড়ে তুলেছে। বেশ কয়েকটি সিএনজি অটো রিকশাও আছে তার। চট্টগ্রামের চন্দনাইশ উপজেলার ধোপাছড়ি এলাকায় তার নিজ গ্রামে একটি দোতলা ভবনও সে নির্মাণ করেছে। গত মে মাসে তার 'চোরের দল' মিশম্যাকের সাতটি ক্লোজসার্কিট ক্যামেরা নিস্ক্রিয় করে ক্যাশ ভল্ট ভেঙে মিশম্যাক ডেভলাপার ও মিশম্যাক শিপ ব্রেকার্সের ২৩ লাখ ৫০ হাজার টাকা লুট করে নিয়ে গিয়েছিল। সেই টাকা মসজিদ, মাদ্রাসা, এতিমখানায় দান করে সে। চট্টগ্রাম কেন্দ্রীয় কারাগার থেকে জামিনে মুক্তির পর নাছির বলেন, ‘ভালো হয়ে যাবার চেষ্টা করব। তবে গ্যারান্টি দিয়ে বলতে পারব না, ভালো হয়েই যাব। কারণ যারা দুর্নীতিবাজ, সমাজের গরিব মানুষের হক যারা মেরে খায়, আমি শুধু তাদের সম্পদই চুরি করি। আল্লাহ এগুলো আমার হক হিসেবে রেখেছেন।’ চোর নাছিরেক নিয়ে পুলিশ প্রশাসন এবং মিডিয়ায় সরব আলোচনা। কারা কর্মকর্তাদের কাছে তার পরিচয়, ‘এ-কালের রবিনহুড’ হিসেবে। [মোবাইল থেকে শেয়ার করতে এই লিঙ্কে চাপুন ~] .
Felipe Busi
Felipe Busi Nada como uma segunda....
Discurso de Steve Jobs em Stanford - Completo e Legendado


Felipe Busi
ЖОРО ТОДОВИЧИН Записа се жена ми да тренира карате. - И как е сега? - Ами почнах доста по-добре да готвя, чистя, заобичах да пера и гладя.
Miriam Bessa
Nascidos no dia 19 Este é um número kármico e desde a antiguidade está ligado ao Sol – e esse astro tanto pode promover a vida quanto fazer secar até a morte. Nasceu líder. Tem uma incrível capacidade de passar por cima dos obstáculos, que são vistos como desafios e não como dificuldades. É uma pessoa radical nas suas atitudes, sujeita a variações de humor que percorrem toda a escala numérica, de 1 a 9. . Independente e perseverante, você tem tendência a se deixar levar pela cólera. Vive a vida sempre à beira de um precipício emocional, mas tem imensos recursos e consegue sempre enfrentar as dificuldades. Encara tudo de uma maneira prática e racional. Ter o seu próprio negócio é o ideal. Utilize a sua versatilidade e idéias originais e jamais sofrerá necessidade. Evite manter-se sempre no mesmo caminho e faça das mudanças uma constante na sua vida, para não sofrer decepções.
O Significado do Dia que Você Nasceu!
Darpan Kumar
If u lose your mobile..............?? This is how it works!!!!!! 1. Dial ... *#06# from your mobile. 2. Your mobile shows a unique 15 digit. 3. Note down this no anywhere but except your mobile as this is the no which will help trace your mobile in case of a theft. 4. Once stolen you just have to mail this 15 digit IMEI no. to 5. No need to go to police. 6. Your Mobile will be traced within next 24 hrs via a complex system of GPRS and internet. 7. You will find where your hand set is being operated even in case your no is being changed. PASS ON THIS VERY IMP MESSAGE TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES. If u lost your mobile, send an e-mail to With the following info Your name: Address: Phone model: Make: Last used No.: E-mail for communication: Missed date: IMEI No.: <3 SHARE IT <3
Mamiki Nkalosi
Mamiki Nkalosi Why motho a motsho a le jena ha a kgotsofale.pelo ya hae e telele,o tshepe motho wa kantle o mpe o bolawe ke yena e seng ngwaneno.
Marc Aoude
Marc Aoude kenna ref2aa bel 5eme E !! :D Marcelino Khoury
Sylvia Van Heerden
Sylvia Van Heerden Gals ungathini nje xa ungahlangana ne 2min nodles athi akugqiba azincome ukuba hey mabebez mina ngiyayishaya into yam.oho hey imihlola e goli.
Tú Anh Nguyễn
Tú Anh Nguyễn '' Khi ta ở chỉ là nơi đất ở... Khi ta đi đất đã hóa tâm hồn.'' Lần đầu tiên xa Hà Nội mà cảm thấy lưu luyến... Đã bắt đầu thấy yêu nơi đây. Chào Hà Thành e về đây, nhớ dành cho e 1 khoảng trống nhé!:-)
Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson O-e-o, Te-bow. O-e-o, Te-bow!


Chris Hoffman
Sharmine Gabatin Alviza
Sharmine Gabatin Alviza Spell stress, its S-H-A-R-M-I-N-E :/ :((( Stress din pati wallet ko.
Bilal Ahmed
Bilal Ahmed jamat-e-islami face book par aik poll kar rahi hay jis ki wajha say tehrik ko badnam kia jarha hay pls cheak this link or is par poll main bharpor hisa lekar tehrik ke khilaf honay wala prupignday ka jawab dia jay Who is responsible for the Terrorism & Killings in the city of Quaid?
Angela Sellers
Angela Sellers IN MEMORY OF BUTTERBEAN (Ernest E. Bussell), who passed away October 15,2011, we are going to do a Memorial ride on January 14, 2012...We are going to meet at Glendas Restaurant-lounge on HWY 421 in Gloverville @ 11:00 am...The we will be pulling out about noon taking a ride out to the VFW Lake Murray...Then, we will head back to the valley to Sweet Dreaming in Clearwater, then to Broken Spoke in Gloverville, and we will make our final stop back Glendas Restaurant-lounge...Yal' Come and join us for this memorial ride...

Thank u God anyone trying to get ahold of me my cell phone is down right now should be up again in a couple days if u need to get

Alu Lee
Alu Lee Thank u God
Heisler Korey LP
Heisler Korey LP anyone trying to get ahold of me my cell phone is down right now should be up again in a couple days if u need to get ahold of me call the house if u dont have the number privatly message me and i will give it to u
Juretta Magu
Juretta Magu Ja ne the Devil use the ones u don't expect......Plaese GOD keep my eyes open
Justin Narzary
Justin Narzary <3 If u luv me only in ma drmz thn let me be asleep 4evr <3
Alexis Mason
Alexis Mason i just had the saddest dream,n its cuz in the dream i lost u:'(
Frank Swazi
Frank Swazi i hate begging u lyk im desperate
Ahyan Acierto
Ahyan Acierto KWENTANG PALENGKE. Just a matter of SENTIDO K0M0N Ü
Dee Pinkney
Dee Pinkney I hate wen u aint gn to church in a min pple at church will fill like dey better den u dey will try to tlk to u like dey care but dey really lookin dwn own u bet not cm in my face wth dat fuckery shyt ima tell wt it is stra up ...
Er Himesh Bhavani
લાઇક નહિ કરતા શેર કરો કોઈ જોઈ ને કદાચ દયા કરે અમારા પર ....i like it...........wht about u.... Please save birds..
Subhash Db
I request u to plz share this... Your 1 share might get a mom her daughter human!!!
Mithun Desai
Mithun Desai Any Answer To This!?? TRY THIS Windows magics: things that Microsoft could never answer: MAGIC #1 Found that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the Computer which can be named as "CON". This is something funny and inexplicable? At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened! TRY IT NOW, IT WILL NOT CREATE A "CON" FOLDER MAGIC #2 For those of you using Windows, do the following: 1.) Open an empty notepad file 2.) Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes) 3.) Save it as whatever you want. 4.) Close it, and re-open it. Noticed the weird bug? No one can explain! MAGIC #3 Again this is something funny and can't be explained? At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened! It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself? Open Microsoft Word and type =rand (200, 99) And then press ENTER And see the magic?..! Magic #4 Did you know that a flight number from one of the planes that hit one of the two WTC towers on 9/11 was Q33N. In Notepad / WordPad or MS Word, type that flight number i.e Q33N. Increase the font size to 72. Change the font to Wingdings. ..... u will be amazed by the findings!!!
Tracy Jones
Tracy Jones I jus wana sho u hw much i appreciate u sho u hw much im dedicated u.... Sho u hw much i hate bein apart..,.iwnt 2kep hw it is so u cn neva say hw it use 2b...... N no i wnt neva gve u up n wana say thank u n case i didnt thank u enough.....
Abdul Malik Davis
Abdul Malik Davis Kobe bout to lose a 150M's... Kobe my nigga I hate it had to be him... Bitch u wasn't wit me shootin in the gym... Bitch u wasn't wit me shootin in the gym.... Stay schemin (Rich Forever)
Botikol Zhei Legaspi
Botikol Zhei Legaspi sked, "How dd u know wer priests?" D girl rplied, "Heller!Fathers, it's me,Sis Juliet! [FREE Facebook Mobile on Globe! Text F to 2123 for FREE]
Madillo Tlali
Madillo Tlali Fank u Smax 4 cnting me as 1 of ur true frnd,M very Honoured.....
Jackie Grant
Jackie Grant can u find the face ?
If you find the human face then share it ;) Good luck
Dannette Wyndi Rice Brewer
Dannette Wyndi Rice Brewer OOOK, So the topic of the Steve Harvey show this morning in the car while driving my some to school was...."They Look like Money "BUUUUTTT"...Dont have none".....Whyyyyyyy.....LMAO.....I know alot of those type.....I guess fake til u make tho!.....Hilarious!
Athaliah Diaz
Acts 2:42. The church is the last place anybody should just watch from the sidelines. God gave u interests and abilities so that u could actively use them for His glory. If you're not already doing so, it may take some time to find your niche. Whatever the case, don't settle for just another face n the crowd. Ask God to show u an area of opportunity and then go for it! "N my book a true Christian not sit, they move with God!"
Aranda Missran Tory
Aranda Missran Tory Morning world yesterday is gone &u can't get it back so lets jus look forward 2what this day holds &press forward thru the rest of the year
Thandekile Mzamane
Thandekile Mzamane Neva take sum1 4 granted... hold special people close 2 ur heart... cause u might wake up 1 day n realize u've lost a diamond while u were busy collecting stones...
Adegoroye Adebayo
Adegoroye Adebayo If u want to know tru colour of human being just test dem with small power
Candy Champion
Candy Champion u cnt have it like dat den not have it like dat
Deondra Odoms
Deondra Odoms Ppl are fucking crazy dont get mad cause wtf i be sayin on facebook the shit i say can hurt u love u and make u feel bad. So if i said something to hurt u inbox a nigga. Mr.realtalk..
Vijay Mehra
Vijay Mehra One day u will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I will say: my life.....You will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!
Kimberly Sadousky Fletcher
Kimberly Sadousky Fletcher Today is a special day 12 years ago i had my son hes a joy and a blessing happy birthday dillon momma loves u very much.o yea by the way u got to stop growing u are now 6 ft tall .