Diana Mae Espinosa Alkuino ATTENTION!!!
Sa lahat po ng friends ko sa fb, nakapasok na
po ang grupo ng mga hackers sa fb at hindi
mo pa alam mismo kapag hina-hack ka nila.
Ginagamit nila ang account mo para mag-like
ng mga X-rated videos or ang pictures na
bastos. Hindi mo makikita ito ngunit
mapopost ito in public at makikita ng friends
Kaya po pag may nakita kayong kahit ano na
ni-like o pinost ko na hindi maganda. HINDI
Post this on your wall to protect your image
whenever they hack you.

Randall White I invite all of my D/FW friends to join Jeff's company and mine as sponsors or donors of Bridge-o-Rama, West Dallas's celebration of the opening of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. We throw the light switch tomorrow night! Become a sponsor here: http://x.co/cOgE See our sponsors to date here: http://x.co/cOgH Learn all about this event that I am chairing here: http://x.co/cOgK Thank you!
West Dallas and the West Dallas Chamber of Commerce invite you to join us in our celebration of the opening of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, March 2-4, 2012.

Περιοδικό ΣΙΝΕΜΑ Είναι τόσο ανησυχητικό το πώς θα βγει η πιο κουλ κακιά των κινουμένων σχεδίων, που δεν ανησυχούμε ακόμα για το αν μπορεί να καταστρέψει τον Πινόκιο ο Μπάρτον (και πριν πείτε τίποτα θυμηθείτε: "Αλίκη στη Χώρα των Θαυμάτων")
Η ιστορία του Πινόκιο, της μαριονέτας με τη διάσημη μύτη που προσπαθεί να γίνει κανονικό παιδί, είναι ένα κλασικό παραμύθι που ταιριάζει στα ενδιαφέροντα του Τιμ Μπάρτον.

Mary Dinu Nu mai pot cu Lucescu; dechizi televizorul apare Lucescu, deschizi radioul ... Lucescu, deschizi un ziar, ghici ce ?! dintr-o poza iti zambeste Lucescu . Nu mai suport !!!
"Tramvaiul putea evita coliziunea! L-am zărit de la zeci de metri distanţă şi mi-am imaginat că va frâna. Să mă ierte Dumnezeu, dar parcă a vrut să dea peste mine!", a spus Lucescu pentru Gazeta Sporturilor. Alooooooooo, tramvaiul din cate stiu eu are peste 30 de tone !!!!, deci acest “mastodont” nu il opresti in 2 secunde, adaugand si faptul ca locul unde a avut loc accidentul este in panta , iar sina era uda pentru ca ploua …. !!!!!!!!!!!! Ce cautai domnule pe linia de tramvai ?! LINIA CONTINUA ai vazut-o?! AAAAAAA, te uitai cum venea vatmanul “calare” pe 30 de tone sa te calce si ……… oricum matale nu ai reguli de circulatie de respectat, alea sunt pentru fraieri. M-am saturat de politicieni, de “vedete” , de pitipoance, de copii de bani gata care circula ca pe mosia masii, care te pot sfida in trafic doar pentru ca au masini puternice, care “nu sunt dotate” cu semnale, etc; care NU RESPECTA REGULI DE CIRCULATIE, Ei au relatii si bani cu care pot cumpara orice si pe oricine; pot omora oameni nevinovati pe trecerile de pietoni ori pe strada pentru ca oricum nu patesc nimic, cel mult stau cateva zile la parnaia pana “rezolva” avocatii;
“il Luce” lasa amaratul ala de vatman in pace pentru ca TU AI GRESIT !!!!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa Barcellos "Só se vê bem com o coração, o essencial é invisível aos olhos."
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
"Só se vê bem com o coração, o essencial é invisível aos olhos."
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Chen Yu Chun Chiuan ~ u will be like the doctor ?
當你被醫生全身麻醉後........ 女生注意喔..男生也是..小心.一位小護士勇敢的提供出來,最好能有朋友或男生朋友陪同,並且要求護士一定要在場,男生一定要轉寄給女生朋友。現在的社會真的是世風日下,一些只有醫術卻沒有醫德的醫生大行其道,卻是沒人制裁以致於有很多人敢怒不敢言,只好自認倒楣;今天並不是說要特別去說那家醫院好,而是希望大家能想一想,如果是妳或者是你的太太(女朋友)不得不去婦產科的時候,偏偏卻遇上人面獸心的醫生,趁病人昏迷的時候進行強姦猥褻,然後又拍照恐嚇病人不得張揚試想這是何其痛苦難當的事,所以奉勸各位請不要到一些私人的婦產科去,不然妳可能會成為女主角的......有圖為證請大家一定要轉寄給你ㄉ親朋好友們 .....請ㄊ們以後如果有女性友人看婦產科時一定要小心...請盡量不要道私人婦產科醫院.. 切記切記...一定要轉寄給你ㄉ女性朋友們唷 以下相片是此婦產科診所其中一位護士發現醫師異常有異常之行為,在多次內診時,醫師除了希望陪同患者前來的人離開診間,並會將護士支開不准進入....因為其行為怪異,因此護士聯合起來裝置針孔攝影機,決定曝光醫師的變態行為?。為了你愛且愛你的人,是否在一些小細節上多注意呢??趁妳被麻醉昏迷不醒的時候上下其手寬衣解帶,更離譜的是,這個變態在完事後會將留在被害人身上的體液清理乾淨,就算是被害人清醒了,搞不好還搞不清楚狀況...

WaqarAli Akbar Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 470 :
Narrated by Mu'adh bin Jabal
The Prophet said, "O Mu'adh! Do you know what Allah's Right upon His slaves is?" I said, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet said, "To worship Him (Allah) Alone and to join none in worship with Him (Allah). Do you know what their right upon Him is?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet said, "Not to punish them (if they do so)."
Lawal Taoheed Abiodun Ojojumo aye ni Anan manku,ojojumo deni Eeni man pale mon lati gba orun lo,Ola nikan ni awaye ma ku tio ni ku lailai taye ban je aye,olohun o je amon be ni pipe titi lailai{AMEEN}
This video is just for fun after i see other girl dancing she is so sexy so i try my best to do sexy dance with this music too.I'm not sexy like her i just l...
Sijuwola Fatiregun RRS 101 LA Vehicle Registration number of Policemen who allegedly shot 2 #OCCUPYNIGERIA protesters @ Ogba area of Lagos State Nigeria.Plz Re-broadcast till it get †̥o our Activist Lawyers!!!!

Margaret Ali Exodus 4:10-13 "But Moses pleaded with the LORD, “O Lord, I'm not very good with words. I never have been, and I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.”
Then the LORD asked Moses, “Who makes a person's mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.” (NLT)
Moses pleaded with God to let him out of his mission. After all, he was not a good speaker and would probably embarrass both himself and God. But God looked at Moses' problem quite differently. All Moses needed was some help, and who better than God to help him say and do the right things? God made his mouth and would give him the words to say.
It is easy for us to focus on our weaknesses, but if God asks us to do something, then he will help us get the job done. If the job involves some of our weak areas, then we can trust that he will provide words, strength, courage, and ability where needed. (© 2010 by Tyndale House Publishers)
God Bless,

Tamilarasi Rajasekaran The Word ‘Hello’ means
H=How R U?
E=Everything all right?
L=Like 2 hear 4rm U.
L=Love 2 C U soon.
I miss you!
Good Night to my friend facebook friends..........
Atta Siraji A Allah Hamen Muttahid Kr Dy or Hamen 1 Nek Hukmuran Ata Kr.Aamen
( O ALLAH ) My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise.
Onasco Amutan Eloisa Mae █████o████████████o████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████o████████████o██████████████████████o██████████████████o██████████████████████████████████o███████████████████████████o████████████o██████████████████████████████o█████████████████████████████o███████████████o███████████████████████████████████████o█████████████████o████████████████████o████████████████████o█████████████████████o███████████████████████o████████████████████████████████████████████o█████████████o████████████████
O biserica suedeza specializata pe fenomenul de file-sharing a fost recunoscuta de guvern ca religie oficiala. Numita 'The ...
Jasvir Mann Piyar o Jo jajbaat nu samje
Mohabbat o Jo ehsaas nu smje
Mil ta jande ne bout apna kehn vale...............pur apna ta o Jo bina kahe Har baat nu samje
Tim Silva RT @Piadas_Fail O zumbi é a prova morta de que alguém morto pode ser a prova viva de que há vida após a morte.
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