Jessica Collins Beautiful words for those with a daughter... I'll always need my daughter, no matter what age I am. My daughter has made me laugh, made me proud, made me cry, seen me cry, hugged me tight, seen me fail, cheered me up, kept me on my toes and has driven me crazy at times..... BUT my daughter is a promise from GOD that I will have a friend forever! Put this as your status if you have a beautiful daughter that you love
Justin Clifton I've been in India for a month and a half but i'm about to see it for the first time. Mumbai here I come...
Lori Franzini Reynolds Can not wait for the summer to come lol routine sometimes becomes draining ,once in a while I just like to chilax without alot of responsibilities !
Shane Hull Definitely moving out of this state as soon as possible. All I need is my racing.....only thing that keeps me happy anymore. ...I don't need anything else letting me down...
Roselyne Walter today is not my day. i feel like crap and wanna go back to bed but my lazy bf wont wake up and whatch daymian.
Pam Renowden Alas, now that the Steelers are gone, what WILL I do with my Sundays?
Rachel Miller Thank God he woke me up today! To see my beautiful girls get up & off to school, another day to hug & love my wonderful parents, to love on & tell my siblings how much they mean to me. To share love & laughter with my true friends. Another day to share the love he shares with me. In the midst of confusion and depression, God THANK YOU for EVERYTHING in my life. Even the bad because I know if I ask you, I will receive strength to OVERCOME!! Don't forget God, he never forgets you!!

Wilson Mercado Jr. Need prayers right now... If you are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Face book Family" wherever you may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange way. A whole lot of families need prayers right now... Power of prayer
Raina Kumam smtymsssss I lyk ........................................................................................................................................................Crzy Guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ????
.Шантаж со стороны милиции, несправедливое увольнение с работы, непонимание со стороны семьи — неполный список проблем, на которые жалуются геи и лесбиянки Таджикистана. Эксперты считают их возможно самой «стигмированной» группой в стране...Азам (...
Tommy Tylor Barrows Registered for the New York Marathon last night!!! Finger crossed that I am selected.
Tom Minor Damn i dnt wanna go but ill b there soon. If u dnt speak i want speak solo dolo!!!
Chali Yako Who kan support mi wen i say dat al borm 4 leaverz wa lst yr wenye hawajabrk dey virginities ts de ryt 4 them 2 do xo kz wataangukia wenyenji kz wenyejibonoko wamebak system
Jay Jungle Kidd Yo wassup everybody woke up type but I juss remembered I got a midterm -_- whoever made tests go 2 hell n burn!!!!!!
Bernadine Snookie Hickman I luv my New kitchen table. Breakin it in w/ tiny b-fast sandwiches, green& white tea n my beautiful tea cup & sounds like london.
“About three things I was absolutely positive: First, @[260578660648055:274:Edward Cullen] was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how dominant that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." - @[298163656866444:274:Bella Swan], @[229668807087652:274:Twilight]
Christine Shaffer woke up early this moring feeling like i was getting sick and i am have a temp its not to high but its high enought for me to feel like shit today going to stay in bed all and hope it goes down by the time i go to work
Ashley Miller Fuckin A, so aggravated and stressed to my ends wit... grrr i guess its true it always gets fuckin way worse before it gets 1% better right now my life sucks ass 90% of the damn time, thats because we keep tryn and keep gettn fucked over i just wanna give up sick of tryn anymore, keep tryn and the damn hole just keeps gettn bigger and bigger, dnt know how the fuck well get out of this one anytime soon, -crys- life sucks it never truely gets better thats all just a crock of bullshit everyone feeds you...... fuckin a !!!!!!CHAPELLE!!!! >:/ Pissed off.
Tislarm Bouie I love my grandmother I don't know what I'd do with her #grandmasboy
Lewis Brown Somebody needs to whip khole khardashin ass I hard that chock
Matthew Ackerman Amy and I are at Hong Kong International Airport! Two hours away from Taiwan. wewt. Pics and stories to come. Love.
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