Cindy Conner What a blessing this was. A must read to start your Monday out right!
A Prayer Before Surgery ~
My 9-year-olds last-second request surprised his doctor and taught me
a valuable lesson about sharing the Gospel. Tina Blessitt.
Last fall my 9-year-old son, Austin, had his tonsils removed. Before the surgery,
Austin's anesthesiologist came to start an IV. He was wearing a cool surgical cap
covered in colorful frogs. Austin loved that 'frog hat.'
The doctor explained that he had two choices. He could either try to start the IV,
or he could wait until Austin was up in the operating room. In the O.R. the doctor
would give Austin some 'goofy' gas, and start the IV when he was more relaxed.
"So, Austin," he asked, "which do you want?"
Austinreplied, "I'll take the gas."
But when the doctor started to leave, Austin called, "Hey, wait!"
The doctor turned. "Yeah, buddy, what do you need?"
"Do you go to church?"
"No," the doctor admitted. "I know I probably should, but I don't."
Austinthen asked, "Well, are you saved?"
Chuckling nervously, the doctor said, "Nope. But after talking to you, maybe it's
something I should consider."
Pleased with his response, Austin answered, "Well, you should, 'cause
Jesus is great!"
"I'm sure He is, little guy," the doctor said, and quickly made his exit.
After that a nurse took me to the waiting room. Someone would come and get me when
Austin's surgery was done.
After about 45 minutes, the anesthesiologist came into the waiting room. He told me
the surgery went well and then said, "Mrs. Blessitt, I don't usually come down and
talk to the parents after a surgery, but I just had to tell you what your son did."
Oh boy, I thought what did that little rascal do now?
The doctor explained that he'd just put the mask on Austin when my son signaled that
he needed to say something. When the doctor removed the mask, Austin blurted, "Wait
a minute, we have to pray!"
The doctor told him to go ahead, and Austin prayed, "Dear Lord, please
let all the doctors and nurses have a good day. And Jesus, please let the
doctor with the frog hat get saved and start going to church, Amen."
The doctor admitted this touched him. "I was so sure he would pray that his surgery
went well," he explained. "He didn't even mention his surgery.
He prayed for me! Mrs. Blessitt, I had to come down and let you know
what a great little guy you have."
A few minutes later a nurse came to take me to post-op. She had a big smile on her
face as we walked to the elevator. "Mrs Blessitt, I couldn't
wait to tell you something exciting that your son did." With a smile, I
told her that the doctor already mentioned Austin's prayer.
"But there's something you don't know," she said. "Some of the other nurses and I
have been witnessing to and praying for that doctor for a
long time. After your son's surgery, he tracked a few of us down to tell
us about Austin's prayer. He said, "Well girls, you got me. If that little boy could
pray for me when he was about to have surgery, then I think
maybe I need his Jesus too?"
She then recounted how they joined the doctor as he prayed to receive
Christ right there in the hospital. Wow! Austin had played a small part in
something wonderful. But then, so did the nurses who had prayed and witnessed.
I thought about John's words in his Gospel, "One sows and the other
reaps" (John 4:37).
Austin's experience taught me that, although we never know which role we may be
called to play, in the end it doesn't matter. What's important is
that we remain faithful in sharing the Gospel!
Tina Blessitt, a freelance writer, lives with her husband and four children in

Taylore Colwell Hey I have an idea instead of using cuss words in your status why not replace it with the word smurf. I'm really serious if any of my Facebook friends uses cuss words in their status I will unfriend you no one wants to go on Facebook and read your status with cuss words in it. They might not like it or comment on your status they might just leave it blank . How ever I will not unfriend my mom , sister, brothers, cousins, or aunt and uncles. But if they do use cuss words in their status it will make me upset and in happy. So please don't use cuss words in your status it might put the people who are reading your status in a not so good mood. Instead replace the cuss word with the word smurf using cuss words in your status is just plain rude and wrong be carful what u put on your status don't use bad languages be polite.

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Lisa Holmes Good morning! I hope everyone has a great week! Today is Shyanne's Birthday! She is 9. My babies are growing up too fast!
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Barbara Williams Bynum Good-Morning my family and friends hoping and praying that God blessed everyone with the gift of life, let me start my day off by giving Him his glory thank you Father for waking me up with all I need and with a praise in my heart. Thank you Father for seeing my family members this morning on facebook and I know they are alive and well Father help me to be slow to speak and quick to listen, and help me control what I say in Jesus Name. Father I pray that the Hungry get feed, The Homeless had a place to sleep, and the sick be blessed with Healing powers from you. and Father let me have an encouraging word for someone today in Jesus Name Amen. well family and friends I pray that each and everyone of you have a wonderful day remember keep it real with God and yourself and keep smiling you just may brighten someone day. the love of Christ for ya.
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Dipuo Vinger Bloemfontein was a great experience...heres to th ANC...Nastarovia means Cheers in Russian...
!!!Dear Lord~~please help me to remember that !!! Mercy on me In Jesus name !!! A~m~e~n <3
Sometimes you just need something so cute that you can't help but smile. That's exactly what this - just wait til you see what this furry little guy does.
Sharon Short I like this--it reminds me of the sign I posted on my living room wall about 35 years ago. It said "If you can't lend a helping hand then keep your big mouth shut"
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Your 1 share myt get a mom her daughter back...be human!!!
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