Paty Soares Gomes Q vontad d dançar aquele melody com o aleksy lameira !!!
DeeJay Baker MONEY - (M)ake (O)ther (N)iggas (E)nvy (Y)ou
Lisbania Melina Ramos Romero Esta navidad hare un arbolito en mi corazon n lugar d adornos colgare los nombres d mis amigos,los antiguos y los recients,los q veo a diario o raras veces,los d horas dificiles y felices,los q conosco mucho o poco,los q apesar d todo jamas seran arrancados d las raices d mi corazon. Gracias x formar part d mi arbolito. Los quiero mucho mis amigos.....
Joe William Aylward "Nobodys perfect hey but your perfect for me" This is a s/o to my budweiser lol round 2 2nite
Karen Nascimento Só o Senhor é Deus.
Larry Brown He talk like he got a mouth full o badger poop!!
Elizabeth Adaniken Baba God noni o.....tnks to u all,i pray d voice of joy wil neva cease frm ur u all most especialy my lovely parents nd my best frnd loveth nd my hrt u
Jules Wu Mykenize and daddy o are getting for the CIM marathon.
Violeta Bathan Tumaneng Gud morning rainy sunday O:-)
Consejo Enriquez Mirasol A blessed Christmas to all!
Christmas Medley: O Holy Night, We Three Kings Of Orient Are, Deck The Halls With Boughs Of Holly
Caio Abi Morad Se passei ou repeti, o impotante é que as férias vêm aí.
Patrick Geck I'll put an x in everything I have done :o
[] Bought condoms.
[] Gotten someone pregnant.
[x] Failed a class.
[x It was a dare -_-] Kissed a boy.
[x] Kissed a girl.
[x] Used a little paper bag for lunch.
[] Had a job.
[x] Slipped on ice.
[x] Missed the bus.
[x] Left the house without money.
[x] Bullied someone on the internet.
[x] Sexted.
[I hella want to :o] Had sex in public.
[I'm too much of a fat fuck] Played on a sports team.
[x] Smoked weed.
[x] Smoked cigarettes.
[x] Drank alcohol.
[x] Watched The Breakfast Club
[x] Been overweight.
[] Been underweight.
[] Had an eating disorder.
[x] Been to a wedding.
[x] Made fun of someone for being fat.
[x] Been on the computer for 5 hours straight.
[x] Watched tv for 5 hours straight.
[] Been late for work.
[x] Been late for school.
[x] Kissed in the rain.
[] Showered with someone else.
[] Failed my drivers test.
[x] Ran a mile in less than 10 minutes.
[] Been outside my home country.
[x] Been on a road trip longer than 5 hours.
[] Gotten my heart broken.
[x] Had a credit card.
[x] Been to a professional sports game.
[x] Broken a bone.
[x] Been unhappy about my weight.
[x] Won a trophy.
[x] Cut myself.
[] Had an STD.
[] Got engaged.
[x] Been on a diet.
[] Been on TV.
[x] Rode in a taxi.
[] Been to prom.
[x] Played a drinking game.
[x] Stayed up for 24 hours or more.
[x] Been to a concert.
[] Had a three-some.
[] Had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[] Been in a car accident.
[No, but Ima have to get them :/] Had braces.
[] Learned another language.
[Fucking Spiders x] Killed an animal.
[x] Been at a yard sale.
[] Been to a japanese steakhouse.
[x Haloween nigga] Wore make up.
[x] Talked to someone via webcam.
[] Had my wisdom teeth taken out.
[x] Kissed someone a different race than myself.
[x] Snuck out of the house.
[] Bought porn.
[x] Had a virus on my computer.
[] Had oral sex.
[] Dyed my hair.
[x] Gone skinny dipping.
[] Graduated from college.
[x] Wore someone elses clothes.
[x Rode in an ambulance.
[] Rode in a helicopter.
[x] Caught the stove on fire.
[x Like two weeks ago lawl.] Got in a physical fight.
[] Met someone famous.
[x] Been on vacation.
[] Been on an airplane.
[x] Been on a boat.
[x] Broken something expensive.
[x] Had surgery.
[x] Kissed someone before I was 14.
[x] Beat a video game.
[x] Found something valuable on the ground.
[x] Made a survey.
[] Stalked someone on Facebook/Myspace.
Cheekhie Chick ondo yun lenu mi o.jor o
Lana Neal Just got home from a FULL DAY with my fpc family, ended with watching the Christmas Parade with nearly 100 of us crazies gathered at the waterfront, complete with cookies, sausage balls and hot chocolate :o). It was wonderful to be surrounded by all that LOVE!
Jennifer Marie Schoneker-Bush Had a great time at Justice's Basketball game last night, they battled hard and played great against Darrington HS:o) Today we just relaxed at home and took it easy. We slept in, I did an Insainity workout that felt great, we ran to Starbucks, and we are ending the night with a nice family dinner and maybe a movie:o) Life is good:o)
Don Bosco Create in me a clean heart O God, and put a new LOVE and right spirit within me
Juanaa Too Cutee Rosales What You Ninjaa Namee <3
A = ka
B = tu
C = mi
D = te
E = ku
F = lu
G = ji
H = ri
I = ki
J = zu
K = me
L = ta
M = rin
N = to
O = mo
P = no
Q = ke
R = shi
S = ari
T = chi
U = do
V = ru
W = mei
X = na
Y = fu
Z = zi
Jadiine Meerasty 20 likes and I'll do my ABC's.
A -avaliable;
B -birthday;
C -crushing on;
... D -drink you last had;
E -easiest person to talk to;
F -favorite song;
G -grossest memory;
H -hometown;
I -interests;
J -jealous of;
K -killed someone;
L -last kiss;
M -middle name;
N -number of siblings;
O -one wish;
P -person who called/texted you last;
Q -question your always asked;
R -reason to smile;
S -song you last sang;
T -time you woke up;
U -underwear color;
V -violent moment;
W -worst habit;
X -x'rays you had;
Y -your last hug;
Z -zodiac sign;
Gina DeDonato I am in desperate need of a vacation...o-kay a bubblebath will do...o-kay just 5 minutes of me time will suffice!!!!
Camillia SweetLife Livingston Had a wonderful time @ the dinner party with my husband and some really good friends. Stay blessed and i luv yall. O and Shellie the food was really GOOODDDD LOL.
Keiny Oluchi Obidiya Ezeafulukwe Obrigada a todos, era só um desabafo,tem coisas que não dá para se calar, a gente tenta não falar mais tem hora que é preciso,eu não sou de falar nem criticar ,não me interessa o que os outros pensam eu quero ser feliz ,e graças a DEUS eu sou muito feliz com tudo que tenho,não tenho inveja de nada e nem de ninguem,me esforço para ter o meu ,porque sei que tudo que eu conquistar com meu suor vai durar para sempre.... ASSIM SOU EU .
Annissa Valle SHORT HAIR :P O WELL
Valerie Godinez #1;D
Date ; Yess :)
Rate ; 1O <3
Chill/Ditch ; Chillll ;]
Kiss/Diss ; :o
BF ; Everythinq(:
Brad Alan Schwartz This morning I listened to yet another political candidate bowing out o the pressures of the media and asking them all sorts of questions.First,may I say this,yes if all these people who do stupid things to innocent people is just plain wrong,but secondly,what does all that irregular behavior have to do with creating jobs,full employment for everything,what does that terrrible behavior have to do increasing the retirment age to 72,increasing the minium wage to ten dollars an hour,I have to be able to undderstand societies ineffienicies,that is the only thing we should be discussing.But,it does not and will not dismiss the stupid behavior when people are married to other people,2012 is coming,and coming hard,wake up to societies ineffiencies,the acts of civil disorbience is getting worse,concentrate on those issues,let the husbands and wives deal with it privately..
Luis Domingues Acho que vc vai gostar disso Leonel Cozzari
Toyota Fun-Vii, em exposição no Tokyo Motor Show, é todo coberto de displays e muda de cor com um toque dos dedos