Lexie Goheen 6likes & I'll confess mah abc'sくろ
a- available :
b- birthday :
c- crushing on
d- drink you last had:
... e- easiest person to talk to:
f- favorite song
G-grossest memory :
h- hometown :
i- in love with
j- jealous of :
k- killed someone :
l- longest friendship :
m- milkshake flavor :
n- number of siblings:
o- one wish:
p- person that called you last:
q- question im always asked :
r- reason that i smile :
s- song you last sang :
t- time you woke up :
u- underwear color :
v- very BEST friends :
w- worst habit :
x- xrays :
y- your last time you cried :
Z-zodiac sign:
Prescilla Valles :/ fuk u den!! I wana get waisted who's down??;)
Alex Christian OVER!!! DAWG DOMINATION!!!!42-10 ! UNDEFEATED! U KNEAUX!!!! NEXT!!!!!
Diane Watford Omg, this dont feel real.. Im in alot of shock.... R.i.p my friend leann kirby.. We love you and gonna miss u so much.
Sharda Clerk Lms: if u live by or in woodcrest
Corey Brown Corey u need to upgrade this page, its really boring..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For starters u could change your status to "in a relationship"..just saying :)
Diamond Appiah-Kubi to all my beloved friends, i lost my two phones jst recently so i would be out of coverage till perhaps Monday, miss u all
DeEven Hayes (Darkly Pink)
Rate: 8.5
Tbh: we had a time span together! U was cool!
Kaycee Padilla WOW!!!!! My dad just came over and gave my kiddos a brand new T.V. We love u papa and grandma penny!!!!
Shhh.... Can u see what's wrong with this picture? If so hit the share button don't answer!!
Jamie Lynn Think how different life would be if u never met the one person who changed everything. ♥ #not givin up
Amber Akers got my car ! God gives u things when u least expect it . Now im paitently waiting to get me a house ! IMA BIG GIRL NOW lol.
Tiffany Rodgers Its fucked up that the person u w and the person that says they love u can talk 2 other people but cant manage 2 talk 2 u. EDWARD KENNETH BUCKNER JR.
Nicolette Gous Hapy bday vriendin.mag j i geseende dag ht.mt tolle liefde,gluk en als wt moi is.mwa luv u lots.
Xavier Goodwin ok so i kno you're talking about me and yes its stupid, childish, and punk like(i mean just say it too my face!) but you werent sayin all that when u felt bad n stuff, and u are poking me consecutively, so u must want me to notice u
Jazmine Quinley just when u think that god has forgot he is always there no matter what!
Ritchy Blaize YOOO lms if u think i look like i smoke weed
Joshua Spence So what if GA lost the game...just how many of u GA haters can say ur team played for SEC championship??...they had a good season so next year y'all better beware of the GA BULLDOG bite....GO DAWGS!!!
Tony Coach Lane changing, flexn ass hoes n niggas stay where u at, IJS
Anthony Ehling i hate girls that think being a dick is voluntary, like i was only a dick cause u were a bitch
Pornpenn Younger So we may be late to d&b just call me before u leave. Family dinner running late!
Sharmaniece Beene * Ready to home....UGH its fuckn bored down hea!!!! SN: glad u like me but ii love sumone else....sorry fellow...lmao!!!!
Anthony Pereira had a bussy day thanks to god n my managers both MD n GM n my chef n my cowkers for helping me true this day god bless u all
Deja Badd iiiiiiiiiivvvve heard that youurr settled down that youve found a girl and youur married nooooww ive heard that your dreams came true i guess uv thangs i aint give to uuuu old friend whyy u sooo shyyy aint like u to hold bacc or hiiiddee frum the lie i hate to turnup outta the blue univited but ii couldnt stay away i couldnt fight it iii hoped u see mii face and that u be reminded that for miii it isnt oveeerrr nevermind ill found someone like youuuuu i wish nunthin but the best for uuuu too dont forget me i beg ill remember u said sometimes it last in love but sometimes it hurts in steadd
#someone like you !
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