Leonardo Araujo se encontraa o caminho serto encontral
Mikhail Voronov las cadenas de la esclavitud solamente atan las manos: es la mente lo que hace al hombre libre o esclavo..."
no acuerdo la fuente....
Chris Colaneri A knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork
That's the way we spell New York
I've got cocaine runnin' around my brain
But everytime I walk in the rain
Man, o man, I feel a pain, I feel a burning pain
Keep on burning in my bloody brain
I've got cocaine runnin' around my brain
Servius Ponamon Sdr2ku yg dikasihi Tuhan Yesus kristus.Qt pasti masuk sorga tp sadarlah bhw itu bkn krn perbuatan baik yg qta lakukan. Ef2:8,9"Sbb krn kasih karunia qt diselamatkan o/ iman;itu bkn hasil usahamu,ttp pemberian Adonai,itu bkn hasil pekerjaanmu: jgn ada org yg memegahkan diri."n namanya org yg sdh diselamatkan cuma2 wajarlah klo dlm sgl aspek qta selalu memuliakan Dia.YHbu!
Diana Grover They warn you about making friends online (which is good advice in a lot of cases) but once in awhile you truly find some great friends online, that you have never met and they seem to care just as if they have known you your whole life!
•*”˜˜”*░Y░O░U░A░R░E░░M░Y░░B░L░ E░S░S░I░N░G░S░ *”˜˜”*°•.
I have found a few of those 'special people' and if you have ... re-post so they know you are grateful to have them as your friend and I am grateful for you. ♥
Ayoo Roqerr Lowkss *Wifeyy <3333 ? 0.o
Samantha Alvarez ({})
Heey Whaat's Thaat[x ? :o
Tish McDermott Max O. Miller, Rob Mc Dermott, Josh Carrico, Liz McDermott, Joyce Retcofsky Carrico: It's time to wake up and get your presents!!!!!
http://www.AlphabetPhotography.com - On Nov.13 2010 unsuspecting shoppers got a big surprise while enjoying their lunch. Over 100 participants in this awesom...
Ky Stay Mackin s/o tew mah other half Kaykay Luvvsu Terrell
Heler Dassuncao O atleticano so fala antes..depois some!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharafat Hussain Asri As'salam-o-Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatoho.
" Ae Eman Walo! Allah Se Daro Aur Seedhi Baat Kiya Karo, Allah Tumhare Aamaal Durust Kar DegaAur Tumhare Gunaah Muaaf Kar Dega Aur Jo Shaks Bhi Allah Aur Us Ke Rasool Alaihe Salam Ki Ata'at Kare ga To Yaqeenan Us Ne Bohat Bari Kamiyabi Hasil Karli. "
(Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse # 70-71)
Messod Bendayan Hell to the yes! Too bad I have an Oregon hoops game that night, but still... it beats Idaho. #soTIVOingthis
FIU heads to Beef ‘O’ Brady’s Bowl
Sian Bettoney ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´11´´1o1
... ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶¶´´´1777ooooo77777711o$¶¶o77øø1
Chris Akah Like my status? ^.♥
You're My.. ..
[] Babee >_♥
[] Friendd
... [] Futuree Babee
... ... [xxx] Facebook Friend
[] Stranger >.<
[] Bestieee (:
[] Brother
[] Sister
[] Nothinq Really O;
[] My WifeY ^ . ♥♥
[] Text Mee
[] Call Mee
[] Get trashed by me on xbox.....this is actually a great honor :P
[] Hmu Moree
[] Chill With Mee
[] Inbox Mee.
[] Nothinq -____-
[] Yourr Body
[] Eyess
[] Smilee(:
[] Lipss
[] Personality
[] Dimpless (:
[] Everythinq ♥ ;D
[] Nothing Sorry
[] Yes ♥
[] No -_____-
[]Maybe (;
[] G T F O!!
[]Just Friendss
[] I dont Know o;
Michelle Arleen Gierbolini Estos dias son los mas qe extra-o a PR .. Los party.!! :D
- fiestaa en la casaa' :)
Sebastian Burgos "Puedes no ser su primero, su ultimo o su único..
Ella amo antes y puede amar de nuevo.
Pero si ella te ama ahora, Que otra cosa importa?
Angélica Silva Hj o meu dia estava perfeito até uma certa hr quando chega uma filha da P#%*&@ e diz q eu amanhã não tenho rendição, pelo fato de eu faltar no domingo passado. É para matar essa filha da p#%*&@? Pq eu escolhi essa profissão...
Anego Montoya LM$ For a letter in your inbox .
A= I like you
B= I have a secret to tell you :)
C= I like you, but I'm shy
D= You're cute
E= Your mean >___<
F= Your Ugly :o
G= You can get it .
H= Hug me next time you see me
I= I want to kiss you ;)
J= Lets talk
K= I want to see you more
L= Facebook marry me :)
M= Text me now -_-
N= I have a crush on you
O= Im dont know if i should say
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