Kim Sawyer @ Red Brick Gallery for Wine Walk!!!! stop by- I'm here til 8p. :o)
Hamed Lava Kash be shahr e khoob e to mara hamishe rah bood
rah e be to residanam,hamin pol e negah bood
mara bebar be khab e khod,ke khasteam az hame kas
Ashley Hurst ACC championship game.....let's go HOKIES!!!! H-O-K-I-E-S!!!!
Derek Elliott Call me Steve-O, I'm a wild boy
Mgk and Waka doing their thing I do not own the rights to this song
Demond Loveless , S/O : )
#Likeeeeee : )
Brunna Souza KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK rachando o bico com a váléria e janete babuina ;DDD
Stacey Shipe My curfew was the street lights, my mom didn't call my cell, she yelled my name, I played outside with friends, not online. If I didn't eat what my mom cooked, then I didn't eat. Sanitizer didn't exist, but you COULD get your mouth washed out with soap. I rode a bike w/o a helmet, getting dirty was OK, and neighbors cared about you as much as your parents did. post if you drank water from a garden hose & survived.
Ingrid Salles O Desafio Musical De 250 Dias.
4 - Uma música que você saiba a letra toda
Sara Ciuculete "Pentru fiecare dintre noi, autori de carti despre Pitesti, autori de marturii, ori doar simpli cititori doritori sa ne cunoastem istoria (si sa ne-o asumam), atunci cand vine vorba de cineva care a trecut prin Inferul Reeducarii, singurul mod in care este drept sa ne apropiem de acest fenomen, pentru a-l intelege: in prealabil, sa ne intrebam, la oglinda: << Si daca, Doamne-fereste, as fi fost si eu la Pitesti? >>"
Paul Goma- Patimile dupa Pitesti
Ismael Laranjeira boa noite a todos vou dormir . acordarei cedo vou a orca vender o santana.
Silvania Nery Alguns homens deveriam cubrir um pouco dos peitos e bracos musculosos e mostrar mais o coracao... Deveriam exercitar mais o cérebro ao invés do corpo. Deveriam saber que mulher nao foi feita para ser objeto de prazer e satisfacao ou algo a ser exibido para os outros, mulher foi feita para ser amada e respeitada. Portanto mulheres se dêem valor, como diz minha amiga Juliana Brasil " cubram os peitos e mostrem o coração. Exercitem o cérebro ao invés da bunda. Saiam a noite pra se divertir e não pra caçar". Comecemos nos mulheres a nos amar e nos respeitar.
Stephanie Aquino jeiljhfdjjsdklgjdklfjkfg jfkogeritop5iykjgtkhmnytkrjmjsdfgnjdnfdfjgnsakredlgmdfkhnrfj gjgksadfjgfokfndjtgjndsiofgnrjkgfneriogn ekj <------- how I feel about school right now >;O
Priscila Ramos Falando com meu amigo junior meu cel acaba os bonus... O triste:(
Mary Bakare Okebule Thank u Lord, oro mi to ope o ju ope lo.
Cindy Demos Van Buskirk Las. Vegas. Lacrosse. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfreezing wind
proud o ma bebe :)
Tyk Wilkerson Jus got n not too long ago n I'm bout to take it down to bak up at the crack of dawn...smh, o well
Angie Zimmerman Fiedler This wife & Mom would love to spend some good Times with Her Family!! :o(
Jayla Shelton #LMS : For Christmas I Want ... :)
[] A Date With You
[] You ♥
[] To Hang Out With Youu
[] A Christmas card
... [] A Huge Hug :D
[] A Kiss :*
[] A Chance
[] A Present xD
[] Rudolph
[] You and me under the mistletoe
[] Some milk and cookies
You Are ..
[] All i Want ' ♥
[] Cute :3 nh
[] Pretty
[] Mean
[] Alright
[] Funny Af
[] My Friend
[] Not My Type.
[] You Duh Sexy
[] Nice
[] Fine
[] Eww ...
[] Beautiful ♥
Rate ..
[] 1-5
[] 6-7
[] 8-9
[] Broke My Scale :O
Deisha Italee Zepher Messina mum and uncle featuring double brown :O yuma
Mitchy Ito Facebook上で「過日の参加済イベント」はスケジュールから自動削除されるがでしょうか。昨日お邪魔した同窓会のページにもうたどり着けず、お会いしたみなさんを探すのが大変です w
Takeru Sato's "Rurouni Kenshin’finished filming | お客様を海外から呼ぼう!テンカイジャパン
Joaquim Gomes Junior Caracas o povo só vê novela quero futebol no horário nobre
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