Recebi esta história, achei interessante e compartilho. O Valor de uma amizade
Lily é um Cão grande que é cego desde uma operação que exigiu que ela tivesse os olhos removidos. Nos últimos 5 anos, Maddison, outro Great Dane, tem sido a visão. Os dois são, naturalmente, inseparáveis.
"Todas as riquezas do mundo não valem uma boa amizade." :)
Daisy Mend Class over! The question is salgo o me quedo en casa???
Reynald Ballesteros mapahiya man ako sa buong mundo ..
walang dhilan para itago ko pagmumukha ko..
dahil GINUSTO KOh yun
para malaman ng ibang tao ..
na kahit maliit man o malaki ang nagawa kong mali sa mga brkda ko
" PINAGSISISIHAN KO, dhil mahal ko sila ng todo todo "
Carol Adelaide Filminho com o maridão. Ai que delícia! Amo você neguinho. Mockinhos
Milton Valenzuela Vives o trabajas en la zona de Otay?... Por favor contesta esta encuesta, no te toma mas de 1 minuto...
Debbie Prince Cunningham Gift Cards and monetary donations for John and Tabitha Groeneveld can be sent to: Wayne Memorial Hospital C/O Cindy McPhail, ICU Director 2700 Wayne Memorial Drive, Goldsboro, NC 27530. John and Tabitha lost their home & all of their belongings early this morning to a fire. Thankfully they and their 3 children, along with John's sister were able to make it to safety. Please continue to pray for them and their family during this difficult time

Nicole Lee 5 'likes' for my ABC's. :)
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing on:
D- Drink you last had:
... ... E- Easiest person to talk to:
F- Favorite song:
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone?:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Milkshake flavor?:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person you called last:
Q- Question you are always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last listened to:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- X-rays I've had:
Y- Your last time you cried:
Z- Zoo animal favorite:
Annette Francine Saerang (ε)-(˘▽˘)-(з)Good ♧ m ö я̲̅ η ί η ğ ♧ O:) G♥D<3({})<3BLESS<3({})<3Y♥U O:).. Have a great day n love u all.. (*_*)
Auntie Chris Quilt Fabric
All Patterns Buy Get Free br br Beautiful Jennifer Lokey designed patterns So many useful patterns in one Patterns for quilt with yo yo embellishments self lined fabric baskets yoga
Khiimpötx Möntemayör Ü MAHAL KA?
pero hindi ka magawang unahin, hindi ka man lang ma text o makachat dahil laging busy sa mas mahal niyang mga laro.
Admin Ka ?
Delcona Robinson Rate:
[] 10% = ew. O.o
[] 20% = gross. :/
[] 30% = Errrr. :x
[] 40% = okay. :L
... [] 50% = not bad. :P
[] 60% = you're alright. ;o
[] 70% = you're kinda cutte,
[] 80% = you're prettty. :D
[] 90% = hott. :$
[] 100% = p e r f ec t. ♥
You + me + room =
[] movies :)
[] pillow fight :D!
[] cuddle :S
[] awkward. >.<
[] hang out:)
[] sleep over!
If you kissed me I'd:
[] kiss you back on the cheek. ;D
[] be surprised. 0.0
[] kiss back. ♥
[] ew. >:[
[] smack you.
[] smile and blush. :x
If we walked home I'd:
[] hold your hand. ♥
[] push you in a bush haha. ;)
[] walk quietly until it's over. :[
[] talk. :]
[] run away.
You should:
[] inbox me. :)
[] be mine. ♥
[] marry me on facebook. :D
[] make this status so I can like it
[] come over ;)

Karla Santana Ya Facebook tiene un boton de "Me gusta" pero sinceramente, creo que Facebook necesita un botón de "NO ME GUSTA". Sin dejar de mencionar que deberiamos tener la oportunidad de "Agregar como enemigos" o en el mejor de los casos "Agregar como Hipócritas".... Buenas noches mis amores.... amigos, enemigos o hipócritas los quiero a todosssssssss :-)
Elsha Jauregui Sometimes I just want to smack people. I called the hospital pharmacy this morning to fill some medicine and apperently I called a closed pharmacy cause when Matt went to pick it up the lady told him they didn't have it, it was at the other one that isn't open one the weekends. Man o man stupid people piss me off, and today I had to deal with stupid people or at least Matt did. GRRRR
Eric Brooks "And the Grinch's _______ grew three sizes larger that day."
(Admit it. Without context, things are so much funnier! :^o )
Saya Kamu Aku Brunei fm askum bf sale o swap
6120c $100 5230 $160
5800xm complet set 200
bmobile bolt $50 semua
gd condition siapa mau
inbox saja.thks.
Marcos Garcia That awkward moment when you're seeing yourself dance to a song you like in the mirror and someone walks in the room 0.o
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