Josh P Arvin Well I did wat had to be done one last test ;)
Steve Richard just got home from maybees work thank god we made it home her and i almost got hit by an old woman at bilo.lol luv ya hun glad we had a great day...cant wait till later
Ryan Clifton Robert Griffin III better win the Heisman. He's got olympian speed and a rocket arm. He's a mix between Michael Vick and Aaron Rodgers. Plus if I were the Colts I'd take him over Luck. Let him sit behind Manning for 2-3 years and look out...
Doc Romar Diaz Sausa Learning 101: at the Davao International Airport on November 30 at 10:25, my boarding time bound for AIIAS. tHE AIRplane gate personnel was obstructed by the Korean passengers and he dwelt with them which delayed our entrance into the plane.. decided to go through without him taking my boarding pass. So they kept on announcing on the airport sound system: "paging Mr. Romar Sausa on flight 5J-960, your plane is boarding now." and for several times. But when they discovered that everyone was inside the plane after the internal counting by the stewards, they found out, I was asleep.
2 hearts, 1 souls, 1 beat, You and Me! i love you ds..
Sol De Pasquale I've been starin' at ya And I could do it all night You're looking like an angel With that kind of body, it needs a spotlight ♪ asdfghjk
Shae Anderson What bad luck i took my car in one month a go and they told me nothing is rong with it we got gas now it won't start called the tole and they are booke to bizy had to run all the way home to get the other car to pick up my daughter and wife not happy
Gary Benjamin Walker Samanthaa Sanchez Lopez Reyes i needa talk 2 yhuu
Jimil Davon I live for the beat soon as it come on I put on, we got that vibe ,some us against the world type shit
Jessie Sargent if You Dont Like Me.............................Delete Me.
if You Think im Nice.............................Like my status
if You Think im A Good Friend..............Comment a :) on this status
if You Ever Liked Me............................Poke me, I won't tell
if You Like Me Now..............................Inbox me a heart, I won't tell
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if You are Brave.....................................You'd put this as your status
Haley Bales I should be playing I'n the winter snow but imma be under the mistletoe:)<3
Daniel Brenton Okay, what do you think?
I had an ad here on Facebook asking for support for the idea of adding Ronald Reagan to Mount Rushmore. Personally, I think this is ridiculous, and (forgive me if I'm goring anyone's ox here) I don't particularly think Teddy Roosevelt should be up there, either. Nothing against either, really, but Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln are in a different league entirely.
So, if we were to actually add a president to Mount Rushmore, who should it be?
(And, no, I'm not using the "Ask Question" poll feature, because that makes it easier for Facebook to target ads. I'm not doing that to you.)
Heather Lee Hutchins Facebook friends, could you all go and support me and my page? : ) I also have 3 contests running right now that will each have 3 winners. Prizes include free photo sessions, discounted sessions and hand made items, or discounted sessions and gift cards!
Please like my page and help support me! : ))) Thanks all. (Please share this for me too)
Page is under construction- More description and prices too come.
Ashley Griffith Zingaro Ughhh..... Annoyedd..... Goin to bed I guess...
Whyte Mensah This is de day my God has made i wil rejoyce and be glade in it.oh God i thank u for adding a year to ma years.
Brittany Swint I should be at the MGK concert and so on, but instead I'm home sick. COOL.
Ced Hollywood goodwoods around my neck I can start a fire,jeez leweez jesus pieces in ya damn attire????? #Hollywood #Ambitionz
Jeff Kidwell this was crazy i cant wait to try one day.
Music: "Sail" by AWOLNATION http://awolnationmusic.com Like me on Facebook : http://www.jeb.corliss.com Edited by Gian Autenrieth Multiple camera angle flyin...
Mike Gallagher In case you were wondering what to get me for Christmas, I will take one of these!
I'm on facebook and twitter now! :) https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp Check out http://jetlev.com At the lin...
Lori Lo Duca Please pass this along about Red Rock Fantasy - not because it has me in it but because it promotes RRF... which if I may say so it magnificient this year :)
Olivia Kochunas Thats it. I have come to a conclusion. Well, my parents MADE me go to see the muppet movie with my sister and it was flat out GAY.
Rex Holman Missin my babie I love u girl n hope too c ya sooon
Jeremy Minnick 123 here I come with the wicked!
Patricia A. Libby 32 years ago tomorrow I gave birth too the most precious, sweet, adorable, angelic gift God could have ever given too me! She is not only my daughter but most importantly she is my best friend! I called her Bundance for abundance but you all know her as Brandy! I love you too pieces Bundance and am extremely proud of all your accomplishments! I wouldn`t trade you for all the tea in China! Thanks for being my daughter! Love,Your Mom
. You guys out there are performing a great job
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