Jacquline Trinidad L M S(:
For Christmas I Want
...[] A Date With You
..[] Yuu ♥
[] To Hang Out With Youu .. ... ...
[] A Christmas card ^.^
... [] A Huge Hug :D
[] A Kiss(x
[] A Chance
[] A Present xD
[] Rudolph
[] You and me under the mistltoe
[] Some milk and cookies ;)
[] idk
You Are ..
[] All i Want ' ♥
[] Cute :3
[] Pretty
[] Mean
[] Alright
[] Funny Af
[] My Friend
[] Not My Type.
[] You Duh Sexy ^.^
[] Nice
[] Fine
[] Eww ...
[] Beautiful ♥
.......You should.
[] Stop liking my status
[] Make this your status so I can like it
[] Text me
[] Be mine ♥
[] Leave me alone
[] Be my new Friend
Julianne Marie Inman I hope somethin like that never happens to me again ... hurt my feelins ...
Lacy Barnard I love my girls and the fact they deal with my many changing ideas.... I appreciate all of yall Jen Lindsey Diemicke, Courtney Barnard, Katie Echels, Katrina Lemons-Bohannon and Rachel McGowan. So heres my final decision buy the purple!
Cal Buckley One more person to buy for and xmas shopping will be done, my teat was finding alot of different loose teas , so I just had to buy small canisters for each one, and Job Lot has castiron tea pots to steep the tea in.
Juan Gloria Today was a buttfull day home eating pizza looking at tv went to see the gurl I like and to day was my first day seen a falling star well I was smocking a blunt at home lol jeje
Lisa Marshalsea Collett Recovering from one of the most exciting celebrations in my life. The undefeated Bourne Canalmen win the 2011 MIAA SUPERBOWL for the 1st time EVER! I want to thank all our special friends who came up huge in helping me host the party of the century. The Sullivan's, The DiMonda's, The Raftery's, The Schmitt's and so many others. What wonderful generous friends. A night I shall never forget.
Kam NiKonpretty Owens It's only two thing God can't do that's Lie & Die So I'm about to do like Hezekiah and turn my face to the wall because I know God can hear me and he will make a way!!!
Sharon Tomter Legacy 12 - 0 yeah baby. I have to admit the Giants gave us the best game so far this year. Packers Rule!!!!!!
Rsg Pics ............I'm I that hard to believe ? .................
Hilaree England Sitting here eating a slice of red velvet cake yummy! Can't wait for my ultrasound tomarrow! I hope to hear Presley is on the way any day...
Dovydas Kirsa That akward moment when I realise I'm not rich and have to go to work :/
Taylor Dickson omg the simpsons is so idk the word i guess edgy??
Angelique Stein HMHP Christmas party @ champion roller rink was so much fun! Happy that I took the kids!
Andrea Arellano 11-30-11
i luv u
Cheeneng Vang Fuck I need a new job man I'm tired of working at this shit...
Londa SoPretty'Like Monroe &If you choose not to show me that you truly care abt me as a human being...you wont qet thee Pleasureee of enjoyinq the 'real' qoods I have to offer..sm[HEAD] @ guys who dont use theirS ... :')
Ashley Howell Why am I always the man in every freakin relationship! I wanna be the girl an get wined an dined an treated like a freakin ghetto princess.... Feel Me! Well shit Im Out!
Breeze Garbarz I'm loving this jimi hendrix purple haze I think ima vape it nxt n go nite nite playing miles Davis bitches brew
Stephanie Gullotti You CLAIM your not a drama person but yet your still posting shit up thats pointing towards me. some of these ugly beast have not life its sad! go do you & stop talking your shit you fat fucked up teeth bitch! Im going to bed a mom soon & I dont need this shit & trashy ppl in my life so if you dont like me then just let it be at that! Jeez little girls dont know when to stop! P.s it was great!
Steven Jaeger tired in pain went to the doc and i might have broken ligements in my leg and i got aa boot and on crutches so yaya not happy
Brianna Smith I miss you baby girl.<3 -ciera smith.
Andrew Copp Woo Hoo, I am 5 page views away from hitting 2000 !!!! http://thenew52withdrew.blogspot.com/
Cory Laney I hate the NY Giants and the GB Packers.
Sarah Jane Carter I had a lot of fun today winning first place in my tournament
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