Quadrum Scott What it do just stop by to say fuck u all off u well the one that dont fuck with me shit I just lol at yea iam good iam pay now iam do me lat yal fuck nigga and bicth do u lol
Ashley Nomoredrama Peterson Love is blind n it'll take ova ur mind,wat u think is love its truly not u need to elevate n find....#EVE
Jamaica Bautista Villanueva Jung Yunho= Infinite//ty
Brian Shockley Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCpCn0l4Wo&feature=related
Music video by MC Hammer performing U Can't Touch This.
Ced Downwithemob man u got never to cut ya hair dwn low like a nigga nah u trynna crack jokes bitch yo head look like a dirty tennis ball
Julien Greaseball Capers What yall niggas doin tonight? hit me up if u wanna vibe wit me.....
Tutu Williams why when u single nobody try to talk to u but when u have a (boyfriend/girlfriend) all these (dudes/girls) be tryna talk to u n flirt with u. why is that???
Stevie Sellevaag gunna hate tonight. omg another damn night picking up after pigs and coming in after day shifts lazy asses. I love most things in life but my job is not one of them. love all u night crew people though lol
LaTisha ImaDiva Faucette Plain and simple.... I love u <3
Kavita Angel confidence doesnt cme ven u hve all d answers .it cms ven u r rdy to face all d qustns so believe in urself wat r u doing
Selisa Lee White Im so bored hmu if u want the number just ask
Will Stout like this if u LOVE to snowboard!!
Mira Paunovic 70 poena u kvizu Slagalica. Igraj i ti na http://www.slagalica.tv
Angelo Gorial i got all As and never got detention and always turn in my homework early or on time like if u think im lieing
Rick Souza FAMILY isn't necessarily who u are born to; it's those who are there when u need them & love u unconditionally & those u can't imagine not having in your life!
Tiaria Blackbeauty Maiden The finest person to like my status I'm gone say good gosh oh mighty and tag their name next to it so if u think u the finest like!! Now I know y'all not scared lol!!!
Julian Danga Sav trip, Doggie. We all luv u n take xtra care. C u whn u cam back 4 ur break. Mch luv.......
Mohamed Sekou Massallay Ladies:::::::....Have u ever had sex on a 1st date?...Let b real...
Ella Rachmawati sedih deh u,u :'(
Isa R Paez Happy! Ring day of Wallis.Lov U My Wa.
Ashley Glover Bout to head to the oasis wit my baby!! I love u Levi!
Vanessa Rogers http://m.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reverbnation.com%2Fc.%2Fponi%2F73665870&h=oAQG1Ogv4&refid=0&ref=bookmark
Airla Cherismat I had a great time at keisha wedding but most of all i had a blast @TBoi Montana jit party!!!!! It was off da chain lol!!! You a boss i wanna b just like u when i grow up!!!
Willie Grayson "Learning to play guitar so I can write u a love song on all the mistakes I made...but I'm still in love with u" something I thought of while driving in the moonlight=)!
Nicholas Gee I think its fucked up that a person would cross da ppl u so call fuck wit, dats childish,
Knowin a person would rather tell u a lie 2 ya face thn b real,i pray u find wht u seekin!
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