Tom Swiss "Until today, when a colleague at Slate sent an email around about the messages Facebook hides in an obscure folder labeled “Other.” Haven’t heard of it? Click the Messages tab on the left side of your Facebook screen. “Other” will then appear beneath it. Click on Other and you will unearth months of messages you probably missed." WTF, FB?
On Nov. 15 at approximately 11:45 p.m., I left my 1-month-old MacBook Air in the back of a New York City cab. Quickly realizing my error, I freaked out: Hands shaking, I dialed the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission, reported the cab’s medallion number (I had a receipt) and jotted...
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Tameka Demby At home just took my temperature and it a little over 100 :(. I was gonna eat a blow of Campbell's chicken noodle but i don't even feel like eating...
John Monzon A new morning a new day. A new breath of fresh air to take you up and on your way. So I say have a good day.
Sharneisia Carpenter Jus left vondies wit the kids they had a ball happy birthday to my neice aunty love u baby u showed up n showed out baby lol
Kyle Jackson Ok pick one! Go to a Rodeo and no party or go to a party with no Rodeo? I wanna know who really loves rodeo!
Gary Gillespie whats the nicest thing about dating a homless girl ? can drop her off anywhere ! kadada BOOOM !
James D. MacRae I went downhill skiing yesterday for the first time in 15 years! It was so fun and after a while I felt like my rhythm came back. I love the new skis, they definitely are easier to turn than the old narrow "long boards". Now it's time to focus on the Holidays, then it's time to ski with Michael (Courage Center) and Julie on Sundays at Welch. If all goes well I hope to go out to see Judd In Colorado in spring.
Kayla Cooke haverhill is full of a bunch of complete jokes.
Echo Maas Someone help me i dont know what to get a really cute amazing guy for christmas!!! Comment if you got any ideas!!
Justin Damron Mariah Nguyen haz a new boyfriend -
Vincent: *holds hands and smiles* i have a boner.
Mariah: Smiling *thinking in her mind* (Her Mind - ..........)
Me: ROFL u should soo break up with him he such a dumbass
Vincent: *Gets home* jacks off thinking- omg i need to fuck her up the ass IM SOO HORNY

Courtney Roth Im deleting my facebook because -__- . ---->
ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE ... in the next seven days you will:
1. Have someone fall in love with you
2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground
3. Go out with the person you like :3 ... But first! You gotta repost this and see how many people you can scare ;)

DeDe Baker My 2 days off was spent at the hospital again Sherman got put back in on Friday hope he can come home on Monday he has a real bad infection we don't now were yet he keeps running a very high fever he is one very sick guy.
Al Bell My lawsuit post was real! I realize it looked like spam. I actually have a check for $0.18! IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW!

Fui a la fiesta y me acordé de lo que me dijiste. Me pediste que no bebiera alcohol. Por eso, bebí una Sprite. Sentí orgullo de mí misma, tal como me dijiste que sentiría.
Me dijiste que no debería beber y conducir, al contrario de lo que algunos amigos me dijeron. Hice una elección saludable y tu consejo fue correcto, como todos los que me das siempre.
Cuando la fiesta finalmente se acabó, la gente empezó a conducir sin estar en condiciones de hacerlo. Fui hasta mi auto con la certeza de que volvería a casa en paz.
Nunca me imaginé lo que me esperaba, mamá. Ahora estoy tirada en la calle y oigo a un policía decir: "El chico que provocó este accidente iba borracho".
Mamá, su voz parece tan distante. Mi sangre está derramada por todos lados y estoy intentando con todas mis fuerzas no llorar.
Puedo oír a los médicos decir: "Esta chica va a morir". Tengo la certeza de que el joven, que manejaba a toda velocidad, decidió beber y conducir; y ahora yo tengo que morir.
Por qué las personas hacen esto, mamá?. Sabiendo que esto va a arruinar muchas vidas. El dolor me está cortando como un centenar de cuchillos afilados.
Dile a mi hermana que no llore; dile a papá que sea fuerte. Y, cuando vaya al cielo, estaré velando por todos ustedes.
Alguien debería haberle enseñado a aquel chico que está mal beber y conducir.
Tal vez si sus padres se lo hubieran dicho, yo ahora no estaría muriendo.
Mi respiración se está debilitando, cada vez más. Mamá, estos son mis últimos momentos y me siento tan desesperada.
Me gustaría que me pudieras abrazar mamá, mientras estoy tirada aquí muriendo. Me gustaría poder decirte lo mucho que te quiero, mamá. Por eso.. Te quiero... y... adiós..."
(Estas palabras fueron escritas por un reportero que presenció este accidente. La joven, mientras moría, iba diciendo estas palabras y el periodista anotaba... muy abrumado. Este periodista empezó esta campaña, si lees esta nota, por favor hace click en "compartir", asi podemos concientizar a más personas. Por eso, te pido un pequeño gesto, envíalo a tus amigos, familiares y seres queridos)

Alicyn Topping Thinks it's weird that some people fall in love with different people every other day, and talk about how they love each one so much. Doesn't seem possible, maybe they are just in love with the idea of being in love. Love is a strong and wonderful word that should never be abused. That's just my opinion though because I am annoyed by somebody.
I was recently sent these photos of an old school bus turned in a tiny house on wheels. The bus was completely remodeled and lined with a beautiful wood
Julian Spaziani Fml! I hate missen someone! No matta how good of a time im haven....i miss her :(
Thomas Stolpa Who needs a girlfriend when you have upteen billion mom's. LOL
Kelli Blanken Smith Well, we've had a great family day out! Longhorn was pretty good, then we hit the mall, WalMart and Sams and I just finished helping Jay decorate her Gingerbread house. ;)
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