Alexandra Billings Last show of the year tonight. I won't be a Nurse in virgin white with sensible shoes for a long, long time.
Jenna Huffman ahhhh layin n bed watchin a christmas story wit da girls chillin until i fall a sleep
Jake Shiets LMS For A Secret Bout Hottest Girl In Meh School!!!
Faith Walker Assembly I need a new leather cap and's getting cold!
Brittney Montgomery It's been a long time since I've had enough time to organize the cupboards/drawers. weird.
Jacob Russell Just ate me a pizza waiting for my clothes to finish and Then I'm going lay down only been on the boat 4 days and I'm ready to go back home keep dreaming I guess
pra sa mga broken hearted T__T
Jane D. Kim Seong kim has a black eye because he cut his eye and had several stitches
Nene Rip'Triggamane Scott -- Got A Call From A Friend Who I Use To Love , ( : '#AintComingHomeTonight <3
Atiyya Nrd Fitzhugh omgggggg i had a good dinner burned my first dinner so made something else and it was gooooooood now bed time first a movie then bedddd time oh i love nasir just had to say that
Brayden Bennett Just quietly, I think I might be developing a man crush on James Pattinson. He has the knack...
Jeremy Weakley Great game by IU. Kentucky played with a monkey on their back, instead of a chip on their shoulder.
Cassie Cortez A big congratulations to Coach Cortez an the A-T Redfish on their big win tonight!!! Redfish Tournament Champs!!!
Ash Bee What a waste...least my nails look good though!
Allahiztheone Formeyemeniah Let God’s Presence Make You Happy
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Life is full of ups and downs. There are moments of happiness and sadness. From time to time we all feel sad, and get bored, and depressed. We can feel as if the whole world is against us; we never get what we want; our plans never work out. We have only bad luck and life is not fair. We think that there is no-one for us, nobody cares, no-one loves us and we are totally alone.
At these times it is a good idea to have our friends around us. Actually, having friends around us and being surrounded by those who love us is always beneficial at any time. But in difficulties and times of crisis, their help can be essential. A friends help doesn’t have to be practical or material, often just having a friend present with you can make a big difference. Simply knowing that you have a friend as well as enjoying their company can raise your spirits. Just being with friends is often enough to make someone happy.
Allah is not only merciful and compassionate, He is the most merciful and the most compassionate. He is also the most loving and He wants only what is best for you. You can trust Him and have faith in Him completely. Moreover Allah wants you, He created you for Himself, that you might know Him, love Him and be with Him. Through His knowledge and power He is always with you, He never leaves you. He is close by. How close? According to the Holy Qur’an He is nearer to you than your jugular vein. And where is your jugular vein? It’s inside you! That’s how close God is to you. Even though you may not be aware of it He is with you always.
Considering all of this it is easy to conclude that God is the ‘best friend’ we have, ever had or will ever have. How many of our friends can we say are always with us, always love us, always want what is best with us, can always be trusted and are totally compassionate, merciful and loving by nature. The prophet Mohammed (PBUH), said that Allah was his “Khalil” meaning “best friend and companion”
At all times, but especially when feeling sad or depressed, remember God and His love for you. Remember He is your best friend. He is with always you, He loves you and He wants you for Himself. When feeling lonely remember He is there, when feeling unloved remember He loves you, when feeling uncared for remember He cares. Develop your relationship with God. Let the companionship of God raise your spirits and cheer you up. Let God be your ‘best friend’ and constant companion. You can only benefit from such a relationship with God <3
Tianna So Cool Smurphy bleed open a vein, feel the rush, exodus, delicious. Don't be afraid, there's no pain in the letting, delectable. Watch the red flow, let it go, drip, make it slow, drip. If you've done it right, you won't wake from the night's indescribably peaceful dream. < ginger cordell>
Click on the link to read the full quote
Leroy Onur This weather is a joke.
Ismael Gonzalez soo if a fine ass MILF is walkin in tha mall with her husband an she smiles an u do u smile back ??
Paul Jansen If you're a Swype refugee, like me, from their latest update, making it incompatible with your screen size, Christmas just came early. The Android Market is highlighting 10 popular apps for 10¢ each. One of them is SlideIT, a Swype competitor, which is usually $6. Check out all the deals here.
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Karen Watts Davis I wish April was up......I miss her terribly.....even after almost a year.....
Diamond Gentry Spent a fun filled day with just the girls!!! We shopped 7 hours !!! Spent way too much!! and loved every minute of it!!!
Stuart Merrick SPOTO ( NO RETURNS)
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