Melissa Engle-brown All I want for Christmas is you!
Cathy Davis well out of the er finally. cant talk. on high potent cough syrup along with antibiotics and inhaler. off work all week. i am tired.
Brittany Filer Oh how i love the sound of screaming kids...not
Maisy Mae Edgecomb Yes Imma Girl:
1.) I wear makeup bcuz I think I look ugly without it.
2.) I only talk to guys bcuz I can only trust them.
3.) I hang with some girls...... Like the same personality and stuff
4.) I PMS..... Get over it?
... 5.) I pick out my outfit then change my mind a thousand times.
6.) I have a lot of shoes!
7.) Dont like me, Oh well, I dont like you then!
8.) I love my crush/boyfran.
9.) Yes get over it I am beautiful...... Jk I hate myself!
10.)Shopping, friends, Boyfriend/Crush and music = Life
Re-Post this if your a girl and proud of it........ Cause I am!(:
BigWillie's Inflatables KerrieHarris I am so blessed!! Thank you Lord for a wonderful weekend with great friends and family!
Man do I love Hornady ammo. This is real ammo.lmao. Sign me up for a
couple thousand rounds of 9mm, 45, .223 and .308 please.
Jared Chapman I bought Tetris for my phone and now my life is spinning out of control.
Shelby Anne Schulte Me: mom I'm gonna marry a man like the man off of Sweet Home Alabama one day!:)
Mom: I thought you didn't want to get married?
Me: No mom, I don't want any kids!!
Corey Bledsoe Im crip walkin to heaven but i aint thu on earth.! I rather show you me then allow you to see what them busters try and make me out to be. Cuuuuhz!
Megan Duncan Feels like it took her to think she lost something that means the world to her forever, for her to really figure out she loves him more than anything & never wants to lose him again. She regrets everything she has ever did to screw things up. I love this boy with all my heart, & i can't believe i was stupid, he showed me some great love, the only kinda of love that last forever. Not one day goes by i don't think about how much i love you & miss you CBW. :( being friends i hope leads us to being together again, cause i don't wanna go another day without you, i don't want to have to ever watch you love someone els.3
Jennifer Hunt My promise to my child ~ as long as I live ~ I am your Parent 1st - your Friend 2nd. I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare & hunt you down like a bloodhound when needed because I LOVE YOU ! When you understand that, I will know you are a responsible adult. You will NEVER find someone who loves, prays, cares, & worries about you more than I do! If you don't hate me once in your life - I am not doing my job properly. I ♥ you, Baby! Re-post if you are a parent & agree.
Ann Szuder so i ended up getting my haircut to my shoulders,even got strange but looks cute..yikes
Brian Torrusio you know i haven't said this in a long, long time but here it goes, I love my life right now
JP Perrier i hat school
Sandy Johnson idk why, but i want some balls against my face right now!!
Terrence T Stuart ...slight headache, but I'm still bout to hit the gym then go boy my big bro house and have a beer with him for his b-day b4 I head out.
Whitney Rebecca Thomas Don't know how much more I can take of all this :(
Sphiwe Mokgele am happy nd drunk i had a blast at the pub actually iv bein every were,just hapi that iv enjoyed my saturday wit my friends nd luved ones.*still smilling*
Lael D. Gilliland Jr. Merry christmas mom I know you have fun with families and I always misses you so much and thanks god for takin cares of my mom, aunt betty, uncle richard and my grandma and I misses you all and merry christmas and happy new year. Oh by the way I m doing great than I were before and I am happy with this woman I m with, she is alots better than two exs and I never love this much before. I love this woman more than I did before and I show all my heart to this woman I m with, dam happy too, excuses me Lord for this word, I am very happy and love with this woman alots and my heart is very strong and I cares about this woman so much. Once again I say this again, I misses you mom, aunt betty, uncle richard, grandma, grandpa and my uncle bill's wife, I misses you all and have a good christmas with God and angels. Thanks God for takin cares of the ones that I loves one in heaven, amen.
Valerie StCyr So bored that it's making me irritated! Ugh, fuckin hate this. I gotta find something to do or it's gonna be an early night.
Kindell Tucker Subject:, You're a crayon & I'm a high-lighter. You may color the world but I make it brighter. <3
Jones Betty All days are good days, but today was a goood day, spent most of it with my mama. She was talkative today, laughing at Rutha Mae, and some of the staff. I gave her some gingerale to drink and she was smacking her lips, it was so funny, and then she said um whats that, and tried to take it out of my hand, she dranked the whole thing. Its moments like today that I appreciate the most because she was acting like her old self, I sure do love that lady, thank you Lord it is as well as it is.
Ashley Stinson I hate james joseph harrison he is a no account daddy that i wouldnt piss on if he was on fire
Tracey Mcelwain-Goss wth...... is everyone pregnant .. is there something in the water. thank god I had the husbands tubes tied
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