Brandon Priest Tell me who out here is perfect,no one everybody do different shit,mistakes r mint to happen,u hve to learn how to forgive a person to keep that love going,y keep bs built up n side of u,
Alma Elmo'sWorld Jackson Npe Nt Doiin Dhe Numba Gme NoMre Hahaha Daat One Person Daat Sent Me A Numba Mesx'd It All Up ( : #Luhv Yuh Oreo Nh

Joel S. Fogel As a former Chapter Chairman for the Philadelphia Chapter, I have recently been asked to run for BOD at TEC. Please advise your thoughts on this.
As it was during my tenure at the Philly Chapter, my platform will be unity, fundraising, sponsorships, membership, environmental issues and an enhanced internet showcase of our Club, it's scientific goals and it's assets.
Please let me know your thoughts. I will not run without your support and the support of our membership.
Capt. Joel S. Fogel, Member Emeritus, '73
609 214 3967
This site acts as an introduction to the Explorers Club and in particular the Philadelphia Chapter. For information on the current members, how to become a member, chapter and club events and the expedition work that the club engages in please explore this site.

Javier Garcia I have had a great birthday! Great friends, food and food, and food. and cake and did i mention food! Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Have a great night!
Mike Sheffield Was straight up fifteen feet from a wild Hawk today! haha... happy random Saturday.
Sarah Rabon McClanahan is enjoying listening to Linda Parnell Rabon give colin his bath while i eat my dinner. thanks to mimi for a fun afternoon of running errands and a relaxing evening for mommy.
Mary Spence im a great aunt to wensday was born on dec 8,2011 at 11:02 am weighs 6 lbs and 6 ounces ... im going to see her next week.
Dianne Mains has
so much going on in my life right now... I need a blessing and cant
afford to not pay it forward... so here ya go... If you have taken a
minute to read this... God has seen YOU struggling with something. God
says its over. A blessing is coming your way.... If you believe in God
send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. God
is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe
in God… drop everything and re-post it. Can't hurt...I Still Believe in
Mike Bawse Targoff Mike Bibby is a Knick?!?! Holy Shit!! watch out NBA we got a title team on our hands!! #KnicksNation
Syed Ehtisham Hussain Shah A pretty girl 18 years old, having two fathers, three mothers, 15 brothers, 17 sisters, seven children and she was married six times and she is still a virgin!
What's her secret?
With Facebook, anything is possible! :P
Julie Singh If any of you are interested in seeing what I've been up to lately....I listed a few new pieces of jewelry in my Etsy shop and posted them on my Facebook Fan Page. :) <3
I have a hard workin' kinda guy husband and two grandchildren, ranging from a toddler to a young man who will receive his Masters Degree in Civil Engineering this spring from Oregon State University. (Yes, I'm proud!) I also have 2 dogs and an old lady cat, which you might already know if you read my profile. I've been working for the US Postal Service since October 1977. I look forward to my retirement, when I can pursue my love of jewelry making full time.
Priyanka Debnath lol... people loose their weight by exercisin, joggin etc. 4 me is d opposite. every day i walk 4rm my skul 2 my house durin skul days, 2 loose my weight. but i dont loose it. now dat m sitin at my home doin nothin, i lost more dan 2kg.
wat a joker i am.........!!.......
Devon Da Anderson Pretty soon ima shoot my own talk show N let my nigga Brandon Fresherrdannyouu be the co-host.... n We talkinbout a#CHECK n these fake ass niggas lol.....
Danny Carter I have been told all my life that, If it is worth having, its worth waiting for. Well that has proven true in my life. I waited a life time and that very special someone came along. Sent from God to me. And I accept her with open heart and mind, I just pray I can make her as happy as she makes me every time I see her............ Every time I hear her voice. I just wanted to say thanks......................
Desiree Martinez Dont give up on someone yu cant go a day wit out! #LifeIsToShort
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