Khánh Trinh Trần Sau bao nhiêu chuyện tôi làm cho a...nó không bằng 1 câu nói của 1 ng bạn!! để rồi cái mà tôi nhận được là 1 câu nói như xát muối vào tim tôi!!...tôi chỉ còn mình tôi...
Todd Priddy All true fans talk shit! But end the end you have to admit, it was a DAMN GOOD GAME!
Jimmy Driscoll To all my friends on facebook I wish you all a Merry Xmas Hope Santa is good to you all Jimma
Fernando Gentile No better feeling than getting home after a week holiday full of rain, still had a wonderful time with my family especially yesterday went to see Poli the polar bear at sea world, what a beautifal animal. Rock was so happy to see his friend again even though he sleeps with a replica teddy bear of him every night. Thanks to my family for a great time away, now gotto get back to the rail again tommorow
Anthony Hogan hate when people see a face book status and assume that it was them that u or any one els was talking about
Brandon Whitefish Most funniest Saturday in the history ever! here comes a new epic like no other. Wouldn`t mind checking out that rd in 1 r o.
Manuel Caballero Seasons Greetings everyone ,may everyone have a better year of 2012,from the (Stunna Man & Family)##$$$$$
Will Peoples Wifey just landed! Better stop Lil' Will from jumping on the couch, and the powder from his lips from the donuts he had for dinner (that is a food group? Right?). Gotta get right!
Jasmine Toussaint Everytime i think im ready 2 settle dwn n start a family, i suddenly remembery i love the single life lol #dontknoyimrunnin4rmluv
John Mckay Smurf I wanna smurf a girl tonight!
Maximillian Connorbutterfingers Ryan That moment when you see a status about a girl who doesn't have boy problems, but complains about common boy problems anyway to make it seem as if she does
Gary Godfrey well me last year as a teenager has been full of up's n down's , there was times al always remember and people i've already forgotten . Gary g still on top form though .
Lester Anderson I just realized that it is easier to steal a car then find a practice ACS test.....
Nat Jones thanks erybody 4 da bday luv i had a blast!!! = )
Inez Terrance Pizza hut big dinner box,a movie and my MAN (check list complete)
Erica Lane Bennett ALL GUYS NEED TO READ THIS! -When she pulls away, pull her back.
-When you see her start crying, just hold her and don't say a word.
-When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.
-When she's scared, protect her. ...
-When she steals your favorite hoodie, let her wear it.
... -When she says that she loves you, she really does mean it.
-When she grabs at your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.
-When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
-When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does.
-When she re-posts this bulletin, she wants you to read it. ♥
-When she's mad, hug her tight and don't let go.
-When she says she's okay, don't believe it.
-Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her.
-Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
-Watch her favorite movie with her even if you think it's stupid.
-Kiss her in the pouring rain.
-When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: 'Whose ass am I kicking, baby?'
Girls: re-post this if you would think this would be the perfect guy <3
Jeannie Torres You're a monster... Your heart's an empty hole...
Dan-d Tha Hitmaker Here's A Little Sneak Peak From My Upcoming Second Mixtape "BEAST" I Would Like To Share Wit Ya FB!! Check It Out!!
From Dan D's mixtape called Beast. Featuring Pyro Stakkz & G-Ice De FrozynFlayme @TheR...
Jazma Bumphus i have a computer! #sobbing
Cynthia Guiampene les series ns instruisent,mari mar a bien jouer le role de la femme enceinte et mere de crusita
marimar(thalia)le canta a crusita
Leonard Mfgotmefuccedup Whitfield Chillin wit da homie drinkin a lil bit watching life ........lmao u slowin me dwn rey......when i piss on my sheets im put dem mfs on u....pahaahhaahahhahahhaa
Ryan Richey The United States LOST at pearl harbor and won the war but after pearl harbo a famous general for the japs said I'm afraid we have just woke a sleeping dragon!!!! I hope the same is for this uk team that thought they were above losing!!
Ryan Christopher Going on a massive deleting spree so if you don't see me on your news feed then you know what it is...!
Norma Garcia "Desde mi Escritorio" anuncio para todos los oficiales , Domingo de Gala vamos a tomar la foto de fin año y tambien junta el Lunes 12, a las 7:00 p.m. Gracias, Dios los bendiga :)
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