Ariel Washington so Leoni Griffith is over here calling me names thats why she is a basterd
Ashlee Leyva Full stomach = a happy heart <3
Tito Hickson How is everyone? Hope y'all are okay. Will y'all holla at a nig?
Tony Currens goodnight all,early day tomorrow going to be damn cold. you all have a good night.
Ian Stewart Love's c'ing a ex, and thinking, youv'e put sum weight on and are age'ing badly. Ok so i'm no oil painting but your 10 years younger than me really. Someone's lying and its not me. X
Ataa Pourau jus ben crushd soa haard ,
ihate realati0nshpz , korz yuo end up losinq sumwun ova sumfnq fcukd up ;(
ihate mysistr ,
thnknq sh jus qoa cawl me a slut ,! betch u dk wad tha fuk qnq dwn
Available now at Itunes: Distributed by WMG From the album Seven's Travels Available at
Caitlen Marie Bair I get ditched too much to give a shit nemore...... its cool I forgive but dnt forget. Need a new crowd
Jessica Crase If you have lost SOMEONE SPECIAL is in Heaven for Christmas.
If roses grow in heaven lord pick a bunch for me. Place them in their arms and tell them they're from me. Tell them that I love and miss them. When they turn to smile, place a kiss on their cheek and hold them for a while ♥
<3 Miss you Daddy, Shawn, and Grandpa & Grandma Morgan <3
Willie Grafix One thing I learned from maturity is that a real man will never say he is one
Celeste Caldwell Im blessed to be stress free me and my babies makin chicken tacos and doing the new movie tower heist so im good. Have a blessed night fbf.
Paulette Leonard God has no cell phone, but He is my favorite contact. He has no Facebook account, but He knows my status. He doesn't have a Twitter, but I still follow Him. He has no Internet, but we stay connected! He has no remote control but He turns me on when others have turned me off. He has no stove but He’s the fire shut up in my bones. He has no gangster spinner wheels, but He keeps going even though sometimes I might stop. He’s the cream in my Folgers coffee, “Good to the last drop!” He’s the honey on my cheerios, and when I’m tired and fed up, He’s my Calgon bath that takes me away. He's my All and All!!!
Angie Lovely Ladiesent wad up fb bytchez ... ima on thyz bytch for a hot one .... juzt got dun washin ... now cumz tha party I hate ... foldin and puttin thyz shyt away ... but catch me if u can ....
Erica Hatton Gonzalez We are on our way to wild bills for a chrismas party
Mazvita Lewton People. I don't even have words for you right now.
Okay, well maybe a few ;)
Totally blown away by all the love and support I feel right now, and that I have felt all of today, the last few weeks, this semester alone, and various parts of the last year and a half dealing with this illness. The Lord has loved me and loved us greatly through every single one of you, I cannot tell you how much your thoughts, prayers, love, support, care, and concern have meant.
Getting to see so many people today, some of which I have literally not seen in years, was a gift and a blessing more than you could ever know.
I've been told I'm not allowed to say thank you anymore nor apologize, but my heart is overflowing with gratitude right now, so I 'm breaking that rule for now :)
-- Thank you all for being a part of our lives, for you have been a part of this season with us whether it has been years or months since we've spoken, your thoughts and prayers are felt in ways words could never explain.
-- Thank you to all my prayer warriors out there, those of you who have served/supported us in various capacities and walked with us in this season.
-- Thank you to my crafting divas and the ladies of Mazvita's Angels for giving of your time, services and talents whether while slaving away in the sweatshop, I mean, my house or on campus for craft nights, helped sell flowers at events, dreamed with me and supported, encouraged, motivated, and inspired me, donated your photography or modeling skills, helped with errands/various tasks, and helped out with various things around the house anytime you've been over.
Ladies, I cannot tell you what a joy it has been getting to share in this experience with you. Thank you to all my ambassadors and crafters who've volunteered to help out this semester and helped the last few craft shows as well as today's.
-- Thank you to all my cheerleaders out there. All of you who have believed in me and fought for me. Pushed me to never give up and who have been fighting this battle with me, I am grateful to be surrounded with friends and family and a loving community on my good days as well as the bad.
Thanking and praising my God who has continued to be faithful and who has been with me through it all.
I'm going to forget something or someone and need to head out for church, don't have energy to post a note so this is an epically long status but know I won't have energy later so just had to express some of my gratitude now. Thank you all so much.
Much love, Mags
Xplizitcarclub Nm Having our meeting at Hooters bar n grill tonight, looks like everybody made it, we gonna eat,drink it up n have a good time with the x fam.
Leticia Duarte 2011 how much death must you bring upon us? And not just that physical kind of death, many different forms of death have been unleashed upon this family of ours. So I've chosen a quote which I believe suits this situation extremely well.
"At the temple, there is a poem called "Loss", carved into the stone. It has three words...but the poet has scratched them out. You cannot read "Loss"... Only feel it."
But with every death there is a birth. I cant wait till my little niece Delilah is born and with her the new year.
Mj Mercado "You were just a dream that i once knew..i nvr thought i would be right for you..I just can't c0mpare you with anythng in this world,as endless and forever..all alone we'll stay were all i be with forevermore. ." :')
Elias Caro had a day with the homies michael andrew jaramillo abel daniel arellano jose quintana alex ibarra christopher perez
Kaisen Andrews Sometimes letting go of the past is a good thing, it helps you move on for a better future <3
After a terrible car crash, this family's puppy escaped and ran away out of fear. But two police officers tracked him down and saved his life on a very busy highway. Great job to the officers!
Barbara Tallett That boy you punched in the hall today. Committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today. she's a virgin. That boy you called lame. Has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day. Is already being abused at home. You think you know them. Guess what, you don't. STOP BULLYING! Re-post if you are against the mean bullying in schools. I bet 99% of you won't.
Maritza Blandon I never knew caring so much was a problem.
I never knew loving you was a crime.
I didn't realize trying to make it work was a horrible thing.
Sorry that i care, sorry that I love you.
Janet Avila Q: what the best part of having me as your crazy ex girlfriend?????
A: ill pone our engagement rings to buy gifts for my new boyfriend... <3
Karen Schaefer Just need to put my mind seperate from my heart right now... Hum they keep leading to the same place.. Pray that I have a strong heart and determined mind and a little moment without stress:(
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