Margo Howell Post on my wall what u honestly think about me..
Kaila-Matt Shelton I lost all my numbers. If u have my number, text me with ur name in the message so I can save it. Thanks :)
Taaniia Lil-mrs KraZie Fierroo we broke up a minute ago and im already forgetinq about u ........yeah it hurtz u went with my best friend but tht how live is and thts how boyz r trust no man fear no bitch.... ill get over u theres more guys for me out there :))
Becky Shepard thanks 4 all prayers! Gosh? Promise to fight! If u know a place we can shoot up some glass?
Ashley Santana I accidently deleted everything in ma phone =.=" everyone dat had my number can u plz txt me sayin its u >.<
Helen Comber repost if u like it.
Just so everyone knows, I have a CHRISTMAS TREE in my living room (not a holiday tree), my Family are getting CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (not holiday gifts) and we will eat CHRISTMAS DINNER(not a holiday meal), and I will attend a CHRISTMAS PARTY (not a holiday party). I will also very cheerfully wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS! (not happy holidays). By the way, if you want to have a Happy Hanukah , by all means do, I respect that. If you want to have a Blessed Kwanzaa, I also respect that. I want to have a Merry Christmas, so I ask YOU to respect that! Repost if you agree
Amanda Sue Hostettler I only have 39 days to make my point accross, and then there taking you away further than u have ever been, im scared to death, but im trying to stay as positive as i can, knowing ur fighting for my freedom, and that ur not gonna give up easily, i jope hope that the 9months goes by so fast, so that i can be in your arms, listening to ur heartbeat aginst mine, for ur lips to just fall onto mine, and hear ur voice, just to know that ur okay, im gonna go crazy, im gonna cry like a baby, but im gonna stay as strong as you are just to prove my point, ill wait a million years to be with you, and that i love you more than words could ever explain <3
No matter how many miles you are away from me, all i have to do is close my eyes and i can see your face and just remember, this is forever<3
Brittany Campbell I miss my bf so much.. hes so amazing(: love u bradley!!
Aizha Rodeo promise ..i'll be a good gurl ..
miss u so much bhie ..
luv u ..muahhh ...olwayz
takecare ...luv u again ..
Nathan Symington having my partners phone is u renee we gna be having sum interesting talks tomorrow baby
Alonso Mendoza today waz a badas day bout probation is a bith u cant do shit and to day i went and see my p,o and they p test me and i know am fuking durty as fuck bout shit same all shit jus a diferent day i hope i dont get loked up againe i dont want to do 9 months fuck all the shit i am gething my shit right already
Jorge Torres bite your tongue 4 times rub ur face for 5 seconds like post this as your status then cough... u will recieve sumthing u really want
Briana Janay Zinn [LIKE] &nd I'll tell u if I f' wit uu or not!&nd a bri thinks!
Erica Lovingpoohbear Brown A best friend isn't someone who always there for you.
it's someone who understand you a bit more even than you understand yourself. Thank U Briana Bennett For Always Being There. We Were Friends Since Fifth Grade & I Wanna Keep It That Way!!!!! U My Ace, My Sister, More Than A Friend & I LOVE U FOR THAT<3 <3
Loren Ashley Ridinger Pls LIKE my YoursbyLoren page and u might have some bling in time for the holidays:) Giveaway coming up tomorrow!!
DJ NonChalant Play List ForJoyful Noize Radio Ep 4 2nd Half
13. Go For It- Lavyss Aka Bizzle Feat P-Dubb
14. Make It Happen – Corey Red
15. BullDoze city – Gifted Da Flamethrowa
16. U rydin - @Frontline Movement
17. Alive - Da' T.R.U.T.H.
18. My radio on drugs – Thi'sl Tyler
19. Bury me – Tedashii Feat Lecrae
20. I believe God – D-Maub Young Cut-t
21. Jesus On Da Mainline- II Crunk 4 Jesus
22. Heaven in ya speakers – Messenja
23. Don’t Rap No More- Brinson Solar Powered GodChaserz Feat @MouthPi3ce & Knine
24. Ready For War – Brotha Dre
Heather Plyler its pretty bad when your own blood family turns their back on u and help your ex that type of shit!
Gage Swartz tired of u saying ur sorry when u kno ur not god
Ryan Wayne Rasberry Bottles and trees on the low low i will always be around ill never put u down i put that on my heart .. i got u ecspecially if u the homy bitch niggas naw
Hector SxSx Alba Torta de milanesa con guacamole jalapenos and some salsa idk what i would do without u jefita<3 !
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Johnny James Martinez Lord i pray that you will help me get through this semester and pass it with good grades. I also pray that u also keep me in the palms of your hands, and help me pass the army test when ever I take it....and that's going to be soon. I also pray and ask you to help me with the army test, so that i can get on going to my destination. In your name I pray ,thank you .Amen
Janee Heyward my favorite tattoo artist from Miami ink is ami jonhson i would want him to do my tat for one wen i am ready to get one i would dead go all da way to Miami Florida just to get him to do my moral tat for my brother r.i.p. james gone but not forgotten i love and miss u big bro
Gracie Camden This weather sure makes u sleeping.
Kamirr Johnson weak a.f people want. to b all on mineu must feel u onsum bitch shit ...west up f.b. real onez it me up fakepeople block nuff said
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