Kevin Clemons if you saw me 10 years from now with a ring on my finger who would you think i would be married to ?

Faith's Check Book--Charles Spurgeon
December 6
"Through," Not Engulfed
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. (Isaiah 43:2)
Bridge there is none: we must go through the waters and feel the rush of the rivers. The presence of God in the flood is better than a ferryboat. Tried we must be, but triumphant we shall be; for Jehovah Himself, who is mightier than many waters, shall be with us. Whenever else He may be away from His people, the Lord will surely be with them in difficulties and dangers. The sorrows of life may rise to an extraordinary height, but the Lord is equal to every occasion.
The enemies of God can put in our way dangers of their own making, namely, persecutions and cruel mockings, which are like a burning, fiery furnace. What then? We shall walk through the fires. God being with us, we shall not be burned; nay, not even the smell of fire shall remain upon us.
Oh, the wonderful security of the heaven-born and heaven-bound pilgrim! Floods cannot drown him, nor fires burn him. Thy presence, O Lord, is the protection of Thy saints from the varied perils of the road. Be-hold, in faith I commit myself unto Thee, and my spirit enters into rest.
When we dare to share God knows we care. Help spread God's Word. It could make an eternal difference for someone.

Shannon Isabel Lubben The sickness that has been chasing me for a while now finally caught me. At least it's only a head cold, and most of my semester is done with until January.
Bishwas Limbu sometime when i look back on a situation , i realize, it wasnt al i thought .it was a beautiful girl walked in to my life. I feel in love.Or did i??May it was only a childish infatuation, or may be just a brief moment of vanity..........
Feel the pleasure of life
in every second.
Never be angry or sad,
B’coz every 1 min of ur sadness
u loss 60 seconds of happiness…
keep smiling & be happy...
Good morning & have a nice day.....!!
While the holiday season gears up around the world, we at the Tiziano Project are throwing ourselves into the festivities by kicking off three new programs on different continents. We just began the remote component of a new training in Palestine, as well as an after-school program in South Central ...
Tina Marie Woods Anyone know a cheap place in north myrtle beach or myrtle beach with a private room for a small little party??
Ed Dunbar Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.
Keith Crawley May be a lik early to tell, but i think psych nursing may just be my calling!
Joe Miller Pamela Skyberg Digby shared the following link and had this to say about it: Merry Christmas!
How would you like a FREE 16x20 wall portrait? It's easy! Just share this post with five friends, email us at with "SHARED WITH 5 FRIENDS" in the subject line and we will email you your special offer. You can't get it anywhere else. Just give us 24 hours to verify your shares and the FREE 16x20 will be yours! Share these amazing Holiday sales at with all of your friends today!
Can I have a little nose kiss? Does your kitty give you nose kisses?
Susan Dantin Oh Boy!!! So Tim went to pick up my ornaments at our house in Lakewood that we rent to other supposedly honest people. Well he bought my boxes back and they were empty. One of my f@#king tenants back in January stole all my ornaments. 25 years worth GONE. Now I have a beautiful tree and no ornaments
Lynette Frick well Al alpaca went to the vet today... he's a whopping 57.2 lbs! lol
Jason Wiser Freezer full of deer meat, what a beautiful thing! Going to have my first deer sausage for breakfast that I have had in a long time, tomorrow morning!
Fernando Bravo LMS:
If we walked home I would:
[]Hold your hand
[]Push you in a bush
[]Trip you
... ... []Talk about things
...If you kissed me I would:
[] Slap you
[] Push you away
[] Kiss you back
[] Look at you weird
I think you're:
[] cute
[] alright
[] sexy
[] beautiful
[] UGLY gtfo my page (:
You should:
[] Text mee
[] Inbox me
[] Stop being a stranger!
[] Make this your status so i can like it
Phu Nguyen Soo sad. When better off (which better be soon) I am going to make a difference in these people's lives. Been thinking of mentoring.
WASHINGTON -- Jonathan had spent nearly a decade in Louisiana's child welfare system. The safest places, the gay teen discovered, were the moldy homes he squatted in after Hurricane Katrina.
Maisha Bankhead Sooo excited for my NEW 2nd line Sales Director Verlyn D. Jenkins, "Mrs. No Matter What", who just received her official UNIT NUMBER today!! CONGRATULATIONS Verlyn! I am so very proud of you and honored to have you as an Offspring Director! You bring your huge heart and a whole new level of excitement to our group! Get ready for an exciting journey!!

Beth Hayes It was the month before Christmas, when all through our land; Not a Christian was praying, nor taking a stand. The children were told by their schools not to sing, about shepherds and wise men or angels and things. It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say. December 25th is just another "holiday." Yet, the shoppers were ready with cash, check and credit; knocking people down just so ...they would get it. CDs, video games and even an IPod. Something was changing and becoming quite odd. As Target was hanging their trees upside down; at Lowe's, the word Christmas was nowhere to be found. At Walmart and Sam's and Penny's and Sears, you won't hear it either, it won't touch your ears. Now, Daschle and Darden, Sharpton and Blitzer. On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry and Clinton! At the top of the Senate there arose such a clatter; to eliminate Jesus from all public chatter. And, we spoke not a word as they took away our Faith. Forbidden to speak of Salvation and of Grace. The true Gift of Christmas was replaced and discarded. The reason for the season was stopped before it started. So, as you celebrate "winter break" or "holiday" under your "dream tree," sipping your Starbucks, please listen to me: Choose you words carefully, choose what you say. Shout "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" not "Happy Holiday." KEEPING CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS.

Jesus Robles Never Got Suspended,
Never Skipped A Class,
Never Smoked Weed
Never Got Kicked Out Of Class,
Always Did My Homework,
Never Talked Back To The Teach,
Like if you think I'm lying. Then Put this as your status and see how many you get :D
Maggie Cox Is feeling a whole lot better than I was yesterday. Still kind of sick but not as bad.=)
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