Danielle Alisha Gaines i love u
Tiffany Bishop long night with lil sleep moving on time is now cant hold on to a splitting rope for long....hope u dont hang urself...done bbysitting workin on me
Ivie Casapao My mga tao tlgang pkialamera.., ayaw buhay nla pkialaman,,,at mga plastic pa,, gs2 nio dn lng ng plastican ha pg bi2gyan ko kau at kng cira ulo nio mas cira ulo ko kesa s u,.....bulchit kah putang ina mu
Randy Ollivierre nono lie imma bout to juss pack up my shyt n dip... so tired of stress .... lol its funny doe onli dis much shyt cud happen to me... fuck it doe complainin aint gonna fix it if u got da # to my crib hmu if not den gud night
Milly Rojas I'm gunna blow u both!
Let me finish.... Away!
(Good Vibes :D)
Aniya Anderson Eny body want too do the talent show u have to go lincoln
Çrusaðer Ýåsin Short & sweet sentence about life:
"LIFE will be always beautiful only for those who know how to celebrate the pain" ....
A vry Warm heartdly Gd Mrning2 all of u my Frndzz...! $-D <3
Everett German Man if the lakers get cp3 and dwight howard...u might as well cancel season!
Tada Jones I snatch ya girl if u slippin she on my line lik im fishin!!!! its 2 easy neva front ah anotha nigga off its 2 greazzy.
Post Wood Take a look n tha mirror b4 u start blaming othas maybe its u doing sumthing wrong..#selfcheck
Melissa Phelps Estep Any SOA fans go to my profile and try to answer a question! wanna see who gets it right! Not u Heather! lol
Daisha Smith So you know you been knowing netty 4 to long when u start talkin bout ppl and laugh at it lol S.P
Gretchen Davidson If you hate me............. Delete me ):
If you think I'm nice............... Like my status!
If you think I'm a good friend..... Comment on this status(:
If u ever liked me............. Poke me, I won't tell(;
If you like me now....... Inbox me a heart, I won't tell♥
If you want to date me....... Inbox me a ;) I won't tell ;D
If you are brave........... set this as your status
Haley Crawford If u comment on this i will, four the next 5 weeks, i will post things u tell me to post i mean anything
Cortez Stewart Jr. (LMS)
If We Were 2 Kiss...i Wuld?
()Kiss u bak #Mwuah
()Push you off me... #im gud
()Curse You Out !!. #WTF
()BE Speechless #UMMM
() Get On Dat Cake Shid..#EEEE!!!!
()Tongue U Dwn..# :P.
()Laugh.. #Haha
Michelle Tuck-Hardesty u put my love on top!
Justin Kendall If u don't love ya self who will...gotta love ya self before you love someone else..
Quentil Yodisdebo Brown Me and U should ______________ before 2011 is over. ( Feel in the blank )
Raneshia Harris Jena SassybutClassy Johnsonyour comments arent needed... just to let u know
Nelvie Yessie Borjoe Wajar-wajar aj lw q JEAL0UZ
Tp gk sprti dlu lg. Skrg hati q bner2 ud mentah utk mu. N btuh waktu bribu2 tahun utk bsa mateng lg kpd mu
. . . . . ㄟˇㄨˇㄏ
Dee Carrasco *Stupid ppl wearing SANDALS in this weather ur fkkn crazy! I'm wearing slippers & pajamas how can u wear sandals & shorts !
Jesse Lewis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erAfjrvT5Rg Listen an u will love it...
Giulietta Covers Nicki Minaj's Save Me From Her Debut Album "Pink Friday" Music By Kyle Puccia @kylepuccia @Giuliettamusic Directed By @Benleefoster Nicki Mi...
Ja'Shae Nicole Im really missing u like crazy.!(Tommy)
Mike Mr-nyc Titboy Lawrence If U Wuz Wondering Where Ya GIRL Was @ Last Night . #Oh Well •_•
Dakota Diaz To be a player is really hard because u are allways coverying up lies.. :)
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