Shane Eccles Just a little more time everone gets their fair slice of the pie
Alice Young Amacker Well today was a much better day. I made it the full eight hours without having to leave and go home and work which means I am finally regaining my strength is improving. Physical Therapy again tomorrow, but I can finally tell a difference. I hope everyone has a great evening. I give all the praise to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Simone Silva Cada dia que passa me surpreendo com a falta de carater e hombridade de certas pessoas... PQP....
Danny Torres Ok....I like dub you have a problem with that?
Heather Lynn Hicks 1278 words down. now only 222 more to go. i hate essays with a passion!
Eric Rong ____█████████╲╲╭━━━━━━━━━━━━╮
____█▄█████▄█╲╲ If you are Asian...
____█▼▼▼▼▼█╲╲╰┳╮ copy this in your wall
____█▲▲▲▲▲█ I'M A PROUD ASIAN!!! (;
____█████████ spread on the virus!!!
Christy Joann O'neal Wade well to the idiot that said i blocked my kids father from calling WRONG I DIDNT MY MOTHER DID AND FYI IF HE HADNT BEEN CALLING AND HARASSING ME SHE WOULDNT HAVE DONE IT and if the kids want to call their father the know how to dial a phone lol
应该好好教育~~(据了解,该女子已被沈阳警方抓获。) 在全国人民众志成城抗震救灾之际,5月21日上午,网络上的一个视频瞬间激起网民们的愤怒。该视频中一女子辱骂四 川地震长达5分钟,还骂的津津有味。据了解,该女子已被沈阳警方抓获。 网上惊险辱骂灾区人民视频 5月12日,四川汶川发生地震后,举国哀悼,全国人民通过各种方式尽己所能支援灾区。21日上午,网民们在发现一个女子在视频里辱骂四川地震长达4分40秒。视频中,这名女子脚翘在桌子上,一副满不在乎的样子,不断的辱骂灾区人民。国务院规定,19日至21日,全国停止一切娱乐活动,这名女...
超強 !!! 老婆的殺手鐗。
Marialana Ardolino looks like he's gonna be in till surgery on Friday! sucks a bit .. but he is OK. who likes hospitals anyway .. but ultimately I KNOW it'll all be alright! Quadruple bypass ... the carotid surgery is still pending - never saw that doctor .. maybe they'll find time to squeeze that one in this visit too .. we shall see.
Valencia Mims Hi facebook! It been a minute I know! Just checking on my friends and family!
Oh and I saw something that was great! It said, Im not perfect but God thinks that Im to die for! I love it! Smoochies!
Catherine Pippin Boswell Holy balls I just spent an hour lost in the country! Rain, fog, twisty roads, 40mph, IT SUCKED!!!! can't believe I didn't hit a deer!! The road I was on actually turned into a driveway!! I was trying to drive to the lights but they ended up being Christmas lights!!!
Thanks for all the Birthday love..had to borrow this picture! Have a rockin Samhain/Halloween
These are photos of just a few of the models in our growing community website. Join other models, photographers, agents, stylists and fans at
See you there!
~Delora Von Doom
P.S. Feel free to tag photos of you, or taken by you, in this album! :)
Michael Larkin Cameron: "I wish I had a phone. Then I could call and talk to Kaleigh all the time. I could take pictures. I could use my mail." What a crazy kid! I blame Kimberly Lint Kiernan for apparently getting Kaleigh a phone
Lenard Ian Halili "Life becomes a Sunday afternoon; we ask for nothing grand, and we cease to demand anything more than we are willing to give. In that state, we think of ourselves as being mature; we put aside the fantasies of our youth, and we seek personal and professional achievement. " -- Third Symptom. true story
____________________________ ESPANOL CLICAR AQUI: Matando los suenos PORTUGUES CLICAR AQUI: Matando os sonhos ____________________________ The first symptom of the process of our killing our dreams is the lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life always

Khadijah Scriven My Promise to my children ~as long as I live ~ I am your Parent 1st -your Friend 2nd. I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare & hunt you down like a bloodhound when needed because I LOVE YOU ! When you understand that, I will know you are a responsible adult. You will NEVER find someone who loves, prays, cares, & worries about you more than I do! If you don't hate me once in your life -I am not doing my job properly. Re-post if you are a parent & agree
Buddah OfCxourse "The person may not ckum rite away, but watsz the point of having a good person if the timin isz rong"-THE BRO/SLIME sed that
LaHla MooRe man the way im feeling u hoes betta watch da fuck out dont test a bad bitch cause i swear ya moma gone b payn for ya funeral thats real talk bitches so fwm if u bad
Justin Wiggins A really beautiful piece! This makes me all the more thankful for the works of J.R.R.Tolkien
C.S. Lewis showed her that faith could be rational...Lewis's friend Tolkien allowed her to "connect head and heart."
Larnelle Francois Chambers Are you reasonably attractive? Have great upper body strength? Suck at math? Well then, have we got an offer for you! Make your way down to the ACRM clubhouse on UTECH's campus for an awesome all-night study session, spearheaded by our generation's most brilliant minds!!
'Cause two dude's in a locked room just won't cut it -_-
p.s. applicants must try their very best to be female, or at least appear to be so..
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