Terrance Gusman man im so happy my bday this saturday turnig 14 hoping i have a party
Andrew Martin Someone tell me, what's the point of a bachelor or bachelorette party? Seriously, I want to know why they exist.
Linda Ludwig It's a no jacket, short-sleeved shirt kinda day! YAY!!!
Kylie Costa since my eyes r still a little swollen and im trying to do my project i keep gettin a headache cause of my eyes uhhhhh i dont feel good i hate wen get headaches uhhh
Kerrilynn Byrne DO THIS!!!!!!! --------------> click like, unlike, like, post as your status, then like it and press Ctrl + w ...... it will turn facebook purple for a day
Shannon Rudman Reinert Randi will be performing here as well on Sunday!
We are so looking forward to performing The Nutcracker Ballet at the beautiful, historic CL Hoover Opera House in Junction City this Sunday. Tickets are already SOLD OUT!!! Such a great way to start our 2011 performances!
Shaunda Goodman takin a nap...
Darlene Mc Vernon Burkhardt ,........Just so everyone knows, I have a CHRISTMAS TREE in my living room (not a holiday tree), my kids are getting CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (not holiday gifts) and we will eat CHRISTMAS DINNER (not a holiday meal), and I will attend a CHRISTMAS PARTY (not a holiday party). I will also very cheerfully wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS! (not... happy holidays). By the way, if you want to have a Happy Hanukah , by all means do, I respect that. If you want to have a Blessed Kwanzaa, I also respect that. I want to have a Merry Christmas, so I ask YOU to respect that! If not, Too bad!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! re post if you agree!!
Cassandra Banks Lord help some of these lost souls. The things a women would say or do to keep a man or ask him to return.... they even down grade themselves sososososososos sad. If that's what it takes to keep r get a man point to the nearest
xxx store.
Gregz N Madz Jenks Had a beautiful day with my honey n gboy... I love you Greggory keep up the good work...
Erika Liliana Reynoso its all good u need it more den I do u think u have more oh please I have more den u bitch :) I just smile while u think u won karma is a bitch nd it will come 10times harder for u :D
Alexandria Terrazas u may have made my mom kick me out but now im have on paper im eighteen and still a better person than u will ever be. u can huff and puff lil crack head this heart never breaks down its made of ice just for u...
Jojo Medelez I need a new clipse album n my life!!
Bill Lowder Jesus visited this little girls house, a house she was expected to die in...This testimony tells of Him just as He is today...Over the years I pastored in Cleveland, TN, I went to every house in that city and gave each home a booklet telling this encouraging and powerful testimony, that all would know, no matter their condition, it's never beyond Jesus' reach, never beyond hope...
The Betty Baxter Story - A 1941 Miracle Of Healing As Told By Herself
Ceasar Duran R u serious theyre makin a season five of jersey shore im srry but i think the fourth season was goo enough. :/
Mamie Joyce Man jus chillen drinkin dha pain away....it's killin mhe bhut ii rather for mhe to stop dha shit now den to just keep qetin hurt..
# It's a WRAP
Anirban Mukherjee Good tidings! But we'll have to keep a close watch. The Myanmarese junta has flattered to deceive more than once in the past and needs to be monitored closely as they promise and apparently make way for a return to democracy and the rule of a just law in Burma. When that happens, it would mark the dawn of a new South Asia for Mynamar or Burma, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse social makeup, has the potential to become more than just an Asian economic powerhorse.
One of the world's poorest countries has done something few rich nations would dare to do these days: It said "no" to China. I'm talking about Myanmar, an impoverished country that was, until this year, the world's longest-serving military dictatorship.
Camilla Rae Howell enjoying a nice big glass of wine after my very emotional day
Jennie Reve-Almodovar This Post Is For All Of My Facebook Friends.. I Don't Speak To All Of You All Of The Time So I'm Not Always Up On What's Going On In Everyone's Lives.. I Have Been Working On Something New That I'm Excited About And I Would Love To Share It With All Of You..
If You Are Looking For Extra Income or Perhaps Looking To Replace Your Current Income I Have Something For You That Will Get You Out Of Your Current Situation And Bridge The Gap And Put You In A Better Situation Both Physically And Financially..
Contact Jennie Reve-Almodovar For More Details...
Alexander Bangsoy For those who bought at Courtyards Manors we would like to give you good news that we will have the contract signing today at 11:30 at the le chef at John hay Manors with the winning contractor triple A builder NJBD and construction will start immediately this week. The sprawling infinity pool at the Courtyards will also be started this january 2012.
Glenda Dennis-Junta Fuq sakes...I moved on and like I said I dont care...Fuqrs make me a topic of fqn bullshit...
Randy Kelly Thanks everyone! 45 is a wonderfull age and my favorite calibre. ACP or Long Colt will do.
Bobby Atkins "Your church culture always speaks louder than your church's message. You need to create a culture people want to live in and be a part of" (Brian Johnson)
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