Danielle Wise I am spent!
Shawn Hart anyone playing their 360? opinion on the new layout? i like it
Adrian Fahey does any one have anything to talk about on face book, cause im sick of getting fukn game shit and horriscopes every time my phone has a face book alert. wish i could sit around all day and play fukn games
Tommy Babington I got "Pittbull" on the What dog are you? quiz! http://apps.facebook.com/qbquiz-lddnm/?ref=asp
Courtney Thompson God, I jus wanna shoot myself now....
Reyna Maxine ok i think im gonna TRY and start on my homework...lol report/speech on american literature. not interested!! LOL
LaQuisha LeDaris aLL ThEse fAKe BitChzzz nEEd To sHUt thErE wHitE TrAps oR i Finna BeAT soMe AsS #fOrreaL
Karen Sullivan I found a new great website today for kitchenware...try it ..the Hectic Gourmet
Your friend shared a 10% discount. Enjoy!
Yeseniauhh Esquivel Its Been 7months & im still in pain yu will be so biqq now , i woud.of been in a hurry & exited to buy yu toys & dolls for christmas.. mommy misses you so muchh babygirl & will cry tonight bekus yu beinq gone remains3.
-Rip ° Jennelly Sarahi Espinoza°. My Beautifull Lil Princess<3
Jaime Menjivar I' Feel Alone... :( ..!
Ntokozo Shabalala i miss him so much
Priscilla Castillo Dont say you love me unless you really mean it, because i might do something crazy and believe it.
Matthew McKinney South padre island with Isidro Garcia for spring break? I hope.
Victor Saavedra just got robbed by the red box... charged me for a movie that i returned??? :/
Guillermo Rico I hate you bitch !
Katina Gehrke Goodbye to Playa and my friends!! :-( Happy I got to see most of you on Sat. Be safe and take are <3
Michael Hodder Single or not put this as your status and see what people inbox you with. (Its all a secret)
Black: I want a relationship :3
White: I'm trynna smash >;)
Green: I'm falling for you :$
Purple: I miss you 3
... ... ... Orange: I really like you :)
Pink: I love you ♥
Red: I miss how we were :/
Yellow: kiss me c:
Blue: you bad ;)
Gray: we need to talk :*
Hot pink: I want another chance
Ayoo Chaz All I want for Christmas is you................................................................
To fall down the stairs, get hit by a bus and then eaten by a shark.
Samantha Prater Addison Happy Birthday to my Hailee!!!! Cant believe she is already 9 yrs. I love u hayhay!!!
Richard Scott I'm very proud to post this. I personally believe in Jesus Christ. One Facebooker has challenged all believers to put this on... their wall. The Bible says, if you deny me in front of your peers, I will deny you in front of My Father. This is a simple test. If you are not afraid to show it, re-post this. I proudly did. ♥
Joyce C Kaaland Register for the free video like I did. Great info you don't want to miss
Register free for Mike Dillard's 2011 Year-In-Review video series where they're taking average ordinary people from all walks of life, and teaching them the black-box investment strategies that the ultra-rich are using to profit during todays economic chaos...
Terry StayReal Allaway A (FUNNY) CONVO WITH A GIRL 2DAY;
Chanaenae Penn its that time again kareoke here i come lol who want to join im leain in like two hours about 8:30 whats up friends hae some fun
BaseGod Swavey Guess I aint getting that phone call for the night , who's replacing thatt ? "/
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