Larry Twossmoov Love Now the niggas wit money is da niggas that hate. And bitches want a broke nigga cause the rich niggas fake
David Simmons I wanna give a birthday shout out to my brother from another mother, MOSES. Blessings and many more.
Maria Inez Nuñez LMS(: [Stolen]
For Christmas I Want . . . ♥
[] A Date With You
[] Youu ♥
[] To Hanq Out With Youu
[] A Christmas card ^.^
[] A Huge Huq :D
[] A Kiss (:
[] A Chance
[] A Present xD
[] Rudolph
[] You and Me Under The Mistletoe
[] Some Milk &&;Nd Cookies ;)
[] You Tell Me
You Are ..
[] All i Want ' ♥
[] Cute :3
[] Pretty
[] Mean
[] Alright
[] Funny Af !
[] My Best Friend
[] Not My Type.
[] You Duh Sexy ^.^
[] Nice (:
[] Fine
[] Eww
[] Beautiful ♥
[] Speechless
Rate ..
[] 1-5
[] 6-7
[] 8-9
[] 10
[] Broke My Scale :O
[] Past The Point Of Needinq A Scale
You should..
[] Stop Liking My Status
[] Make This Your Status So I Can Like It
[] Text Me
[] Be Mine ♥
[] Leave Me Alone !!!!
[] Stop Beinq A Stranqer '_'
Lawreal Davis watchin tv eatin a hot pocket
Jim Crawford It s a great time if you are planning on buying a home!
Anemic demand for housing continued to send home prices down in October, according...
David Mccabe life is hard ! just doing my best ! one day at a time ! open minded do my best
Paris Franklin If i had a penny for everytime i thought of you i would be a millionaire!
But if i had a penny for everytime you broke my heart i would be a billionaire!
Chasta Stuckey Barber You gotta have a Prince to have a fairytale.
Hayley Dugan only 10 more day :] till the next all night skate if ur going and u dont want to play hidn go seek like they did last time u should sit at a table with me cuz i dont like hidn go seek its gay
Jay-Ann Bulan >>.its a brand new day ahead
I thanks god for giving another day to love and live.
For giving me strength and a good health and the people around me.
to overcome all the trials and difficulties in my life.
have a bless day guys".
Matthew Carino Jesse James is a total dick
June Abbott The Christmas tree is beautifully lit, the mantel lights are on, sitting by a warm fire and waiting for A Christmas Story to come on tv. What else could I do to make it feel like the holiday season is here!
Heather Jordan Getting ready to Head to work, Come see me at the Waffle House on West Broad from 9pm to 6am, After your done partying with Melinda Kasser at O tooles or whatever your plans are tonight, let me serve you a nice meal.
Jennifer Balignasay The best way to start a new day is to clean your heart with a thankful fear and no shadow of loneliness. ENJOY THE GIFT OF LIFE...... :)
Jake Campbell Today is bailey's birthday little pup is a year old better go get her a new toy
Paul Anthony Gomez my son's school assigned him a project where he has to create a brochure telling how daoism is best for his school. Not suggesting it could help, but to be persuasive and state how it's the best way. I'm so sick of our government pushing their agendas on kids. i guess i shouldn't be surprised....yeah, we should reallly believe in immortality cause it's the best! oh wait, nobody is immortal. but great idea!
Mac Baker Is so excited...I do not know if I will
Be able to sleep tonight...a special
Thanks to those that are responsible...what a difference from 8 hours ago....details soon..
Andrew Shapiro Just created a Twitter! Follow me at @shapiro10
Deandre Gotswagg Banks Q: Why are you a player?
A: Really? Im not that was my past, never goin backk !!
Hector Perez ey no se burlen de este pobre hombre q no es la bola toda via tiene un gran futuro como paletero ya me ralle el pasword el la frente a ver si se mete buen es lo que espero
Vince Ventures Its takes 3 secondS t0 say I LOVE U.
3 hours t0 eXplain it. and a Life time t0 pRove iT...
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