Dave H. Rush You are not ugly you are beautiful! I am a person who has low self esteem and I admit that due to this I not only beat myself up but also bring others down with me. I have decided tonight that instead of highlighting my bad qualities I shall highlight four good qualities. I feel four is a good number because it will keep me humble but will also lift my spirits. 1). I am a loving brother. 2). I like to listen to people and try to help them 3). I have a quirky side (yes that can be good) 4). I can sing. Now it is your turn to list your four talents that make you feel special :D
Ndubuisi Umunna "amase mamasa omakosa..." i so lov that song. I do it when evr i see you pass by. Thats what you do to me. Too hot to get ovr,too low to get undr...see the pain is thundr
Angelique Phillips Man when you think no ones watching ..someone always watching .....
Crazzy and scary but I think there's a reason for it !!!!
Brody Wheeler I really need to post somthing new!
Marco Tucker I am what I am because of God. He saw the best in me... Even When I was living at my worst. He said my name is heaven so I desire to get there.. Every day I pray I feel connected with God. Everytime I call him he always picks up. Im Glad I met u im Glad u saved me. Please Lord Never Depart from me. I have some much to be thankful for. But you are the reason I keep goin.. The,reason I live this life... Thank u God Amen
Mauricio Bustamante so this morning...
I woke up at 7:30, and the first thing I did was pick up my phone, and started writing a text to 'her'. "Good morning beautiful, can't wait to see you today" I hit send and started to get ready. I wore the hoodie she bought me, and wore the cologne I know she loves. I set off to the store and bought some chocolates, 10 roses, her favourite flower, that movie she was telling me she wanted to see, and a card simply saying "I love you". As I was walking home I saw her standing by my door. I sneaked up behind her,
wrapped my arms around her waist, and kissed her kneck. "Guess who!" I said. She giggled and lent over to kiss me. I took her hand and led her inside. "Mum, this is my girlfriend" I proudly told. "I've heard a lot about you!" My mum said. She blushed and I kissed her cheek. We walked to my room, and sat on the sofa. I handed her the bag of chocolates and flowers, She grinned with glee, I lent forward and kissed her again.
Then I put on the movie. "You remembered!" she said. I just smiled. We cuddled all through the movie,
With her feeling safe in my arms. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too" She replied. I looked into her beautiful eyes, and she looked into mine. We were in love. And I knew, I never wanted her to leave my side.
Jade Bluford I got "Usher-"There goes my baby"" on the What song describes you ? quiz! http://apps.facebook.com/qbquiz-kbbfm/?ref=asp
Deanna Freeman-Newman ya know what kills a community ?? INDIFFERENCE...when ya can shut the door when ya see yer neighbor out in the COLD who needs HELP...thats a SHAME...esp around freakin CHRISTMAS...all i can say is DAVID AND I AINT THAT WAY AND NEVER WILL BE. think bout it
Maddiee Prettiigurl Tayorr ' Ayee i Gott mahh Jckk Bacqq <3
George Wallace I love god so much :)
Sasha Oddo-Rodriguez Okay so I need an energy boost! I have to go grocery shopping and I am dead tired!
Lonnie Chidester Thought I had it but wrong I was again I will give what is wanted and I must part....
Makhai Smith Jesus: Santa.
Santa: Yes?
Jesus: I'm sad.
Santa: Why are you sad?
Santa: It's Christmas right? It's
... your birthday!
Jesus: Yeah. That's the point
Santa: Why?
Jesus: because whenever its
Christmas the kids only wait for
you and not me! They only
celebrate Christmas because of
Why Santa, why not Jesus? Dec.
25 is for Jesus not for Santa.
Re-post this if you love Jesus♥
(deny me in front your friends and I will deny you in front of my father)
Danielle Gabriella Bored -__- lms
Would I...
[] Kiss you
[] Give you a presant
[] Hug you
[] Dress up as Santa just for you ♥
[] Give you a candy cane!
Under A Misltoes I would
[] Kiss you
[] Run away
[] Stand there awkwardly
[] Blush
[] Kiss on the cheek
[] Leave
[] Smile
Merry Christmas!!
Tammy Clauser Wuerth Wuerth Girls on Drive Home Last Night w/ "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" on radio...
Jordan ~ "This song is really bad!"
Tammy ~"Yeah, it's Michael Jackson" (it was when he was a kid)
Jordan ~ "No, bad because why would you write a song about Mommy kissing Santa Claus"
Kendra ~ "Jordan, You know it means that the Daddy is Santa!"
Jordan ~ "Of course.!.. (duh, emphasis..) But it's still weird right!!"
Kendra ~ "Yeah.. they're ALL just 'confused' children."
Tammy ~ "You got that right!"
Seth Poling Clark: Burn some dust here. Eat my rubber.
Rusty Griswold: Dad, I think you mean burn rubber and eat my dust.
Clark: Whatever, Russ. Whatever
Alisa Shimasaki wow i never thought someone would notice that im part japanese. & i also didnt know i had "japanese eyes". thats the first.
#Homework time ^_^
Ella Wright-Niver i dont feel right havent felt right all day wish i really knew what is wrong with me i just want to get better just want to go home and lay down
Allyn Sparks Christmas: the time of year i get to make myself happy by spending all my money on other people.
so far this year... i'm HAPPY :P
Brad Batcho finished all 6 seasons of lost.. incredible show. seriously depressed now. here was my reaction after i watched the final episode..
http://www.TheNetwerk.com You knew it was coming... Best Cry Ever Remixed To Lost Finale.
Tyler Bergner LIke MY Status if your accept me for who i am.... Repost this and see who your real friends are :)
Dini Prafitrianie Its wrong to say I can't live without you..
Because I already lived before I met you..
But instead..
I would say life would be better if you just be here with me.. :))
Sydney Skeels & After today, my moms and I are definitely on the highway to hell ahaha.
I pwned today, fuck yeah.
Garland Bennett is going to take some time to revive back his old series from a long time and see if he can get his creative juices going to write it. Won't be easy but it's a whatever I guess.
...and as I said before, this year and a half of fresh bs, yes I'm talking the second half of '10, was just straight crap like none other. As I said, if I have to do a Tebow pose every once and a while, can't believe I'm saying this, sing Disney songs, and even crack jokes every freaking time, I will! Any of '12 is a shit load better than the year and a half of total bull-ass!
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