Amazon.com: Silver Brumby's Daughter (9780207197376): Elyne Mitchell: Books
Хотелось бы побольше времени на написание этой телеги, но нету. Пишу быстро, не вдаваясь в художественные подробности. Слышу вокруг и вижу в ленте один и тот же …
HOMENS: Se você se viu no que é 'feio' CALMA!! nem tudo está perdido. Mas meu amor se vc se encontrou em mais de 3 itens do que é 'bonito'.. parabéns, vc está no caminho certo!
Devido as reclamações , saibam: eu não sou consultora de moda, muito menos dona da verdade pra falar oq é certo e errado, bonito e feio, isso é apenas uma brincadeira com o MEU gosto.. vocês devem vestir aquilo que gostam! Gosto não se discute então pense 9 vezes antes de vir encher meu saco através de comentários.. é NOISS
"The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand."
The LORD is your keeper: the LORD is your shade upon your right hand. (The "right hand" was considered the hand of strength. God will protect our strength.)
The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade.
~Psalm 121:5~
We thank you, Father for loving us so much that you bring answers in all areas of our lives, in Jesus precious mighty name. Amen!
We thank You LORD, for Your Promises. We claim Your Promises of your Word for ourselves, our family, ex. family, friends, love ones and our lives. We take our stand upon the solid promises of Your Word, Father. Great is Your Faithfulness, O God, our Father. For we know that Your hands will supply all that we need. Thank you LORD, for Your loving care and supply in our lives. We believe Your Word, and we look forward to all You are going to do in each and everyone of our lives. Thank You for always providing us with our daily bread.
Continue to bless us with your strength, grace, love, courage, patience, understanding, joy, peace, wisdom, kindness, laughter, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. And may we always live a Godly life & always be examples of what it means to be a true believer in every way of spread the Good News. May we always keep You first in our daily lives and in everything that we do and that we say. Remind us always, that we can do all things through You our LORD, who strengthens us, thank You JESUS!
Fill us with Your presence every day LORD, for You are our rock, and our fortress. You are our deliverer, our God, our strength. You are our buckler, and the horn of our salvation, and You are our high tower in which we find our safety.
We Thank You, LORD, for all that we have and for the persons You have molded us into, today. For we know all of this are only made possible only through You, Your unconditional Love for each and everyone of us, and we thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit!!! May You have mercy upon us all and continue protect and bless us all, in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ our LORD and our SAVIOUR. Amen!
Keep the Faith! Have a Safe and Blessed Thirsty Thursday! One Love and God Bless you and your love ones!
<3 Praise HIM 24/7 365 <3
You will NEVER forget this one. It's the most passionate, incredible version of this song we've ever heard. Beautiful - check it out!
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