Robby James Time for a casual drive out to daylesford and back to pick up a mate cos that's how dedicated I am to my mates
Maya Gignac This weekend, I wanna go to the redneck parade and then maybe a bonfire. But who knows, plans always change. Bed time soon. Goodnight(:
Matthew Vest I'm deleting my Facebook because . ---->
ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE ... in the next seven days you will:
1. Have someone fall in love with you
2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground
3. Go out with the person you like :3 ... But first! You gotta repost this and see how many people you can scare ;)
Like if you opened this:)
Shawn SoAwesum Garner LMS for a TBH
Amilyen az adjonisten, olyan a fogadjisten.
La guerre de Libye: ça me rappelle un film cette tof ... :)
PS: la photo n'est pas truquée:
Tanautica Nae-nae Cofield TBR:likeee myy statuzz 4 a TBR ndd a ratee
Jonathan Quintero •Would I Take My Ex Back? Suree
•My Relationship Status?Takenn <3
•Crush? Nobody cause im takeen
•Have I Ever Lost A Close Friend? Yes my bolinqbrook Niqqas
... ... •When Was The Last Time I really Laughed? This morninq
•When Somethings Wrong, First Person I Turn To? Freinds
•Is There Anyone Who Doesn't Like Me Because Of Something I Did? Yes
•Is There Anyone I Will Do Anythinq For? Yea
•How Many People Can I Tell Just About Everything To?Idk many people
•I Will Describe Myself In One Word? Annoyinq
•Do I Have Anythinq That Belongs To My Ex? nopee
•Favorite Song? Dance (ass) Remix
•Favorite Color? Blue
•Bestfriends? Evan Snapback Mccurrie, Mazon Washington, Charlie Bennett-Barker, Jose Flores, Other people just to many to namee LOL
•Last Hug? My qirl
MagazineGurlz Tasmania TGIF, need I say more. Hope everyone is looing forward to a good weekend.
Any girls that would like to shoot for Picture and People magazines in the next couple of months, inbox us with your email and contact number as we are hoping to have more regular access to shoots for Tassie.
Mentha Eastling Had a long day at work,got home baby had made me a nice bubble bath.Relaxed, ate dinner. And enjoyed the rest of the nite with my Peanut.
Gennifer Cazier Just watched the movie Super 8. Gotta say it was pretty damn good! It's a cross between ET and Alien. Not for little kids but preteenish on up would enjoy it if you like scifi. Two thumbs up!
Barbara Hashman Findley going to walgreens on a mission, got coupons and rewards calculated!
Anthony Martucci Everyone have a good night
Raheem Jones One day, I’ma be so rich, that I can buy my moms a house
Have a livin’ room with a big TV and I’ma still sleep on the couch
I’ma have ‘em like
Oy vey, holy cow, oh my god, wow
Nik Hall Yep...thats a random idiot!
Christopher Wilmot I feel that life is up and down right now for I try and I try life is just like a black hole do not no what to do : /
Twin Lewis Time to get away, for a day
Lynnette Drummond Just had one of those moments wit my bf! We talked about a lot of serious issues in most relationships. Like infidelity, kids, and finances! Convo ended great! #love my man
Carla Renee Hasten Can't eat after midnight!!! Omg I am a late night eater!!ol
Maybe I should go chill at a friends and I will be to busy to eat. Ahhhhhhhhhh what is a lady to do.
Marlene Martinez I wish i was special..But im a creep, im a weirdo..what the hell am i doing here..i dont belong here..i dont belong here
Fabulously Chic One for $15 and Two for $28!
Sales ♥ Price $15.00
* Pokka-Dot Dress with Back Ribbon* (Blue) D213
This sweet dress is the perfect outfit for a date or a day out with the girls
Fits S & M-size girls
With draconian laws like Georgia’s HB 87 hitting women especially hard, women's groups are taking up the fight for immigrants’ rights.
Dominic Dominguez That boy you punched in the hall today committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today is a virgin. That boy you called lame has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day is already being abused at home. You think you know them. Guess what, you don't. Re-post if you are against the mean bullying in schools. I bet 99% of you won't.
Sorry i didnt punch uh boy,call uh quurl uh slut and o didnt push down nobody fur yoo info lol
Whaaa upp
gonna go to friends and spend the night.
Ohh thats cool
yupp u??:)
Nuthin juss chillin like uhh villian lmao
tell me somthen i don''t know about you!! lool i'am just chillen killen
So i watched breakin dawn(;
.i did to rena FREAKED OUT!!!
Why she freaked
becuase edward lol
Whaa bout him
rena thinks the is hot!!!
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