David J. Russell Subliminal messaging.
Okay, we're not drawing any conclusions here, but we will say that that fact that Rick Perry wore THIS jacket of all jackets, in a video ranting about "gays in the military," well... it proves there is a God.
One with a great sense of humor.
(Source: George Takei. Don't think he was the original source, but he's where I got this, and any chance to link to ***Mr. Sulu*** is one I ain't passing up: https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei)
Nastassja Lewboogie Lewis Ion lik to see people in pain it really irks me. I wish it was somethin i could do to help. Sn head hurtin bad think i better eat sum
Luis Gomez I modified mt gun haha, looks awesome now!
Jose Aguirre I wna take this time to thank gasol and odom for all their heart work and dedication thank you for bringing us the joy to be back to back champions once again. Wish you the best in the future. Now welcome CP3 and dwight is taking flight to staples center. I smell a championship!!!!
Dianice Lian Pena Almodovar I hate when i tell guys "eff you !" and they be like, "when, where ?" like seriously grow up, you retards ? -.-
Courtnee Brannon-Whitfield Ok so Brannon justpicked up a block and threw and said Flashbang!! I think he plays Call Of Duty a lil to much!! lol
Olivia Lamas i Just Fuckin Burned My Leg ! O:<
Ruth Hampton hey brina i love that pic of un doobie can u send me that pic so ill have on u guys
Aushia Glaspie My baby daddy is all I got but with out him I am what I am today. I frist lad eye on him from the day we meet from now my baby wont be here on this earth. If it wasn't. From him now I am a change woman this year I am so bless to have my husband to be he gave me the world and I do the same I put my life on the line for him. Everything I want is all right and my face I love both of my family with all heart .
Dezi' Moreno' 7 ;;
Biqqqq Shout Out too The Niqqas Who Dont GIVE UP
On Those " i Love you More "
Jerome Flood II I hate when u gotta make a choice between what feels good & what's right! Crap!!
Dustin Davenport Well i havent posted a status in a while well i got a job at gtc 1st shift its not bad thank god tomorrow is last day lol spendin time with my baby b4 bed
Yung Stack Trillfamordie See Im the type of nigga that will keep it all the way live hunda withchu I dnt be on the bull shit if Im kool withchu r wateva I am to u Im not going to akt fake like I dnt kno u r anything like that kuz Ima real nigga and I kant stand fake ass ppl it just gets unda my skin how fake ppl kan be but on the otha end I dnt be worried about it kuz Ima keep that shit all the way real til the death of me and if I fuck withchu and u fuck with me like I fuck withchu then u dnt got to worry about me been fake r nothn kuz Ima keep that shit all the way hunda withchu and that real nigga siht Yung Stacks!!!!!!!
Ali Dodson-Photography Just a reminder I do still have spots open for photo sessions this month. There is still time to get those portraits done before Christmas! Feel free to contact me with any questions or for details! Have a wonderful day!
Richard Cheeseman for all that know me wait until I tell you about my christmas tree adventure ....you won't be disappointed....LOL
Tina Lackey Ofsak I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.
Paula Williams Black How sweet. I didn't know you all were so talented. thank you and Merry Christmas.
Rockin' around the Christmas tree is even more fun when you rock with a friend! You know what they say, the more the merrier!
Nakane Kazuki あー今日も寒い。
Michelle Bristol so i got a letter from the bank today n they want proof of insurance on my house well that was cancelled cuz my grama died n insurance was in her name so now this means that the bank is really gonna start closing in on my house and quick...fml what to do
Seana McCrory Today, I found the spider which I let live yesterday hidden in my bath towel. I didn't see it until it was smeared all over my face. Fml.
Randi Rae Chenoweth I just love how people say one thing but there actions prove different
Johnna McInville JVB; your my boo! & I finished your paper, and I LOVE you. <3
Joseph Treadway Jesus: Santa.
Santa: Yes?
Jesus: I'm sad.
Santa: Why are you sad? It's Christmas right? It's your birthday!
Jesus: Yeah. That's the point
Santa: Why?
Jesus: Because whenever its Christmas the kids only wait for you and not me! They only celebrate Christmas because of you! Why Santa, why not Jesus? -Dec. 25 is for Jesus not for Santa. copy & Repost if You Believe in Jesus ! P.S He Knows You Looked ♥ -deny me in front your friends and I will deny you in front of my father
Colton Copenhaver im in a daze, hit this haze till i drift away...
Victoria Patton I had fun tonight i went watch my child in her christmas play she did good i love her
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