Friday, December 9, 2011

like if you're single : 'O' Aprendam meus alunos que estão no meu Facebook kkkkkkkkkk Aos estudantes cuidado com o que falam no Facebook

Aj Ibarra
Aj Ibarra like if you're single :( (") (") ( 'O' ) (") (") (")_(")
Fabiano Naspolini de Oliveira
Fabiano Naspolini de Oliveira Aprendam, meus alunos que estão no meu Facebook. kkkkkkkkkk
Aos estudantes... cuidado com o que falam no Facebook
P-nut Michel
P-nut Michel get ready new orleans the TIGERS are coming to town
Hannah Cardoza
Hannah Cardoza Last person i hugged- Jessica Booth(: Chorus conceerrt haha me: WHAT HAPPENED :o
Brunna Clarissa Chaves Fernandes
Brunna Clarissa Chaves Fernandes Cansada de tendências, color block, plinsados, futilidades mil... meu povo já dizia Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, " O essencial é invisível aos olhos."
Tyrell Ladaker
Truck Anthony Telgkamp
Truck Anthony Telgkamp Really didn't want to ruin my line drawing with my terrible shading skills :( o well, I hope the teacher tells me different.
Edwin Guardado
Edwin Guardado Lol this is a game i love to watch. FB fights >:O
De-De Chan
De-De Chan Who you gonna call MythBusters ^o^
Luiz Paulo Juttel
Só no blog de humor Não Intendo você se diverte com os vídeos, tirinhas e gifs mais engraçados da Internet. ;)
Humberto De Castro Neto
Humberto De Castro Neto O tal "poliamor"
(Documentário, Brasil, 15 min, 2010) Direção: José Agripino. Sinopse: Em uma sociedade onde predominam valores afetivos monogâmicos, algumas pessoas escolhem um arranjo de relacionamentos que está se tornando conhecido como Poliamor.
Mirela Porto
Mirela Porto Vá até o seu bate-papo, SEM ROUBAR! Olhe para a direita. Seus 10 primeiros amigos serão no futuro: Moto taxi: Adrielli Silva Gari: Daniel Schio Vendedor de balinha no ônibus: Beatriz Braga de Arruda Traficante: Flávia Saayuri Ganhador do BBB: Giovanna Love Panicat: Greyce Koike Pitas Deputado (a): Giovanna França cantor(a) De Funk: Gustavo Evangelista Professor(a): Igor Galvão Todos que foram marcados tem que repetir a brincadeira .
Shannie Okonomiyaki
Shannie Okonomiyaki That shuai bangala with long eyelashes, big eyes and high-bridge nose /o/
Gabriela Magnus
Gabriela Magnus O que mais falta acontecer,Bial? Cair um raio na minha cabeça? Deve ser né...
Jazzy Twinn
Jazzy Twinn We Need Some Christains ON The Rise Some Willing To Stand Or Fight, But, With Or With out em Imma Show The World My Light They Know, (they know, they Know, They know) ~Drake Headlines, G*O*S*P*E*L R*E*M*I*X~ <3 JAZZY <3
Munish Sharma Mani
Munish Sharma Mani,itag,source,uaopt,ip,ipbits,expire&signature=DDDA2BC171A3B65E1E4F7B3800482CB0B3033727.261B913985D32E4B0E3732AE061D244A684A3CFE&key=yta1&cms_redirect=yes
Alex Litvinchuk
Большое и очень жёсткое интервью Лии Ахеджаковой, народной артистки России.
Mensa Rai
Mensa Rai A re ye kya vae app toh husme naraz hogaye najane fb mai nai aate ap kaha khogye .plz naraz mat ho himansu vai2 bahut sare frn toh hai fb mai per ap je se koi nai. O
Tamiris Fahd de Almeida
Gostou compartilha!!
Felipe Barreto Lopes Vieira
Felipe Barreto Lopes Vieira A maior dificuldade que o homem pode encontrar é aquela criada pelos seus semelhantes... "Felipe Barreto" na Bahia.
Claudio Luis Cãmara
Claudio Luis Cãmara Então vc verá o valor q tem o amor e muito vai chorar......
Scribblez Gee
Scribblez Gee I feel like shit :O I've been in bed all day till now at this ghetto ass laundry place drying because our dryer is broken :0
Lillian Pinoy
PRAYER OF CONFIDENCE TO OUR IMMACULATE MOTHER Most Holy, Immaculate Virgin and my Mother Mary! To thee who art the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the Advocate, the Hope, and the Refuge of sinners, I have recourse today, I who am the most miserable of all. I render thee my most humble homage, O great Queen, and I thank thee for all the graces thou hast conferred on me until now, especially for having delivered me from Hell, which I have so often deserved. I love thee, O most amiable Lady; and for the love which I bear thee, I promise to serve thee always and to do all in my power to make others love thee also. I place in thee all my hopes; I confide my salvation to thy care. Accept me for thy servant and receive me under thy mantle, O Mother of Mercy. And since thou art so powerful with God, deliver me from all temptations; or rather, obtain for me the strength to triumph over them until death. Of thee I ask a perfect love for Jesus Christ. Through thee I hope to die a good death. O my Mother, by the love which thou bearest to God, I beseech thee to help me at all times, but especially at the last moment of my life. Leave me not, I beseech thee, until thou seest me safe in Heaven, blessing thee and singing thy mercies for all eternity. Amen. Thus, I hope. Thus, may it be.
Brazii LowKey Dolo
Brazii LowKey Dolo I Guess Cuffinq Liddle girls is the new wave now Double O
Judi Larsen Pedersen

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