Saturday, December 10, 2011

wwwyoutubecom my fave sung beautifuly in Navajo more to upload hey muchachonez yo c ke kazi no publiko koaz pero c ke eztho muy a mucha genthe lez pido un

David Shimer
my fave sung beautifuly in Navajo, more to upload
Haydee Berenice Moreno Ramirez
Haydee Berenice Moreno Ramirez hey muchachonez yo c ke kazi no publiko koaz pero c ke eztho muy a mucha genthe lez pido un favorzothothe me akavan de avizar ke mi amigo chompi zufrio un accidenthe, ezthe dia fue o eztha zometido a una cirugia debido a un coagulo en cu cabeza lez pido unirnoz o hacer una cadena de oracion en zu nombre. mil grax.
Joe Parish
Joe Parish How I miss thee, o Zero Hour. Soon... Soon, me thinks, I will play thee again.
Calm sequences of war. Achieved with GenTool.
Clay Joiner
Clay Joiner <3 :3 let me explain: :o c==3 :o c==3 :=3 :3
Avelina Lai
We've posted many Rhema Marvanne videos, but never her awesome rendition of O Holy Night. This is great for the upcoming Christmas season. Check it out, definitely worth a listen!
Jeh Lasneau
Jeh Lasneau Hj eu qro trair o meu namorado, kkk eu nem tenho isso, to me preocupando pq???? nem sei o q e isso, kkk
Lorena Lopez
Lorena Lopez Likeeeee c: Do iLove You ? ( ) Yesss ♥ ( ) No . ( ) iDont Even Know youu . ... ( ) Idk . If iSeen You Right Now Id ' ? ( ) Hug You . ( ) Ignore You . ( ) Smile And Wave . ( ) Talk To Youu . You Are ? ( ) Pretty . ( ) Crazy . ( ) Gorgeousss . ( ) Idk . ( ) Ugly -_- ( ) Weird ;o We Should ? ( ) Talk More ? ( ) Chil ? !Stolenn,
Aimee Clare Oliver
Aimee Clare Oliver Single or NOT put this as your status & see what you get in your INBOX. ♥ = I want a relationship. ~ = I'm falling for you. 69 = hug me nxt time you see me. (: = I really like you. ;* = I want to kiss you. D: = I hate you. :x = I like you shh. ") = I have a secret to tell you. :o = I like you but im shy. (; = your cute. :3 =I regret leaving you. ;} = marry me on facebook.
Amanda Lessa Nunes
Amanda Lessa Nunes "Os tiros ao nosso redor fazem com que seja difícil ouvir. Mas a voz humana é diferente de todos os outros sons. Ela pode ser ouvida acima de qualquer barulho. Até mesmo quando não está gritando. Até mesmo quando é só um sussurro. Até o sussurro mais baixo pode ser ouvido acima dos exércitos. Quando diz a verdade."
Ethan Malinowski
Ethan Malinowski HAS A CONCUSSION!! _
Marilyn Mudlong
Marilyn Mudlong Bishop bacani ang sabi nya madaling paliwanagin ang isang lugar kng my pangbayad ka sa meralco pero ang buhay b natin ay kaya nating paliwanagin o ang puso ntin.
Gabriela Pereira
Gabriela Pereira Sinceramente não entendo essas pessoas que de vez em quando são grossas com os outros gratuitamente. Posso falar, com todo o respeito? Se você acordou da pá virada hoje (ou ontem), euzinha aqui não tenho nada a ver com isso. Pior de tudo é que agente tem que respeitar e ficar calada. Mas comigo num tem disso. Tá pra nascer a pessoa com a qual eu não bata de frente, é só eu cansar de levar patada.
Nikki Houser
Nikki Houser ~*not a particularly happy camper tonight*~ :O
Albert Fry Jr
Albert Fry Jr When filling out your Christmas cards this year, take ONE CARD and SEND it to this address: A Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue NW Washington, DC 20307-5001. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these soldiers could get to lift up their spirits! Feel free to repost this like I did. This is a wonderful thing to do!
Adryan Gabriel
Bebe se iubeste cu o papusica
Chuck Pissemoff
Chuck Pissemoff Call me Steve-O...I'm a I'm a Wild Boy!!!
Jassiel ૐ Reyes
Jassiel ૐ Reyes La Vida es como un Parque de Diversiones, y cuando te subes piensas que es real por que así de poderosas son nuestras mentes. El paseo sube y baja y da vueltas, tiene emociones, sustos y es coloreado con Luces.. Y es muy ruidoso y divertido por un rato. Algunos han estado en el paseo por mucho Tiempo y empiezan a preguntarse "¿esto es Real o es sólo un paseo?", y otra Gente a recordado y nos ha dicho "oye, no te preocupes; No temas Nunca por que esto es sólo un paseo". Y hemos matado a esas personas. Es sólo un paseo.. pero Siempre matamos a esos tipos Buenos que tratan de decirnos eso, ¿Lo has notado?.. y dejamos a los Demonios que sigan Libres...
Isabella Bueno
Isabella Bueno Desabilitem o twitter pelo facebook, não quero ler duas vezes a mesma coisa...
Isabela Matos
Isabela Matos mania que as pessoas tem de agir sem soubessem daquele ditado um pouquinho antes..... ''não troque o que você mais quer na vida pelo que você mais quer no momento...''
Robin BLoodshed
Robin BLoodshed Oh Bulan Desember...Kau Selalu Membuat Dompetku Kering Sekeringnya :'(нΰά˚°º (˘̩̩̩╭╮˘̩̩̩)
Kids Alupin
Kids Alupin -A : Mày dẫn khỉ đi đâu đấy ? :-O -B : Mày mù àh ! :-W Tao đang dẫn con chó mà ! :| -A : Đkm >:) Tao ko hỏi mày ! :-W Tao hỏi con chó đứng cạnh mày kia kìa :-W -B : Àh ! :"> Ê ! Bạn mày hỏi mày kìa ! :))
Jennifer Jena Miller
Jennifer Jena Miller watch this video, this is where i live. and the girls are so beautiful...
Merrie Monarch Hoike Night 2011 Merahi O Tapiti Na Leo O Hawaii Video Presentation
Ernie Everette
Prayer For My Brother, The Bear O Great Spirit who listens to all I speak for my brother the bear. Make the moon shine softly during the nights of his childhood So that the warmth of his mother will always be in his memory. Make the berries grow in abundance and sweetness So that the vigor of life will strengthen his heart And the years of old age shall never be a burden to his body. Let the wildflowers refresh his temperament So that his manner will always be carefree. Give his legs swiftness and strength So they will always carry him to freedom. Sharpen the senses of his ears and nose So they will always keep harm from him. Let only those men share his path who in their hearts Know his beauty and respect his strength so that he will Always be at home in the wilderness. Make men praise life so that no one needs to feel the shame That lives in a heart that has wronged. Then my wild brother, the bear, will always have a wilderness, As long as the sun travels the sky. Oh, Great Spirit, this I ask of you for my brother, the bear. [by Chief Dan George]
Bruce W. Schultz Sr.
Bruce W. Schultz Sr. WOW! WHAT IS THERE TO SAY
Set to scenes from The Nativity Story... O Holy Night - by Josh Groban. Video Created by Youtube channel Tonycdrive.
Miming Twozerothree
Miming Twozerothree Maths 1 payah :O Maths 2 later at 10 . Wish me luck ! :')

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