Cari Lynn Anderson-Battle Buying my horse Shotzie back for half the price I sold him for!!!!
So glad to be having him back!! He didn't like his new owner :o(
André Rubio O rapaz leva a namorada para o motel. Chegando lá, ela tira a roupa, deita-se na cama, abre as pernas e sussurra com voz lânguida:
- Vem, me faz sentir mulher!
O rapaz tira as roupas, joga-as em cima da moça e diz:
- Toma, lava!
Michael E Conley Jr. Psa 57:1 To the Chief Musician; [set to the tune of] ``Do Not Destroy." A record of memorable thoughts of David when he fled from Saul in the cave. BE MERCIFUL and gracious to me, O God, be merciful and gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You; yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed.
Jayson Diaz O" yes its Friday nite and I feel alright".!
Vincente Thomas One more day guys, and I will home! I am so happy! God IS good! Little Jack is better thanks to the family. - I don't know what i'd done w/o ya'll! I miss my baby, but soon we wiil be together again!
Taxi - Dragostea ca o pereche de pantofi Taxi - Dragostea ca o pereche de pantofi
Jennifer Minor .........••. (¯`´¯)
.............. .. .••.!!///
_____________ ( )____.(¯`´¯)
¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸۰۪۫H۪۫۰۰۪۫A۪۫۰۰۪۫P۪۫۰۰۪۫P۪۫۰۰۪۫Y۪۫۰ ۰۪۫W۪۫۰۰۪۫E۪۫۰۰۪۫E۪۫۰۰۪۫K۪۫۰۰۪۫E۪۫۰۰۪۫N۪۫۰۰۪۫D۪۫۰¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,
戎婉瑜 最後一個莊一的早晨~~~好久沒吃的口福!
Rose Ann Aguila Racelis *
('o',) goOd mOrning!
Take cAre everyoNe!
God blesS us all !! =)
Dwayne E. Kennelley o Merry Christmas".
˛° _██_*˚° °/♥ \*˚°。°*。°*★*˚°。°*。°*★*˚°。°*。°*★
˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.*˛_Π_____*˚°。*。°*❤*˚°。°*。°*★
.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*˚°。°*。°*°*❤ ˚°*★
Sabrinaa Welsh ƸӜƷ¨[̲̅G̲̅][̲̅O̲̅][̲̅O̲̅][̲̅D̲̅] [̲̅N̲̅][̲̅I̲̅][̲̅G̲̅][̲̅H̲̅][̲̅T̲̅Ғасєвффк <3
YoungSonny Priv S/O Ghetto Twins
Debbie Acord good £o see my friend Joan. Even if she didn£ recognize me a£ firs£ lol.
Devon Tykeson Tonight is gonna be crazy.. O yess It's goin down
Lloyd Banks ft. 50 Cent - Hands Up (Dirty)
Vanessa Calazans O que vc sente quando vê este post???
Será que damos a devida atenção ao verdadeiro dono da festa?
Asma Islam Taymur There was a man at the time of the prophet muhammad,pbuh. The ayah forbidding alcohol had been sent down n this man continously kept getting punished for drinking alcohol n the companions went on to curse this man n the prophet muhammad,pbuh said" no! Dont say this! For i know that this man loves Allah n His messenger!" O rasol allah i kant wait to see u inshallah. U were the kindest,loving,faithful,most romantic,the best father n husband that eva walked on this earth. Seni seviyöm xox
John Martin Anabelle's Chocolate Lounge, in El Dorado, across from Poor Reds-TONIGHT 6-9. Mac and I will jam some serious tunes. ( o }===:::
Jovanna Lopez Lms ♥
For christmas I want ...
[] A date with you (;
[] Youu ♥
[] To hangout with you(:
[] A Christmas Card?
[] A HUG :)
[] a kiss;*
[] A chance♥
[] A Present :D
[] Rudolph
[] you and me under the mistletoe [;
[] Nothing ... -_-
[] Some Milk and cookies ;)
[] To be or stay good friends
[] I don't really know you
You are ...
[] All I want ' ♥
[] Cute
[] Pretty(:
[] Mean...
[] Alright!...
[] Funnyy
[] my friend
[] Not my type.....
[] You duh sexy ^.^
[] Nice (:
[] Fine;);)
[] Eww....
[] Beautiful♥
Rate ..
[] 1-5
[] 5-10
[] Broke my scale ;O
[] Past the point of needing a scale
Deondre Parker u*R e l a t i o n s h i p A p p l i c a t i o n =) !! ♥*
1) How attractive are you?[] Not [] Ok [] Cute [] Sexy 2)
Are you my type?[] Yes [] No [] Somewhat In a way.
3) Would i date you?[] Yes [] No [] Maybe [] No comment [] Already have.
4) Would i give you my number?[] Yes [] No [] Maybe [] You got it
5) Rate From 1-10 1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [] 5 [] 6 [] 7 [] 8 [] 9 [] 1O
6) Our chances of dating?[] O% [] 1O-3O% [] 4O-6O% [] 7O-9O%[] 1OO% [] Youu Tell Me / Inbox[] Already Did
Edward Harmon For those who don't get my sister's posts.
You will NEVER forget this one. It's the most passionate, incredible version of this song we've ever heard. Beautiful - check it out!
Bonimix Djregio AMIGOS OCUPAS UN "DJ"PARA TU FIESTA LLAMAME 713/261/8590 O AL 713/283/2779 O COMUNICATE CON DJ REGIO AL 713/208/5115
RissalovessYou Caballero 7 likes for a ridiculous amount of 130 questions!
1: Are you ready for 111 questions?Yess!(:
2: Was your last relationship a mistake?yess -_-
3: Do you miss your last relationship?nopee
4: Who did you last say "i love you" to?I thinkk too,...Cristal<3
5: Do you regret it?never doo
6: Have you ever been depressed?yeaah this wholee dayy :/
7: Are you a boy or girl?gurll!
8: Are you insecure?idkk
9: What is your relationship status?Singlee :I (so HMU)
10: How do you want to die?withh my fwendds
11: What did you last eat?pizza
12: Have you played any sports?soccer,basketball,volleyball
13: Do you bite your nails?only wen I'm nervous
14: When was your last physical fight?idkk
15: Do you have an attitude?wen I'm madd
16: Do you like someone?yess<3
17: What is your real name?Marissa Caballero
18: Have you ever read a book?yess!
19: Are you gonna get high later?never
20: Do you hate anyone at the moment?kindaa
21: Do you miss someone?yeahh
22: Twirl or cut your spaghetti?twirl
23: Do you tan a lot?nopee
24: Have any pets?no
25: How exactly are you feeling?sadd
26: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?yeaa
27: Ever made out in a bathroom?no
28: Good driver?don't know how to drivee
29: Are you scared of spiders?yess :O
30: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?yeahh
31: Do you regret anything from your past?yess
32: What are your plans for this weekend?movies!
33: Do you want to have kids?yeahh
34: Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M?nopee
35: Do you type fast?kindaa
36: Do you have piercings?yeaah
37: Want anymore?no
38: Can you spell well?yess(got 3rd place in dhaa spellinqq bee)
39: Do you miss anyone from your past?yeaah
40: What are you craving right now?subway
41: Ever been to a bonfire party?idkk
42: Ever had a silly band?yeaah alot
43: Have you ever been on a horse?I don't remember
44: Kissed someone in a pick up truck?no
45: Have you ever broken someones heart?I thinkk
46: Have you ever been cheated on?I thinkk
47: Have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?idkk
48: Are you thinking of someone right now?yeahh
49: Would you live with someone without marrying them?idk
50: What should you be doing?sleepinqq
51: Whats irritating you right now?my sisterr
52: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?yeahh
53: Does somebody love you?yeahh ^.^
54: What is your favorite color?Bluee<3
55: Have you ever changed clothes in a car?yeahh
56: Milk chocolate or white chocolate?milk chocolatee
57: Do you have trust issues?yeahh
58: Best friends name?Katia<3
59: 2nd best friends name?Cristal
60: 3rd best friends name?Brizaa
61: Longest relationship?idkk
62: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?I thinkk
63: Who was the last person you cried in front of?hmmm...
64: Do you give out second chances too easily?always -__-
65: Is it easier to forgive or forget?yess(forgett)
66: Is this year the best year of your life?I thinkk
67: What was your childhood nickname?marisol
68: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?no
69: Favorite food?pizza
70: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?yeahh
71: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?get onn fb
72: Did you have dream last night?yeahh
73: What is bothering you?ppl -_-
74: Have you ever been out of state?yeahh
75: Do you play the wii?yess
76: Are you listening to music right now?nopee
77: Do you like chinese food?yeahh ^_^
78: Who are you texting right now?idk
79: Are you afraid of the dark?used to bee xD
80: Is cheating ever okay?no
81: Are you mean?I thinkk
82: Can you keep white shoes clean?no
83: What year has been your best?I thinkk this onee
84: Do you believe in true love?yeahh
85: Favorite weather?Warmm
86: Do you like the snow?yeahh!
87: Does it snow a lot where you live?no
88: Do you like the outside?yea
89: Are you currently bored?yess
90: Do you wanna get married?yeahh
91: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?eww,
92: Are you hungry?yeahh
93: Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?no
94: What makes you happy?mii fwendsz
95: Would you change your name?neverr
96: Ever been to Alaska?no
97: Ever been to Hawaii?no
98: Do you watch the news?yess
99: What's your zodiac sign?Leo
100: Do you like subway?yeahh
101: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? ??
102: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?flirt<3
103: Do you talk like your friends?most of dhaa timee
104: Why did you decide to do this quiz?I was boredd
105: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?yeahh!
106: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?yeahh
107: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?I dunno
108: Do you feel good?no
109: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?Idkk
110: Favorite lyrics right now?idkk
111: Can you count to one million?no
112: Are your finger nails painted at the moment?no
113: Favorite color?Bluee!
114: Favorite number?16
115: If you could pick two people your own age or younger to be stuck on a stranded island with, who would it be?Cristal&Katiaa
116: Are you a hunter?no
117: Tall or short?short
118: Favorite subject in school?sciencee
119: What 5 people do you trust the most?Katia,Cristal,Frenchyy,Emily and Brizaa
120: Who do you think has amazing hair?Emilyy
121: Parents divorced?no
122: What city do you live in?houston
123: Where were you born?Texas
124: Recliner or couch?couch
125: What two people do you miss talking to?Katia & frenchyy<3
126: Who will you be with this weekend?idkk
127: Parents names? Not sayinqq
128: City or country?country
129: Water or soda?water
130: Was this a waste of your time?yeahh -__-
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