Torrion Mist Gang Who wana pull a all nighter or stay on the phone til I go to sleep LMS or INBOX
Lorrie Pickering Ritz OMG .....Check your shampoo bottle label. I don't know why I didn't figure this out sooner!! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and (duh!) printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning: FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY! NO wonder I have been gaining weight! Well I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using Dawn dish soap instead. Their label reads, DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE. Problem Solved
Tim Parsons the rodeo is in vegas i don't think i have ever seen so many boots ,hats and bedazzeled butts before in one place.
Chaz Greene Sam and gino like dick I walk in on them fucking
Wassim Salem Y do i have to be nice with some people that i don't like, and the people i like dont know that i exist -_-
Crissy Megill yay!! my daddy is gonna go get eggs for me so i can make cupcakes!!!! :)
Shawn Sanford i need help can somebody hide me im on the run from the cops they caught me with dead time on my hands after i choked the clock so now im out of time and wanted for killing time at work
Christina Goscinski I got "Boomer" on the What Left For Dead Zombie Are You??? quiz!
Megan Bourn-Photography Lovely overcast day for a wedding!!!! Can't wait for these guys to say I DO!! See you soon Rowan Summers and Rebekah Sheahen xxx
Mike Hendrock Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes but I hate december 9
Fiya Wetgyal Boyce My boo now call and told me he reachin here 9 o'clock to carry me out to watch a movie an i will see wat happen from there luv boo :-

Fred needs our help. I got a call from shelter yesterday (12/09/11) they are not able to give the extra time to help Fred find a home. All he needs is a special someone who have the place and time to help him find his forever home. And also sponsors to spay/neuter and vaccinate him as well. If you or anyone you know can help Fred, please let me know I will pull the dog for you. Can we help this guy? Please?
Fred - ID#A093994.
I am a male Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Mix.
I have been at the shelter since 11-2-11!!!
@ Sutter County Animal Control
102 2nd street, Yuba City CA 95991
TEL# (530) 822-7375
Thank you ♥
Fred needs our help. I got a call from shelter yesterday (12/09/11) they are not able to give the extra time to help Fred find a home. All he needs is a special someone who have the place and time to help him find his forever home. And also sponsosr to spay/neuter and vaccinate him as well. If you or anyone you know can help Fred, please let me know I will pull the dog for you. Can we help this guy? Please?
Fred - ID#A093994.
I am a male Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Mix.
I have been at the shelter since 11-2-11!!!
@ Sutter County Animal Control
102 2nd street, Yuba City CA 95991
TEL# (530) 822-7375
Thank you <3

Charlie Johnson i my friend told me something about someone i love and i dont know it kinda hurt me a little... like if someone has ever done that too you
Jennifer Menendez I hate u CSULA financial aid!! No winter disbursement check for me cuz u decided to bill me a year later.
Melody Dominguez Just enjoyed a neat impromptu fireworks show. Now I will get ready to head downtown to enjoy the sweet sounds of Zechs Marquise.
Mf Jay Babeh Fuck A Tattoo, Fuck A Ring, Fuck A Facebook/Twitter Password ! Let's Switch Phones For A Day So I Know It's Real !
-Stole from Drake Sleezy <3
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