Alexander Maurice Owens-Richards "sometimes you have to fight the devil with a demon"
Chris Formosa Always nice to have a massive headache before a final exam :S
Trish Best I'm deleting my face-book because.---->>
It's pretty funny that you opened this because in the next seven days you will
1.have someone fall in love with you
2.find a $20.00 bill on the ground
3.go out with the person you like
But first!you gotta re post this and see how many people you can scare
Like if you opened this.
Victor Ducos Out on a Date.
Quaniqua Foster Likeeee ;-* if you think you Cute , Sexy , Finee , Bomb or etc .. If I agree ill post a heart on your wall !
Harry Anderson but im buying emily a new car...
Tiny Animosity Locco ! ! IDGAF , that mean '' i dont give a fucx ''? naw , and i dont need they help
Front Lin YammsYammsYammsYammsYammsYamms we get recorded today
so yall bout to have a problem album and mixtape'S gone be wett
Oakley is caught during his morning routine of lifting
the biggest stick in the park. It’s just a warm-up
though – the tractor pull is next!
What makes his tails wag: Dumbbells
Motto: “Only the strong survive!”
Idol: Hercules
Hidden fact: He was the runt of his litter
Find prints of Ron's Oakley on his website,
Brian Bolduc Getting the frak out of Vegas! Taking a little m/c ride to LA and SD the next few days....
Nicholas Springer FML! Frickin studio apt I was suppose to c tmrw just got leased out.looks like ill be living in my Mazda for a while.I don't know what I did to have a life like mine.happiest time of the year my ASS!!!!
Joan Gysel Everyone ooooo and awwwwwed and told me how beautiful my great nephew Peyton was. He is beautiful. (I think he looks a little like me HEHE).
Jeremy Flint "Death is something in 2012
I'm not really a big new years resolution person. I think every day, every week, every month you should be trying to get better. Better not just at lifting, but life and the things you are attempting to conquer.
Mediocre people are always satisfied. Don't be satisfied with where you are at.
I'm constantly reinforcing the fact that you need to have goals. Goals in life, professional goals, and lifting goals. Just remarking that you "want to get better" or "want to be awesome" doesn't really define anything.
Setting your sights on goals gives you something tangible to go after. Gives you a reason to plan, and makes you think about your plan of action. Remember to always ask yourself why it is you are doing what you are doing. You should be able to give an answer to why it is you are doing the things you are doing."
Mavic Carino everythings happens for a reason...:-)
Garlan Angel Hall Jr I haven't smoked n 3 months I'm going thru a lot right now I think I'm bouta face one R.I.P. JUG
Kyle Brown Havin a brew and making my ugly sweater light up. Making a ugly sweater uglier
Brittany Latchford Watching The Help with my madre. Such a good movie. =]
Dorothy Harvey I have made mistakes in my life... But I have learned from them... I will make more mistakes... but that doesn't make me a bad person... IT MAKES ME HUMAN!
Mariah Schmidt I started singing ring around the rosie today and my brain told my mouth to stop.
(Because brains can talk...)
And I concluded that childhood songs are morbid and ungraceful.
Does anyone notice that we are happily frolicking to a song where we burn to death and die at the end?
I bet hitler wrote that song.
Kerry Boss lookkin threw my phone for a chick thats alone yu cant stopp me about to pull up at yur home
Frederico Varao Reportagens sobre Neo-Nazistas Tupiniquins ganham cada vez mais espaco numa midia sensacionalista. Trata-se de um bando de jovens dos mais missigenados do mundo que acreditam ser da raca ariana pura. Ignorancia e a base de qualquer coisa que tenha algum tipo de intolerancia no meio, por isso nao me surpreende. o que me surpreende e que a imprensa brasileira divulgar notas com fotos de pichacoes em muros e jovens tatuados nazistas, sem contestar justamente o fato do brasileiro ser considerado o povo mais missigenado do mundo e portanto seriamos o primeiro alvo dos nazistas. O que me incomoda na imprensa brasileira nao e o imenso poder que faz a noticia chegar a todos os brasileiros e sim o esforco para manter essa audiencia, mas nenhum esforco em usar esse poder para educar ou instruir o cidadao que muitas vezes apenas tem esse meio de informacao! Fora Globo!
Kenzie Wise "The angels say, 'Love is eternal, w/o beginning r end. So whenever u need a sign that a loved 1 is near--@ Christmas time, r any time--simply ask 4 1! ' "
Kyle Young Dang I can't believe those guys! They need a new job or something!!! But still glory to God. Good job tonight to all the OUTLAWS!!
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