Patricia Garcia Study time my last final is tomorrow and I need to pass, I just hope I don't fall asleep in the process.
Tony Gallegos A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
-W.C. Fields
Rick Linduski As Christmas approaches, I have one gift suggestion found absolutely free in GOD'S word ! The second half of Romans 3:23 says" but the gift of GOD is eternal life through JESUS CHRIST the LORD " !!!!
Margret Brooks HELLO.... I NEED A HUG!!!! TO give me a HUG click "LIKE".... I believe that i already KNOW who will HUG me n who WON.'T!!! REMEMBER that once u click ' LIKE' you MUST RE- POST this status on ur wall so i can HUG u back. DON'T be SHY, HUGS R AWESOME + FREE !!!! ♥ ♥ XXX
Joy E Buck It never ceases to amaze me the new levels of low a person will stoop .. it's like either that don't comprehend or care about the seriousness of the consequences that follow .. I know 1 thing .. I don't play about my family .. so either take a number .. take a seat or Imma part that scalp .. you've been to the welfare office so don't act like you don't know!! ##in my best BELLA MONROE voice
Kaydee Ominikamigo outside with the snoww !! :D . . i guess Love you Wahss Wabano made my night :D . guess slidding den . with the cuzz , these people better not come out and bitch at mee LOL . Whoo cAres There white :/ ..
Bam Bam Loc Haley Edgett yu str8 dnt hit me bacc tonight im finna go hop out and do me and dnt hmu tomorrow cus i finna shake it all night wid my sus Ar'Traia Sha'nae
Boris Redeemed If you always want to be told what you want to hear, i bet you, you are inflicting great harm on your self, the truth reveals to redeem.
Vivian Michelle Montgomery I know its a little too late to have cravings.. but I seem to currently be having a craving for mac ' n cheese and an artichoke on the side. Just the other day I woke up from a dream where I was eating chili beans in spaghetti and craved it too. But mostly its been all about mint chocolate. Its just so comforting to me.
Gilbert Yung Solo Robinson Niggas acting like I aint got more bars than pelican bay....yall done seen the videos Bitch im "Menace"!!!
Ryan Michael Beer run, then I have no idea what is going on tonight. So let me know cause it's friday and this week was too long.
Mike Wallace My names Kyle buuuuh i can never win at spades buuuuuuuh
Jason Thepmontry Bacon and eggs for dinner. I MAKE MY OWN RULES!!!!!
Sheri Martin Can someone please please tell me how to turn off farmville on Facebook....I didn't even know I played farmville lol.... Help!!!
Lauren Jenelle Bellar I miss being in love<3 If only he were here...:(
Elaine Alex Long Some one save me from this boaring night . . . . Senior year . .. . .i hate friday nights at home
Alma Medina damm i really hate white ass chicks!!! >:[ como caen gordas mugres gringas!!! :(
Rick Kotowski This ad was on Craigslist..............
Wednesday night (12/7) I found some effect pedals that were forgotten.
If you tell me exactly what they are and where I found them, I'll give them back to you.
Good luck!
Brittany Perez I Fucked Uhp Biqq Timee I'm Sorry Chriss /:
Levi Patterson To whoever I recently sent a friend request to & complained to FaceBook about it. Get the fuck over yourself! Just decline the request jackass instead of almost getting my account deleted by the adminisration!
Dian Miftakhul Hanifah I will never let you fall
I’ll stand up with you forever
I’ll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
Ara Mhaye Apuad Ü ♥ Love,respect && trust your man =)
Song: If I Were a Boy Remix by Beyonce & R. Kelly [Song is] Property of Universal Music Group Pink Words= Beyonce Singing Blue Words= R. Kelly Singing MADE B...
John Williamson LMS I'm not gonna lie :D
[] i liked you once.
[] i like you.
[] i kissed you before.
[] i think you're cute.
[] you're pretty.
[] you're beautiful.
[] we should hang out.
[] we're best friends.
[] i miss you!!!
[] i'd date you.
[] i'd kiss you.
[] i'd bang you.
[] we should talk more.
[] text me.
[] stop being a stranger.
[] you're ugly.
[] i don't really know you.
[] you're a f****ing boss
Heather Riley I am so ready to finally cheer up! I am on a mission...
Heather Pelletier Happy Birthday to an amazing and inspirational woman. My Granny would have been 100 years old today. I will always be in awe of her brilliance and miss her with all my heart. <3
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