Aaron Allen The Rematch is On. Not a fan But I Have to say... ROLL TIDE ROLL!
Wendy Rose McGuffey Gee,i wanna go school but i cant :[
Kathryn Myers So I was walking along thinking things were gonna be ok when Murphy decided to kick me in the teeth... Does it ever end?
Manda Boo My man says im not allowed to have a faceBook. That's why i deactivate my account every time i sign off. That just sounds ridiculous.
Yung Sataus Lewis What a about me sumtime keep me in mind like i wood do u damn gave me sum love like i wod do u its not about u all the time u gotta shoe sum live sumtime u will go a long way wen u shoe just a lil.bit of love so till me where is the love.......lol........!!!!!!!
Satia Longe Every so often I Google my name hoping someone stole my identity and made something out of myself. lms if your bout to do it right now
Jerome Starboy Haynes Lucky you you got ah woman to go home to i got to fine myself ah woman
Edwado Castro way out here on waterloo road in oklahoma somewhere at a job meeting and its startin 2 freakn snow):~( i do not no how 2 drive in this sh*t lol pray i make it back 2da tilt (house)
Chris FreeBird Eyes, your eyes
I can see in your eyes, your eyes
Everything in your eyes, your eyes
You make me wanna die
I'll never be good enough
You make me wanna die
And everything you love
Will burn up in the light
And everytime I look inside your eyes
(I'm burning in the light)
You make me wanna die
Music video by The Pretty Reckless performing Make Me Wanna Die. (C) 2010 Interscope Records
Jayson Rodgers I just herd this on 98.3 a very strange cover
Etta James Album Dreamer.Year 2011
Maija Jane-Cloyd "To my Teachers, I'm quiet. To my friends,Im CRAZY! To kids that I don't really know, I'm weird. Me? I'm still trying to figure out who I am."
Sean Whitledge I've had you so many times but somehow I want more
I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved She will be loved
Innocent Aaky I IgNoReD 3vRyBoDy AnD LoV3D YoU........BuT YoU LoV3D 3vRyBoDy AnD IgNoReD MeEeEeEeEeE !!!!!!!!!
Rebecca Hartman This rain sucks!!!!!!!!! I don't remember wanting to move to Lake Capital, but I swear, that's where I live right now
Ayanna Encinias I DON'T WANT THE BOX I WANT THE WING BAG!!!:D ahahha I love you Kelly
Dylan Jones i hate chickens
Ocelee Brake Everett A Charlie Brown Christmas = Happy Happy Happy. I love Charlie Brown!!!
Lydia Sacrifice Robinson Dont u guys just love it when God justs makes a way out of no way and gives u things u know u dont deserve???!!! I surely do!!! And im so thankful that when he has a plan for u he ALWAYS sends u with provisions. SEND ME!!! ILL GO!!!!
Pamela Eyler Donato Just so everyone knows, I have a CHRISTMAS TREE in my living room (not a holiday tree), my kids are getting CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (not holiday gifts) and we will eat CHRISTMAS DINNER(not a holiday meal), and I will attend a CHRISTMAS PARTY (not a holiday party). I will also very cheerfully wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS! (not happy holidays). By the way, if you want to have a Happy Hanukah , by all means do, I respect that. If you want to have a Blessed Kwanzaa, I also respect that. I want to have a Merry Christmas, so I ask YOU to respect that! Repost if you agree
Chase T. Anthony Bruggeman Justina Coomes
Dear Santa, this year for Christmas
I would like an an iPhone, a new laptop, a personal TV
no wait, forget that.
Get in your sleigh,
go to Afghanistan,
... ... get all the soldiers
and bring them home.
They deserve to be with their families
on Christmas. Post this as your
status to show respect for the
soldiers who won't be coming
home for Christmas.
If you don't re-post, I understand.
You cant spend 6 seconds of your life to support soldiers
Dara Steinkamp I am thinking of getting a job where my daughter works.
Michael Chubbs Oh the things I do for my lovely Miranda. Like drive to the supermarket to get hot sauce for tacos. Here's the kick its only MILD not even flipping HOT. Love you honey you dork!
April DeMatteo I am feeling sad,I lost my Nana today,but she would not want tears,so I am having a drink,and thinking of all the good times.
Drew Willingham Hurry up 10:00 so I can get off work and kick it!!!!!
LeLa ChepmLikhtimoe Mazt" , eman" i . .cA'em e ky ngnU k0g dgwo dk pzar tradizi0naL . .
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