Kaleb Frankhuisen Skiing and Having a Blast
Cierra Plummer Ian ProudDaddy wrote: Its RISKY to catch feelings these days..The worst feeling is when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you hanging & you have to act like you dont care at all. She's not afraid of heights, deep water, or love. She's afraid of falling in love, drowning in lies, and a broken heart from the one she loves.
Paul Rosas i had fun watchn the parade w me n my best friend but parade was to short n first time it raind during a parade
Kelsey Woodard DO THIS!!!!!!! --------------> click like, unlike, like, post as your status, then like it and press Ctrl + w ...... it will turn facebook purple for a day!!!!!
Rosa Minguzzi Had a wonderful day;)got soo much accomplished! thanks for your help ma ;) Nancy Minguzzi. Love you
Jessica Gamble Damn its snowing.......being a driver sucks during winter......
John Lucy "I've told you before that I do not approve of dynamite as a cooking utensil."
Tracey Alston Melendez I heard the most disturbing thng 2day a 6 year old was giving a grab bag gift the parents had a $10 limit da little girl was so excited to open her gift low n below can u picture the look on her face when she unwrapped A 3 pk of hand sanitizer What da What I am appauled.
Tavo Montinola Si eres gordita y soltera, no
pidas abrazos en tu Facebook. Sólo lograrás que a nosotros los guapos y a nuestras novias nos des asquito.
'Jessica Northey Do we REALLY need to put labels on paint cans warning people that eating it could kill them? I mean, is it REALLY necessary to TRY to save anyone who would make a conscious decision to eat paint?
May Queen A woman who knows her worth will never stay where she is under-appreciated.
Rochelle Goodall Why are our childrens dads so dumb? Did God skip them when creating a brain? Lol
Adz Khuder I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel,
I want to drive you through the night, down the hills,
I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear,
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear
Jack Miller So, this is your baby zoo. A few of us have them, too. This is also a baby zoo.
Amanda Devine One stressed mommy! Got almost everything ready for Rylans birthday party. Finally got a place to host his party after a brilliant idea from my stepdad. :) Just waiting to do invites and our balloons. Its hard to believe in 2 short weeks my baby boy will be 2! Where has the time gone?
Jessica Bower a bowl of cereal & a peanut butter sandwich for dinner! #lifeOfACollegeStudentWithNoMealPlan :(
Tyler Ranney y do girls have to be so complex now a days....
Tyler Countryboyswag Kirk "...Doesn't matter how big it storms, I know i can find me a place thats warm, the sun is shining somewhere in Texas. I hope its shining on her somewhere down in Texas" Jason Boland.
Rachel Tyson Did you have a good Monday? If not, watch Talking Tom and you will forget about it. LOL
I woke up this morning
Yasmine Sesbreno-Tanay Life is like a party. You invite a lot of people, some leave early, some stay, some laugh with you, some at you, some didn't come. But in the end, after the fun, there would be a few who would stay and help clean up the mess with you. And most of the time, those were the ones who didnt even make the mess.
Ollie HoodRaised Woods "She has that natural kinda beauty , the kind u can't attain thru extra hours in the gym.
She shines from her inner makeup out, that's my I call her my Gem.
my personal sapphire.
She motivates me to want to be more of a FAMILY GUY,and stop acting like Quagmire"
Hector Luis Avila Valentin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drw7 Gw11yn0@Jose A. Castillo Diaz Keila Mariie Hector Avila
It looks like The Exorcist, it smells like The Exorcist, and it's probably be pretty similar to The Exorcist... with nice demonic possession effects to boot....
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