Jeremiah Alford I can G what I want 2 be cause I kno I can FCKN OCKYS!!! LOL...
Bobbi Starklauf im brave..i hate needles. but i got my 3 shots done:) now im ready to volunteer. arm is sore though. gonna have a bath,do some reading and go to bed soon. night everyone!
Nikki Costigan I should of told you what you meant to me, because now I pay the price- the one that got away3
Hailey Berglund today i went sledding with Daniella Michelle and we bent the sled because we hit a pile of snow:) ahahahha... i love u (no homo) we have got to do that again!!! <3 u see u tomorrow:)
Andy Varney i hate being put on hold
Jeremy Miller I am working on planning a trip to AZ if anyone is interested in me teaching or setting choreo... please get in touch with me. Thanks!
Nicholas Kovtuschenko Well I started thinking, a friend told me how he was selling stuff on Ebay and how people would buy anything. So I started looking around my house and thought " wow I have some cool stuff that don't need anymore and I don't have the room for" so I will find out what this bizz is about. After all the world has a good amount of people in it, lets see how much stupid shit I can sell.
Mary Brookman i love my kids <3 so funny Ezra Brookman my oldest child wrote me a thank you letter for his christmas presents that he did'nt even get yet lol gotta love em' ........#ladylukk<3
Jlynn Thunder Hawk i love my friends ...yall know life happens and imma be here 4 ya thru it all... u ever need someone to listen to ya i'm here.... I will never judge you! u need a shoulder to cry on, need me to lend an ear, or give u encouraging words, or just a hug.. i gotcha!
Joshua Sugrim I'm desi and I know it ;)
Ashley Vega I hade made that year last nite nd im happy to this day to be with him nd nothing made us fall apartt 12410 ^^^
Gabriel Parocua I want to move :/
This story was updated at 12:15 p.m. ET.
Kendrick Johns Oh god. I hate driving in winter. The road isn't even frozen and people going ridiculously slow. What the hell you gonna do when it does become iced? start mushing your dogs!?
Heaven Brewer I love u And u know who u are:) loving my babygirl she is 11 months old today:)) mommy lives u ry ry:))
Marina Navarro last night i had a great time talking to himm <3 iloveehimm
Hali Rae Leadingham If you hate me, delete me.
If you think I'm nice, like my status.
If you think I'm a good friend, comment on my status.
If you have ever liked me inbox me a (: I won't tell
If you like me now inbox me a :D I won't tell
If you wanna date me, inbox me a ♥ I seriously won't tell.
Set this as your status if you're brave. (:
Brooke Brown I start in the salon tomorrow. Im going to be doing blue and purple hair. If you are wanting your hair and nails done call 208~570~2272.
Gary Fuslier I saw a bald eagle the other day. All of its feathers were combed over to one side.
Sharon Butler Camper I don't want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy. Friends are the fruit cake of life --- some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet, but mix them together and they're my friends. At Christmas you always hear people talking about what they want & bought. This is what I want: I want people who are sick, with no cure, to be able to be cured. I want children with no families to be adopted. I want people to never have to worry about food, shelter & heat. I want peace and love for everyone! Now, let's see how many people re-post this....I have a feeling I am gonna see almost no re-posts. PLEASE prove me wrong
Dahr Dadelos Somar soundterp! 4u! "?.?. .?.??. ?..??..?"
np:nobody knows
by:the tony
super fav q i2....
para sayo........
""nyts r lonely days r so sad & i jaz kip thinkin bout d love dat we have & im missin u & nobody knows it but me""....................
nt:give me a chance
by:ric segreto
Frank Espinal i race for your love shake and bake ricky bobby
Malik Lewis I miss my cousin mann ... Christmas wont be the same wit out Dolo
Gigi Luvs Yhu I Kissed Your BoyFriend Under The Mistletoe <3 <3
America L. Meraz Acosta "Babe I gotta Cut my bush huh?!"- Johanna.... "Nah, its cool...Ill eat around it." -Jon. (-_-) fml
Vince Harvey Okay, so i was baking a apple pie because i was bored, and that shit taste crappy.. Lol i soo dont know how to bake lmao.. who wants to try my apple pie?? :)
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