Asia Johnson Q : Who Tld You I liked You ?
A : Mindd Ya Business , Ctfuu .
Elizabeth Johnson Watching my favorite movie SCHOOL DAZE! I love that movie G phi G . Shout out to my hm girl Tennelle N.Marshall thanks girl
Wesley Monroe the only thing i want for christmas this year is for my family to get healthy again and to get her back in my life those two things would be the best gifts ever
Roberto Vargas I believe the waste women creat evaporates , women dont poop . It ....just doesnt happen and Marissa Angelica Martinez is tryna crush that thought x)
go to CamCaponeNews.Com for all the latest in west coast hip hop Album: When Devils Strike Song" If I Die " By: SPM
Matt Watkins I LOVE YOU and i miss u wish you would hurry up and come see me friday
Jessica Mcleod im bout to go to jail again just to let everyone know cause im a dumb name is robin lee mosley and i have no life...i have yet A BRAND NEW WARRANT and NO BOND tomorrow! yay!!! i cant wait to get fucked in the ass in jail again!!!!
CJ Parks 1 Thing i hate about goin back 2 the gym & gettin it in after missin out 4 a couple of wks, is the excruciatin & agonizin pain ur body absorbs. sorta like a sponge. now my black ass is gon be immobile 2mmorrow morning.
Marlene Lawlor Jackson today i had a spirtual awakening.......or maybe an awakening of my spirit.......either way i am grateful for matter what it brings......and I say that prayerfully
Tanisha Hamilton i love jim jones!!
Sarah Hobo-Gogo Bell Came home covered in random dead people ashes from working in a crematorium today. Oh, and found a very bloody dead dog wrapped in plastic on the side of the road. Weird gross day is all I am saying
Meghan Martinez im at the age where i realize....nothing, actually.
Tayo Ajala Thanks to God. I wrote my last exam in Uni. Never would have made it without you!
Stacy Brewer one of my fav Christmas Songs
Carrie Underwood performs the Christmas classic "Do You Hear What I Hear" at the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman, and on GAC's Opry Live. Visit to f...
Lauralee Gonzalez-Saldana Charlie Brown Christmas n Naughty or Nice with my kiddos n my love...nice n warm....i love my fam
Vern Ramirez Lunch box was awesome! :D
During the nurse scene i fell on my butt.... it hurt....but it got some laughs haha i feel accomplished :D
Amanda Sims I will be happy when im feeling better. I did get out and do some walking today. Honestly, im ready to go back to work. Im bored with being off already. We will see what doc says at my 2 week check up.
Jenny Torres I want to show my 16month old princess to learn were the potty but papi say not till 21m or 2yr do u think 16 m is to early
Kandi Campau I really like what you done to me, I can't really explain it! <3 bn lazii
Lisa Brown Toler So we are decorating our tree and Josh was putting a church ornament up and said this church doesn't have a cross on it. I told him not all churches have to have a cross on them. He said Oh! Right! Like our church it has "gas flames"! Ha!!! This goes out to my Doxa Church peeps!
Ladieslove Chance Amison I was jus walking dwn waycross in forest park I was txtn so I was looking dwn n than I look up these cars just wrecked
Austin Landrum sick as anything.. feels like the flu! hope i get better asap got big plans this weekend!!
Laura Almos What you're bringin' me boy is priceless. I gotta be outta my mind not to try this.::
Maddie Bell G- Grossest moment: ummmm..... when.... i really dont nooo?
Terri Howland Pippin Andrew is all excited about how muscular he is getting. He's really into fitness now and he & his friends are always working out. Looking at him I realize my baby is really a handsome, almost grown man now and with all the girls constantly texting him, I think they agree )~'=
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